Is is normal that i get scared so easily?

I jump and flinch at just about everything. If I see a shadow at the corner of m eye I jump hard. In fact if I catch any type of sudden movement it causes me to jump or flinch involuntary.

When someone around me reaches for something or just re-positions themselves in their seat I jump and hold my hands up like they are going to hit me when they obviously are not.It is extremely bad when something is getting thrown. The object doesn't have to be anywhere near me, but if I see that the object is airborne it causes me to flinch/cringe and hold move my arms in a position that one would do to block themselves from being hit.

I even flinch when scare myself too. One time while walking down the street, I kept hearing noises, so I looked behind me and saw a shadow. I jumped so hard I nearly fell. After I got my balance I realize it was only the shadow of a tree. I was so startled that my legs were trembling and shaking and I continued to feel this way for like 30 minutes after it happened. What's funny is that watching scary movies do not have this effect on me at all.

This issue of mine is not only annoying but embarrassing as well. It often happens in public and I cannot control it. I have had people ask me multiple times if I'm okay or look at me weird when I do my flinching thing. It's terrible to have people just stare at you while making a weird face. D:

Is there anyway to fix this issue of mine?

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Comments ( 6 )
  • Karmasbitch


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    • Lol Why does everyone always tell me that? D:

      Also that doesn't help with my problem, (made me laugh though...xD)

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    • disthing


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  • pastor_of_muppets


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  • Are you really skinny? I know it sounds crazy, but I read somewhere that larger people with more mass startle less easily than smaller people.

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  • modernism

    That's probably because you might just be extremely keen to fear. It's something about survival and being aware of your surrounds in order to stay alive. I guess you're just really evolved on that.

    Plus scary movies probably don't scare you because you know it's not in real life and have no logical or possible harm on you. As for fixing it, I don't know. (Ikr, so helpful)

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