Is is normal to squat?

Whenever I use the bathroom to pee,I usually squat over it. Even at home, not just in public bathrooms. I don't like to sit on the toilet seat in public place even after I've placed toilet paper/ a seat cover. It just makes me feel sooo uncomfortable. I do this at home too because sometimes the seat is wayy too cold. Sometimes I just need to pee real fast and I dont feel the need to sit, or say if Im cooking and have something on the stove in the ktchen. I dont have time to sit.
Does anyone else do this stuff?? Is it just me? INN?

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55% Normal
Based on 53 votes (29 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • randomjelly

    Time to sit? You are there for the same amount of time...sitting or squatting.

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  • RoseIsabella

    What about when you gotta poop?

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  • ImMe

    I squat no matter where just because I'm afraid I would get in a habit of sitting and have to pee really bad out in public and out of habit forget to just squat then I’d probably catch some horrible disease and be mutated or die or something ... ok so i know totally irrational thoughts but i am a squatter LOL

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  • Bellapro

    I squat in public toilets but not at home. I can't see how it would save time.

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  • Well yes, but I just feel its more quicker for some reason...Like if im in a hurry, I just run to the bathroom, squat and pee reall fast, then run out(after washing my hands of course)

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