Is it common to label yourself with your mental health issues?

I feel like people are too 'proud' of their mental health challenges, but I honestly don't believe most of them are actually diagnosed. I don't mean this to sound insensitive but it prob does.

Like how someone publicly says "I suffer from bipolar depression and your music has helped me so much!" and if that's true, that's great, but... 1, I personally wouldn't publicize my mental health struggles and 2, These types of comments happen so often that I feel like most of them are just self-diagnosed and attention seeking.

I prob sound like a bad person lmao But I swear I'm just curious. But yeah I just don't believe in labeling yourself with whatever mental health thing you're struggling with. You're more than that.

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Comments ( 8 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    it bothers me that people see these issues as hard limits in their life and use em as an excuse to immediately give up rather than temporary barriers to be chipped away and overcome

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    • bbrown95

      Completely agreed, and I've sadly known some mental health professionals to approach it this way as well, which in my opinion is much more harmful than good. It destroys people's confidence rather than encouraging them to make the best of what they have and keep trying to improve their situation, and it also serves as a convenient excuse for those who don't want to leave their comfort zone (I know people who have pretty much made up their minds that they are not capable of things they've never even tried because someone in their past told them they have something wrong with them, and it's more comfortable for them to use that excuse and avoid the issue entirely than it is to put in the effort to better their situation).

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  • bbrown95

    I do feel it's becoming a bit of an "identity" thing to some people, which it shouldn't be. It's also becoming popular and trendy in a way, which I think is also a shame.

    I completely agree that people are more than any mental affliction they may have and it's not healthy to make it such a huge part of their identity. I actually think people are going too far with making many different traits their entire identity these days rather than just something about them. I think social media has likely popularized that.

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    It's important to remember that mental health issues have brcome increasingly common to diagnose; arguably to the point of professional misdiagnosis being just as common self-diagnosis.

    Although, yes, it has become equally as popular to wear your mental health issues as a badge of honor of sorts. Honestly, with how common some of them are it's not suprising that people are open about them.

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  • ibrokemyds

    i feel like it kind of depends on context. there's times it's appropriate to bring up, like in conversations specifically about the topic of mental health or in situations where mental issues could be a genuine reason for a persons struggles (like how it can be harder for people with mental disorders to hold a stable job or make meaningful connections with people). but you're right that it's unnecessary to bring up randomly in conversations about unrelated things.

    self diagnosis is a real issue though - especially with gen z kids who spend a lot of time on social media. when i was in my younger teens the big thing to fake was depression, now it's mainly tourettes and DID.

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  • kikilizzo

    Well to be fair you can usually tell if you have mental health problems, it's pretty hard not to notice... I knew I suffered from anxiety years before I got diagnosed with it. I know I most likely suffer from depression because i've scored very high on tests for clinical depression that were given to me in therapy. I never speak of my mental health publically. Some people definietely make it a 'thing' that they have depression or anxiety or whatever and thinks it makes them quirky.
    It is however hard not to constantly see yourself from the lens of being mentally ill when you have those problems because it is something invisible that you are fighting everyday, and you never recieve any praise for battling those demons because something as simple as getting out of bed or saying hi to a co-worker could be a massive obstacle that completely exhausts you. Then you see how easy those things are for everyone else and you compare yourself. Mental health is a complex subject. Most of us who suffer a great deal daily just keep it to ourselves and we try to be proud of the things we accomplish instead of comparing ourselves and putting ourselves down for not being more successful, we don't go online and make a big fuss about it because especially depression comes with a big load of daily inner shame. That's all I can say.

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  • Tommythecaty

    The more I talk the less you know.

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  • Tinybird

    I definitely have mental health issues, but I have not gone to a mental health professional for many reasons, like that I don't want to talk about some certain things, don't have money to do it, don't want drugs, etc. A lot of it comes from my distrust of people in general, especially "professionals" and white-coats, etc.
    However I was diagnosed with both asperger's and ADHD when I was 8 years old.

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