Is it bad that i want to die?

Hello, guys
Here's my story (Sorry for bad English):
I'm bipolar and have been having severe emotional problems ever since I can remember. Ever since I was 14 I've been on a lot of meds that only killed the manic phase of my illness and left the depressive disorder practically intact. Because I'm bipolar type 2 I get to spend 6-8 months of relative peace and then I have to endure up to a year of mayor depression.
When I'm depressed... it's hell. And I always want to die but can't kill myself because I lack the courage. But now I'm okay... it just dawns to me that considering the pain I have to go through every year, I don't think my life is worth living. I'm having fun now, feeling healthy, even being a successful university student, but just the thought of the depression that is coming... i don't know guys. It makes my skin crawl.

So my question is, is it bad that I want to die soon? Now that I'm happy and before I have to go through all that soul breaking pain again. I can't help but daydream about something, anything, killing me so I don't have to kill myself later and go through that stress. Thinking of dying makes me so happy! In a very peaceful way. is that bad?

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Comments ( 2 )
  • Damien_Burt

    I think everyone in life will probably want to kill themselves for one reason or another the reason doesn't it's your decision to make if your want to end your life it is your life and you do control it so if you feel you want to do it you don't oh well live how you want I mean really your going to die suicide is kinda like you fuck you can't fire me I quit.

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  • Get on a mood stabilizer(will prevent mania) and then add an antidepressant(will prevent depresion)on top of it.

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