Is heaven real?

I know there aren't any confirmed facts on whether or it's real but I want to hear opinions. I'm agnostic so I'm unsure, but I really hope it's real. I want to see my family after I die and many other people who have influenced my life. I just experienced hearing the news of a friend's death yesterday and I can't help to imagine him in heaven, I really want to see him again..

yes 35
no 30
unsure 15
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Comments ( 41 )
  • CforCourageous

    Yes heaven is real and Jesus is the only way there. He said so Himself. God bless you and I hope you find Him

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  • bigol'dick

    I'm really sorry about your friend. I recently lost someone close to me too. I wish you well.

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  • Charli.m.s_Never_Ending_Period

    Heaven is when I knock down the rest of the world to my level of misery.

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  • sugartits

    how the fuck should i know

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  • I would like to think there is something beyond this existence. What exactly that may be I am not sure. I don't really believe in anything honestly. But if this life is all we get, that's a cruel joke.

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    • nobody13

      I kind of want this to be the only life for me because I'm afraid of what kind of life might exist beyond the grave. If this life is a cruel joke, the next one must be a really shitty punchline that nobody understands, and if they do, they're probably worse off for it.

      What if we just keep living the same lives over and over again? We die, forget everything about this life, and then live it again?

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      • I feel the same way in sorts. I don't want this life to be it. But I don't know what comes after so I can't really say I want that either.

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  • Crow

    There's no way to say for sure but I honestly doubt it.

    Even if it did exist, it'll likely be fucked up with people from different eras, speaking different languages, with conflicting beliefs - who can't kill each other. It'll be like living in a hyper, passive-aggressive place where no one leaves.

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  • icanteven

    id like to think and hope so, im sorry about your friend.
    im sure you'll see each other again one day:)

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  • Popeawesomethe1st

    Heaven isn't so faraway.

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  • Holzman_67

    Purgatory maybe

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  • Dot123

    Heaven is just a term for space in the sky. Heaven could just be outer-space or a planet which the Gods came from. They descended from the stars to earth. Heaven is basically just a religious term for outer-space/sky

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  • Beep_Beep

    Heaven is when you finish parochial schools and realize that you have been released from Hell.

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  • Arm0se

    I say yes because I had a dream about it, but I have no proof sorry \(._.)/

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  • wigz

    I'm going with yes. Heaven can be and probably has been warped into a religious agenda but the base concept of being near death and experiencing euphoria is, uh, pretty solidly proven. Then what happens? Hahaha!

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    • billygoatsgruf

      Unless you consider anecdotal evidence from a small percentage of people who had a near death experience (many of which the person mearly thought it was near death) as solid evidence, I am not sure what solid proof you are referring to. If you have some solid proof that aren't anecdotes please share it, because I would love to see it. In the mean time, here is some science on the subject of you are interested...

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      • wigz

        Yeah, that is exactly what I am talking about. The small percent of people who can report back on a 'near death' experience. Most of them report a pleasant experience? As if remaining calm may help somehow? Showing it to be favorable trait? They'd also likely infer there was an afterlife which probably encouraged
        the relogious additions.

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        • billygoatsgruf

          While that may be true, I didn't say only a small percentage can report back. I said only a small percentage of people who have the experience and survive report anything at all. Most people report experiencing nothing. To refer to that as "solidly proven" is a serious overstatement. Did you read the article I posted? You really should.

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          • wigz

            Yeah, I experienced nothing myself. Weird! Or maybe I was not actually dying right then! Who knows! Who cares?

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  • dytrog

    It can't be proven if it does or not.
    Just like nothing from nothing created everything by nothing.

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  • Anonymous-Poll-Creator

    No, its a fairy tale intended for children to help them deal with death that many weak minded adults never let go of. It was also used as a promise to the ignorant and uneducated in years past to control their actions and maintain their loyalty that somehow many educated and literate people today continue to believe in.

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    • Thedollcollector8==D

      I agree with what you are saying but your tone tells me you are a very unpleasant person. I bet you are one of those people that would spite your own face if it meant that you were to be right and/or win an argument. Your pretentious little attitude shows. I am not even religious either. So I am not bias. You just seem like a pompous little bastard.

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      • Anonymous-Poll-Creator

        I couldn't care less about winning or losing an argument, nor was I attempting to engage in one. A question was asked I answered it. People are free to disagree, I take no offense in that. If you don't like the tone of my response that is an opinion you are free to have, and I have no issue with that either.

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        • Beep_Beep

          Hey man, I'm an asshole. You're an asshole. I'll drink a toast to that.

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  • AbnormallyAwesome

    I can't tell you what it is, but I'm sure there's more. Here are my reasons:

    1. Nobody can really explain who you are. If all we are is a biological brain, why do you have this subjective view of the universe. What is it that is experiencing your life? What we call consciousness or soul is the only thing we can objectively proof exists: "I think, therefore I am."

    2. There is a force of good in this world. Even in the darkest places some people show love and compassion. Some even sacrifice their own lifes for others. Rationally, that is nuts. In this world the compassionate get crushed and the wicked rule, yet love can't seem to be killed and grows even stronger in misery.

    3. If I die and there is no heaven, it's not so bad. I've lived a comfortable life and I am loved by many people. I have had most things one could wish for.
    But what about a child born into hell on earth. Someone who was abused from the beginning and died without love and with nobody to remember them. People die every day who knew nothing but pain eventhough they deserved so much more.
    I can not believe those lifes are lost forever, that it was all for nothing. Not if there is any justice or good in this world, and I believe there is.

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    • gloryholeflasher

      I like your logic!

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  • cocknballs

    It's real, but you get butt raped up there or so I heard

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    • wigz

      In heaven, everyone prefers butt rape.

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  • thegypsysailor

    And just where would you find this mythical place? Up in the clouds?
    If it were to exist, I couldn't think of a more horrible existence; no sex, no drugs and no rock and roll. Just sitting on a cloud strumming a fucking harp for eternity; how is THAT paradise?

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    • billygoatsgruf

      Maybe it is more like a French Boarding school that your mom sends you to while she is giving you $5 at age 12 to join a commercial fishing vessel?

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    • wigz

      If heaven is sex, drugs and rock n roll then it DOES exist, right here and now!! If it exists elsewhere then maybe it's so great that sex, drugs and rock n roll are mere child's play and there's pleasures there beyond your imagination. Or, you know, you just cease to function and the lights go out but from accounts of people who have died and come back-and scientific evidence of brain activity in that sounds very plausible that when we experience near-death, our brains create a momentary heaven with some super cool chemical reactions.

      Conclusion: Heaven is real

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      • thegypsysailor

        Oh please!
        It has been proven time and time again that the 'white light' experienced by those who have had a near death experience is nothing more than Brain Hypoxia. You can experience this any time you choose, if you wish.
        Personally, I choose to believe that there is nothing after death and that's just fine with me. I have had a wonderfully full, exciting and interesting life and I shall not go out regretting anything I DIDN'T do.
        The grand adventure is almost over and I had a blast!

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        • green_boogers

          "Verily, I say unto thee. Heaven is in another dimension." XXx:Vxx. Of course, this is probably bullshit to manipulate the masses. But to disprove the existence of heaven by negation (that is to say its not the case that is the case). You can't be so narrow fucking minded. You have to show that you have considered all possibilities.

          This is why I say that a proof or disproof can never be accomplished. People report leaving their bodies in death experiences. But, how can one say the euphoria of brain hypoxia extends into eternity?

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          • thegypsysailor

            Good points all.
            It's just that I would so much like to dissuade those who believe in heaven and those who believe in an afterlife, from doing so at the expense the one and only GUARANTEED life they have been given, here and now.

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            • green_boogers

              I saddens me as well to see all the earnest sincere people being led into obedience. A life without sex, drugs, or rock'n'roll is a life poorly lived.

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        • wigz

          Well, you were the one who said heaven was sex, drugs and rock n roll. That's obviously earthy and limited by mere mortal minds.

          Eh does it matter? The main point is that when put in a near-death experience, humans tend to report a calm, euphoric feeling. I'm not saying it is supernatural. It has been said to be a survival trait. Obviously when humans cross that barrier and report a euphoric experience, a reasonable person can put 2+2 together and accept at the very least the human brain creates a 'heaven'. It also explains how idealistic forms of HEAVENS came about.

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          • billygoatsgruf

            The sailor didn't say heaven is sex drugs and rock n roll, he said the opposite. He said heaven would NOT have those things and so it would be a boring place he wouldn't want to spend eternity.

            The idea that the brain creates a heaven is nonsensical. One of the factors for death is brain death. A dead brain creates nothing. Even if it did, it is a soft tissue organ that rots quickly, organs are also sometimes incinerated after autopsy, and of course many people are creamated. The point being the brain only exists for a short period of time after death. So even if a dead brain were capable of creating a euphoric afterlife, it would be a very short one.

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