Is islam a danger to the us?
This week I read an article that said 80% of mosques teach jihad to their followers, and I also read an article that says many Muslims have been attacked in the US because they are Muslim.
Yes | 82 | |
No | 71 | |
Undecided | 9 |
Ask Your Question today
This week I read an article that said 80% of mosques teach jihad to their followers, and I also read an article that says many Muslims have been attacked in the US because they are Muslim.
Yes | 82 | |
No | 71 | |
Undecided | 9 |
But I thought they wanted to be just like us and barbeque, socialize, have a honkydory time... They MEAN no hard you are mean not them!
How dare you,.. Eh,...ditch.,,, They want to be just like us and THEY ARE HUMAN TOO!!!
I've heard there are places in Spain where the butcher shops openly display pig carcasses, and personally I think we need to start doing that in the United States there's a certain quaintness about it that appeals to my sensibilities.
They DON'T want to assimilate on fact they are preached by their Iman's NOT to assimitate. They want to keep thier religion and race separate.
You people are truly lost children of God are not evil no matter what they believe keep listing to mainstream media and you will never know the truth lack of your own research leaves you no room to talk
if islam is a religion of peace then Islamic extremists should be extremely peaceful
It's dangerous if we keep our borders open and turning a blind eye to terrorism perpetrated by immigrants, allowing apologists and leftists to keep finding excuses for these acts of barbarism that seem to be more and more prevalent in the western world. We control our destinies. Only we, the responsible people, who still own a shrivel of awareness and dignity that makes us care about our safety and integrity, can make a difference.
We shouldn't allow marxists and childish libtards to lead this country.
"Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run, then outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing."
That you are willing to trade your civil liberties and constitutional guaranties for 'security' is pretty telling of how so many Americans have become terrified of the wrong thing.
It terrifies me that I've lost my right to an attorney, a phone call and due process in general. The terrorists have already won.
What the hell are you yammering about? All I get from your reply is a bunch of incomprehensible horseshit.
"That you are willing to trade your civil liberties and constitutional guaranties for 'security"
How the heck does this even make any sense to you?! You're making it sound like the concepts of security and constitutional rights are mutually exclusive.
Have you read the patriot act? Do you even know what you've lost? And have you found your life more secure for that loss or less so?
I'd pay a lot more attention to the dangers our government now presents than a handful of terrorists.
Ask Snowden why he risked EVERYTHING so you would know the extent of the government's intrusion into YOUR life, in the name of national security.
I don't think we have much choice cause if we keep letting them in they will fuck us up majorly.
Please pay attention to details. They killed so many French for no reason. It makes me so ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)
I'm not racist, I'm not prejudice, I take people as they are but Islam has proven itself to be a religion/cult based on hatred, violence and barbaric ideas, everyone should stand against it.
No Islam is not . Ban terrorists they dont hv any religion. Jus brainwashed idiots . Fuck u donald trump
Sorry everyone I shot that response off without turning my brain on first: no excuse but I'm quite spaced out after eye surgery
Cataract removal last Friday. I see the surgeon again tomorrow and will then have arrangements for the other eye to be done early next year. As well as removing the cataract, a permanent artificial lens to correct longsightedness was inserted, so when the other eye is done I'll only need glasses for closeup work for the first time in 40 years.
Amazing eh, and how luck am I to live in a country with one of those dreaded communistic public health systems? As I'm on government benefits, none of this will cost me one cent! Also amazing: the corrective lenses come all the way to Australia from Fort Worth Texas
My father had that a few years ago, he's super pleased with the results.
You know I was actually asking out of genuine concern for your welfare. So I'm not interested in the sarcastic political responses. I honestly hope it goes well. I think bringing politics into it is rather a cheap shot though.
Thanks! Honestly, I pray for people, but some people here make a big stink about how they believe there's no god when all one wants to do is say, "hey I wish you well in your endeavor and or crisis." I do know some cool people who are atheists on here, but there are too few.
I hadn't noticed that any of your recent mass shootings had been carried out by muslims
You must live under a rock Ellena.
But I guess that's typical for you. I notice you tend to see things the way you want them to be and not as they actually are.
Actually, the most recent mass shooting in San Bernardino was committed by Muslims. And funny how you forgot about 9/11... But I guess that's not recent enough for you... Same goes for all terrorist attacks happening in Europe.
But instead you choose to downplay the issue by mentioning unrelated incidents. Like it's somewhat relevant to the topic.
If many Muslims are getting attacked in the US then we are giving them a reason to Jihad.
No, they're giving Americans a reason to dislike them by their stupid beliefs. Trump is 100% right. Honestly, America and any other country has a right to turn away anyone they wish. Once again Japan is showing the way, they are a wise nation!
Are you saying we should take his suggestion and kill all Syrian refugees? Trump was SO smart when he said that. We should DEFINITELY kill thousands of innocent people whose lives have been completely shattered and ruined, and little kids are swimming all the way to Lebanon(they found the corpse of a three year old in Lebanon) He has no compassion whatsoever. If he becomes president, I will move to Korea if I have to
No, we shouldn't kill them, but neither the United States nor any country should ever be obligated to accept them. It's sad when tiny children die, but that little boy's death was no more tragic than the death of any small child, nor was his life worth any more than other children. There are plenty of other people in need of help right in America.
What about the Paris attacks? Or are the live's of Western people worth less than those of potential terrorists to you and your kind.
We ought to ban their style of dress. Freedom of religion ought not to include the enemies of the United States and it's allies. Political correctness and multiculturalism are scourge upon this Earth.
Once again I bow toward and honor Japan!
Unfortunately today, especially the younger kids are brain washed by the left to avoid being truthful because you will hurt feelings, this leads to death and criminals winning...the answer is YES and YES