Is it bad i don’t like getting drunk/high?

i don’t like getting drunk/high. i still go to parties & still have a super amazing time. no, it’s not because i don’t like not being in control, it’s not because of religious reasons, it’s not because of medical reasons. i just simply don’t like it. and i do not know why it’s made into such a big deal.

Voting Results
77% Normal
Based on 22 votes (17 yes)
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Comments ( 30 )
  • Jamie_Sulky

    Very very normal. I used to drink a lot senior year of high school and during my gap year, and though I somewhat enjoyed the effects of alcohol, I overall had a bad time because of the nauseousness and sickness I felt when drinking. I had to face the matter and just stopped drinking, not because I want to be clean but because I just dislike it. It's not for everyone man. Theres plenty of things I enjoy far more then alcohol, so I'll just stick to that. alcohol is yet only one of many activities.

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    That's normal.

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  • Rocketrain

    It's so funny because there are some down votes and people say it's not normal.
    I've done drinking and weed. But now I'm sober. I do the same I do enjoy parties without any alcohol or any other substance. It's fun to see people messing around while Intoxicated. You can't enjoy that show if you are drunk too.

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    • oceanprints

      nope. not even that. i just don't like getting drunk.

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  • idolomantis

    That sounds like a good thing lol

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  • Grunewald

    Totally get it. I don't want to throw up, act like a fool and say/do things I'll regret, either.

    A glass or two over lunch with friends suits me fine.

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    • oceanprints

      um, no. i have friends & a boyfriend who does it and i don’t look down on them. i have it’s just not something i like doing or want to do.

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      • Grunewald

        There's no need for anyone to look down on anyone, but I still know what kind of person I like to avoid when alone in a dark alleyway, and I don't want to become that!!

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  • bbrown95

    There's absolutely nothing wrong with that, and don't let anyone tell you there is or try to pressure you. That kind of thing isn't for everyone.

    I have never been drunk or high (just tipsy, and it was enough to make me feel really nauseous and I hated it), and have no desire to, because nothing about being inebriated seems enjoyable to me. I also felt really "out of it" for years on a cocktail of SSRIs and other meds during my adolescence, so I know all too well what that feels like and hate it, and do not miss it. Perhaps being under the influence of different things feels different, but I really like being fully aware and not having a drowsy or lightheaded feeling like I used to have every single day for 7-8 years. I have also seen how miserable people look when they're hungover and have no desire to even give that a try.

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  • Somenormie

    I have never been drunk so I won't know how it's like.

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  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    It's not "bad" at all. I hate the taste of alcohol myself. I will smoke marijuana though. In my early college years people would ask if I wanted to go drinking and I would ask if there would be weed too, if the answer was no I wouldn't go lol

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  • olderdude-xx

    It's actually a good sign...

    Find other friends who don't need drugs and excessive alcohol use in order to have fun. That's what I did - and they are out there.

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    • Tommythecaty

      It’s usually the sign of a petty control freak and not good at all....

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      • olderdude-xx

        I'm not a control freak, and have never been.

        I am highly independent... and done many things that most other people only dream about.

        Note that my father was an alcoholic and it destroyed his life and significantly affected the family.

        My personality is just like his - and I figured I could never afford to get into drinking or it would have destroyed me as well.

        All 7 or my brothers and sisters have agreed with my assessment when I told them why I don't drink.

        Sometimes people are smart enough as teenagers to make the right choice for thier life on something. In this case, not drinking was the right choice.

        Also, it does not stop me from having fun... a lot of it.

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        • Tommythecaty

          Control freak, with a hint of self righteousness.

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          • oceanprints

            how does not drinking make you self righteous?????

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            • Tommythecaty

              It doesn’t make someone self righteous automatically. But they certainly can be about it.

              The straight edge community is filled with that shit.

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          • olderdude-xx

            So because I chose not to drink that makes me a control freak.... Ha Ha Ha...

            Just because I have self control does not make me a control freak.

            "Control freaks are often perfectionists; and such persons manipulate and pressure others to change so as to avoid having to change themselves, and use power over others to escape an inner emptiness."

            I have a full life (no inner emptiness in me) and have never objected to any friends or my wife from drinking; and my wife has several kinds of alcohol in the house. Never bothered me.

            Nor do I try to control other people except in an emergency situation where immediate significant injury possibilities exist (which I believe has only come up twice in my life).

            I do on occasion make suggestions, and the people can follow or not as they see fit.

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            • Tommythecaty

              True self control would be if one could drink and then stop.

              Avoiding something all together is more akin to a fear response.

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      • dude_Jones

        My inhibitions are already lower than drunk people. Controlling myself on soft drinks is a humorously haphazard initiative.

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      • oceanprints

        um no i’m not a control freak😂😂😭i just don’t like getting drunk/high. i can’t control what i don’t like.

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    • oceanprints

      it’s literally not that rare at all. i have friends who get drunk and high and i have friends who don’t, it doesn’t matter to any of us.

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  • KholatKhult

    Good. Don’t drink or do any drugs then, all it does is harm you, whether people want to admit it or not.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Must be hard being around drunk and high people and not be drunk and high. If im sober people drunk get on my nerves

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    • oceanprints

      it’s not hard lol. i don’t really care at all, my boyfriend drinks and smokes and it doesn’t bother me at all lmao

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  • Doing drugs occasionally is good.

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    • this post was misleading, i drink but i don’t get drunk. i don’t smoke or get high at all though.

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