Is it bad that i didn't report this guy?
So it was night and I was coming out of Lowe's. I'd just bought a can of WD-40. I was just walking and minding my own business and all of a sudden I hear someone running up behind me and grabs my arm. It was a guy and he says "Come here and let me get that ass" it scared me so bad. But I remembered I had the WD-40 so I sprayed him in the eyes and RAN FOR MY LIFE! I DIDN'T GRAB NO SHOES OR NOTHING! I don't even know what he looks like but I knew I had to run. So I ran back to the store and camped out for a bit. But I didn't report him because it was scary and embarrassing. I thought being a guy would lower my chances of getting raped but I was wrong. I just feel scared and vulnerable now :(