Is food and sugar addiction real?

I tend to eat a lot of food.

I go from a period of time where I eat healthy stuff to a period of time where what I eat is unhealthy garbage. I stay skinny because I work out every day.

My boyfriend and I are going to do our food shopping tomorrow and he wants to do a complete overhaul of my food choices. The only unhealthy thing I can have as a compromise is a single frozen pizza. Everything else needs to be healthy food and healthy food ingredients. He says food addiction and sugar addiction are real things. Are they?

Yes 16
No 2
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Comments ( 7 )
  • Ligeia

    Food and sugar addictions are real things, but eating unhealthy stuff occasionally isn't a big deal when your diet is overall healthy. Why is your boyfriend being so controlling?

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  • normal-rebellious

    It's real, if it delights you you should eat cake with a cherry on top if you want to, but if you want to you should eat healthy food, it's mandatory. Woman can't live on junk food alone, she needs a balanced diet. And further down the line I feel shocked that people aren't eating right, getting fat as they do with a finger bun though they don't eat much, and as for your skinniness that doesn't mean you're healthy, lay off the sugar for 3 days, your heart will thank you for it, "thank you heart", "aw that's okay, woman". As for the most outrageously fattening steak sandwich with brown-sugar-laden honey-based bourbon barbeque sauce and maple bacon ever, it will do you a favour by tasting good.

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    You can be addicted to virtually anything. Some people are addicted to excercise while others are addicted to video games.

    Essentially, you can addicted to anything that makes you temporarily "happy". Dopamine and adrenaline are a bitch.

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  • Anonnet

    Unpopular opinion, but no I don't think it is (eating disorders are real, but we're talking about an otherwise healthy person sometimes eating chips and frozen pizza). People like food that tastes good, and it just so happens that sugar tastes good. You have a natural need to eat, and your brain tends to go for foods that are tasty and easily available when that urge triggers. From this post, it really doesn't sound like you're at any risk of developing any addiction.

    That said, eating healthy is definitely something to shoot for. Eating a balanced diet improves everything. Just don't go overboard and sit around miserable eating celery and kale. The healthy food you pick out should taste good, too!

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Sugar is literally classified as a drug

    "Sugar is noteworthy as a substance that releases opioids and dopamine and thus might be expected to have addictive potential."

    "Brain scans have confirmed that intermittent sugar consumption affects the brain in ways similar to certain drugs. A highly cited study in the journal Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews found that sugar—as pervasive as it is—meets the criteria for a substance of abuse and may be addictive to those who binge on it."

    Not only that but its really bad for you. It'll make you fat. You're probably still young but you wont stay skinny if you are eating this way forever.

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  • LloydAsher

    Of course it is. Thank your ancestors that you sugar is very tantalizing for us now.

    Being fat an happy was a good thing for the vast majority of history. Now that food is very, very common. We dont have a biological response to that yet.

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    • ospry

      The commonality of food still fluctuates pretty wildly depending on where you live. Spain? You've got nothing to worry about. Sudan? You'll have a lot harder of a time finding food of any nutritional value

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