Is it bad to tell your friends bf/gf that they were cheating on them?

i think if your friend cheats on your significant other and you know about it and do not tell them you are just bad and you are supporting their disgusting behavior. friend or not, wrong is wrong.

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Comments ( 18 )
  • darefu

    If your friend is cheating on YOUR significant other you got bigger problems than your friend!

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      Right? She cant write

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      • oceanprints

        i meant if you witnessed your friend cheating on their significant other, would you tell the significant other?

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        • 1WeirdGuy

          If you are her friend why would you stab her back like this? If you dont approve of it tell her you dont approve and distance yourself from her. But if you're truly her friend you wont betray her trust in you like that. If you did that to a friend thats just as bad as what shes doing if not worse.

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  • sweetone89

    Stay out of the drama!

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  • RoseIsabella

    I wouldn't advise doing this unless you could do so anonymously.

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    It’s a tough call, but you’re better off keeping your mouth shut, at the risk of 1) she/he won’t believe you, and you’ll look like a troublemaker, or 2) they’ll fight it out but then reconcile and both will hate you for getting involved.

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    Well, if your friend is cheating on your S/O, you may want to inform yourself. Also, consider new friends.

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  • jethro

    It's none of your business. Keep out of it.

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  • RoyyRogers

    I mean that would be the morally correct thing to do.

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  • SwickDinging

    I had this once when I was 19. She was my best friend. I wasn't 100% sure, I had only heard it through someone else. But that person had no reason to lie to me and had seen it himself. He even told me privately so it didn't embarrass my friend and I could break it to her gently.

    I chose to believe in the tiny chance that it wasn't true, and told myself that this was the reason I kept quiet. Looking back on it now I can say that the real reason I said nothing is because I was a coward and I cared more about myself and my friendship with her than I did about doing the right thing. She found out eventually in a very public and horrible way. It was awful. She also realised that I already knew and felt betrayed by me.

    I believe that if you know someone is cheating then it is right to let their partner know, but people usually advise against this because it often backfires on the messenger. I didn't do the right thing in that situation so I'm certainly not going to judge someone else who stays quiet. It's up to you whether or not you want to take that risk.

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  • Lusty-Argonian

    I'd tell them. They have a right to know and if the situation was reversed I'd want them to tell me. If they desire to they can hate me for it but at least they'll know what's going on.

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  • darefu

    If it's his SO then it's a lose lose situation unless you are really a friend of one more than the other

    You infact by speaking up or staying silent chose a side.

    When it does come out and they know you knew and it will, you most likely will not be a friend of one of them.

    Time to 'Chose a side'

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  • Yeah. If I knew a friend of mine was cheating i'd first try to talk them out of being such a lowlife, then i'd distance myself from them. It's possible I would tell their partner but probably anonymously if so.
    One of my exes cheated seemingly quite openly with his ex. I'm pretty sure his friends knew but no one told me and i'll never forget that.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    It's a lose lose situation. If you tell them, there's a very good chance they'll get upset, stop talking to you, and continue to date the cheater even if the cheater continues to hurt them. If you don't tell them and they find out, they'll wonder why you didn't tell them and they'll stop talking to you. Being in that position kind of sucks.

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  • bigbudchonger

    I would stay loyal to my friend, even if I disagreed with their behaviour.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      I didnt understand what she was saying because she wrote it terribly. But if its her friend and she even considers ratting on her friend like that shes a bad friend

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I would not get involved. You'll just suck yourself into a bunch of drama. Its none of your business. I was in this very same position recently but it involved a kid that was possibly not his. I decided to stay out of it and not say anything.

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