Is god a certain color?
white | 71 | |
Other (Add a comment) | 57 | |
black | 36 | |
purple | 26 | |
blue | 14 | |
shines with all the colors | 124 | |
red | 5 |
Ask Your Question today
white | 71 | |
Other (Add a comment) | 57 | |
black | 36 | |
purple | 26 | |
blue | 14 | |
shines with all the colors | 124 | |
red | 5 |
i saw this on the rest of berlin wall:
how's god? - she's black.
i kinda liked it. though i'm not that religious.
Nothing, because there is no god. AND EVEN IF THERE IS, I don't give a damn.
everybody knows, god is a mongolian mountain goat herder called derek. hes a black man trapped in a white mans body. some say he's related to top gears the stig.
God does not exist so he has no color!
If he exists (We can't say because we don't know) he is a son of a bitch and the color should be brown!
If you shitbags don't even believe in God or Jesus, stop making asses out of yourselves and freakin stop commenting. Just because you choose to be atheist or some other religion, it doesn't give you the right to give shit to those that are Christian. And secondly, unless you have *met* Jesus, you can't come here being a smartass and saying he's black or white or anything. The bible was written by caucasians, so of course all the characters within were portrayed as white people. Those paintings were painted by white people.
Stop being such douche's people.
Don't say that! Jesus was obviously white. He's white in all the paintings done one and a half thousand years after his death, painted by people who didn't even really know the Middle East existed.
I know it doesn't say anywhere in the Bible that he was different in color than all the people around him, but who believes the Bible? Certainly not people who think Jesus was white. We believe in painters. They've got it right. Jesus was white. And those people Picasso knew... they had some weird ass faces.
Allegedly. How the fuck do you know? Oh, wait, you know everything, I forgot.
Ooh, now look who's stalking?
There is no scientific consensus about what race Jesus was, although because he came from the Middle East it is most likely that he was not white skinned.
I was being deliberately contentious. You see, 'twas for teh lulz, because it wasn't even a serious poll.
If there is a god, he has the thickest Jamaican accent you've ever heard.
synonym; ignoring the facts and blindly believing in illogicality and stupidity written by racist, sexist homophobic bigoted white men who created an imaginary friend so they had a simple explanation for questions that have now been answered by scientists with big brains and fancy equipment!
Evolve dammit, EVOLVE!
White light is a combination of all the colors, so both white and all colors would most likely be correct.
Or maybe it is a different answer. idk.
red is supposed to be evil and blue is supposed to good, so i guess thats why i imagine him to blue. God's pretty nice to people isnt he?
oh yeah, he's a real peach towards the starving kids in Africa, and the gay people who are beat up for being themselves, the kids with cancer, the women who get raped, the children with sexually abusive parents.
I could go on.
I hope you catch my drift.
Either he's a fucking asshole, or he isn't real.
I believe in the latter.
Jesus was middle eastern... Does it really matter what color God is? He just is and it wouldn't make him any less God if he was purple (it be pretty awesome lol). And to everyone saying rude stuff: If you don't believee in God, good for you. You have your beliefs or lack of it. But be understanding of everyone else's.
If you do believe in God then stop making Christains look like idots and go read a book.
Why/How is this a stupid question?? Why is it that all the people who are in support of God got thumbs downed and the non believers and people who cursed God got thumbs up? This shit is annoying sometimes.
Im atheist , but because of the origin of the bible / Jesus tale, wouldnt he have Islamic looks ? Tannish.
God's chosen people are Jews, so perhaps it makes sense that Jews are the most likely the 'look alike'. But who knows?