Is it bad to feed my cat sweets as a treat
can anyone please tell me the health risks?
is it bad for her?
I dont feed her human food all the time, ocasionaly after she eats her cat food i like to give her a human treat
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can anyone please tell me the health risks?
is it bad for her?
I dont feed her human food all the time, ocasionaly after she eats her cat food i like to give her a human treat
its ok. myy dogg ate nothingg but human food. eggs, turkey meat, veggies. lol
Don't overdo it and be careful what you give them, some human foods are not good for animals. Chocolate is toxic to dogs and the artificial sweetener xylitol will kill a dog.
It doesn't hurt to feed cats human food. The rule of thumb is, if the pet will eat it, it's okay to feed it the food. All this crap about it being dangerous for animals to eat "human food" is just something the pet food manufacturers want people to believe so they can sell more pet food.
Chocolate is really bad for cats (and dogs too) so it really depends on what sort of sweets you give your cat. Also, and I just found this out recently, cats can't really taste sweet things so you would be better off giving your cat savory cat treats because they would be healthier and probably tastier for her :D
Hmm... why not buy kitty treats for your cat instead?
I mean, I don't think there's too much of a bad effect if you only give a very small piece every so often but I think getting some small kitty chocolate drops or yummy biscuits would be better for your mog.
i dont think there's bad effects if you do this in moderation. my cat eats bits of donuts and cookies and chips sometimes, he's 14 yrs old and ok