Is it better to be devoutly religious or devoutly scientific?

There are valid arguments for each position, and the consequences of each are far reaching. But in general, which do you think would be better than the other. Please explain your reasoning. Don't be afraid to cut loose and offend people. Brutal honesty is very welcomed.

Devoutly religious. 11
Devoutly scientific. 39
They are roughly of equal importance. 12
Both are bad. 10
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Comments ( 29 )
  • pyromagic310

    Personally, I am an Agnostic. I believe that both are existent, there's something out there that created the science of the universe. And I don't believe it's a man.

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  • NeofelisNebulosa

    Science is rooted in reality. Some religion can be good, but it does not share equal footing with science, which can be proved or disproved and helps us further our knowledge of how the universe works. Plus, the fact that every religion contradicts the other should tell you something. Here is a quote I heard from a friend:

    "Just as masturbation satisfies the drive to reproduce without actually reproducing, religion satisfies the drive to understand without actually understanding."

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    • linchpin

      Perfect use of the quote well played.

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    • Short4Words

      Why do you even identify as Christian?

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      • NeofelisNebulosa

        It's hard to explain. But I value science and separation of church and state more than spreading religion. I still believe in God and I try to be a good person, but perhaps I am a bad Christian.

        Are you a Christian?

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        • Short4Words


          I think as long as you make the distinction between religion and faith no harm is done.

          It might do you some good to find others like yourself. Not all churches are batshit crazy or hateful.

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          • NeofelisNebulosa

            Maybe I will. I haven't been to any church in years. I live in a rural area so the churches around here are pretty crazy lol.

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            • Short4Words

              You'd be surprised.

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          • linchpin

            Yeah I have a friend who's Christian and she's lovely, sane and never tries to brainwash you unlike all the others I've ever met in my life.

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        • ArmusWasTheFirstTroll

          Why not just believe in God and abandon the belief in religion?

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          • NeofelisNebulosa

            I sort of have done that. Just not entirely. I guess I'll figure it out eventually :)

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  • handsignals

    Knowledge eliminates fear

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  • Steve2.0

    Science of course. Fact beats fiction all the time.

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  • Unimportant

    There's something creepy about being devout, imo.

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  • chained_rage

    Devoutly potato chips

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  • nobody13

    It depends on what the question is. Science is useful for answering specific questions about the natural world using empirically gathered and verifiable data. Its logic is primarily inductive, and while it isn't a system without flaws, it is a system with what might be considered the least amount of flaws. While it is true that virtually any belief one holds takes a degree of faith to believe in, science allows one to believe in certain propositions with less faith than they would need otherwise, or rather, science gives direction to one's faith and allows one to believe in certain propositions with a greater amount of reason or legitimacy than they would have otherwise.

    This also depends on what you mean by "better." Better for what purposes, precisely? While I don't believe that religion is necessary for one to have a system of morals, I don't believe that science is capable of devising a system of morals, hence why I believe that being devoutly scientific isn't all that great either. While one might find that information gathered through empirical research might allow one to make more informed judgments on certain moral issues, I don't believe that science can actually tell one what the value of a moral action is. This isn't what science was made for, being that science merely gathers and explains data about the world, but doesn't really tell one how they are to act with this data, or what the ethical dimensions of this data are. Again, though, I don't think religion is necessary for one to behave in a moral fashion, or even possess a valid moral framework of some sort.


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  • ArmusWasTheFirstTroll

    I would like to know some of these valid arguments for the devoutly religious.

    I vote for devoutly scientific. A devoutly scientific person would believe in the evidence without regard for where it may lead him. If the evidence leads him to the existence of a creator, that is what he will believe.

    Conversely, if evidence could ever prove that God did not exist, a devoutly religious person would disregard that evidence and their beliefs would go unchanged.

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  • mystery7

    " general, which do you think would be better than the other."?

    Better? Better for what?

    It's a bit like asking, What is better? a hammer or a computer?

    I disagree with the basic premise of your answer choices. Science and spirituality are useful for different things. The notion that science and spirituality are somehow mutually exclusive does a disservice to both.

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    • Whoa. Settle down there, cowboy. First off, the notion is that they are mutually independent, not mutually exclusive. Secondly, the issue is "far reaching". That means you have to use a bit of imagination and self-direction to give an answer that is insightful or useful in ANY way. Civilization? Society? Individual completeness? You frame the details the way YOU want.

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      • mystery7

        I made my point that science and spirituality are useful for different things.

        You responded by being patronising.

        Also what is the purpose of saying, "...the issue is "far reaching"? Isn't that kind of stating the obvious?

        Here's my take on the science part of the equation. (BTW I am not anti-science by any means).

        Science has its limits. It seems people are always equating science with rationality, yet what is beyond science is not necessarily irrational.

        For example, science cannot tell us if a work of literature, art or music are good, bad or beautiful. Science CAN tell us if you put a certain amount of cyanide into your spouses coffee it will kill them. But science cannot tell us if it's morally right to do so.

        Science cannot answer even the basic questions of a child: Who am I? What is the meaning and purpose of my existence? What is consciousness?

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        • OK. So science has limits, and religion/spirituality has limits. Care to tell us a bit more?

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  • green_boogers

    There seems to be a grand rationality to the universe. But it's a process, not a person-like entity.

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  • RoseIsabella

    What matters most is being a good person.

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    • green_boogers

      I'll vouch for ya, Rosie. You're a good egg

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      • RoseIsabella

        Thanks, Boogie.

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  • linchpin

    I'm too solipsistic to be devout either way.

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  • TrollingForJesus

    All you scientists will burn in the fires of HELL someday. But, we, the self-righteous, will find eternal life. Repent. Respond to the fear and hope that my message makes you feel. Act on your emotions. Join a church today and give them your money and your wishful thinking. Do this as commanded by my interpretation of the scriptures. You are useful to my cause if you don't think for yourselves. And, why think about it when I can deliver something you will never be alive to return.

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    • ThingOne

      Shut up, troll. We've heard it all before.

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    • RoseIsabella

      I dunno or care what church you go to, but in the Roman Catholic Church there are plenty of scientists in the Jesuit Order.

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