Is it bad that i want to die?
Hello, guys
Here's my story (Sorry for bad English):
I'm bipolar and have been having severe emotional problems ever since I can remember. Ever since I was 14 I've been on a lot of meds that only killed the manic phase of my illness and left the depressive disorder practically intact. Because I'm bipolar type 2 I get to spend 6-8 months of relative peace and then I have to endure up to a year of mayor depression.
When I'm depressed... it's hell. And I always want to die but can't kill myself because I lack the courage. But now I'm okay... it just dawns to me that considering the pain I have to go through every year, I don't think my life is worth living. I'm having fun now, feeling healthy, even being a successful university student, but just the thought of the depression that is coming... i don't know guys. It makes my skin crawl.
So my question is, is it bad that I want to die soon? Now that I'm happy and before I have to go through all that soul breaking pain again. I can't help but daydream about something, anything, killing me so I don't have to kill myself later and go through that stress. Thinking of dying makes me so happy! In a very peaceful way. is that bad?