Is it cruel to leave your pet out in the rain or snow alone?

People on my block do this all the time. The animals are left out in the cold and they wander out in to other people's yards and poop there. They feed their animals but that's it. They don't play with them or anything.

Yes 36
No 6
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Comments ( 11 )
  • CozmoWank

    People like that shouldn't own pets.

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  • hymiehymowitz

    Sounds like a lot of your neighbors need a good hard ass-kicking. And they shouldn't have pets.

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  • RoseIsabella

    The people on your block sound like human garbage. They should be made to suffer like the way they make their animals suffer.

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  • apacheattackhelicopter

    People like that are the reason I'm suicidal

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    • Ellenna

      Nah, don't be suicidal my friend: if you care that much about neglected animals do something practical about it, like volunteering at an animal shelter for instance, or raise money for animal welfare groups.

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  • Justmehere

    No, not normal, and yes..Very cruel. They should be inside during any bad conditions. In fact, inside, period, other than to go for a pee or poop..

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  • CandleCat

    Thats terrible. Animals should be seen as mini people. If youd make an animal suffer then why not a baby? Soumds horrible huh? So then, tgats the answer. Would they care mlre if they were human children? And besided that everyine and thing derserves love and a good quality of life. What did thise poor animals do to deserve that treatment? Remember that old golden rule? It still applies to animals.

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  • lordofopinions

    I have no idea why people get a dog then chain it in the yard. They feed it and that's all. Morons.

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  • MangoTango

    Got to make that ILLEGAL.

    It's even worse when summer is here.

    Seriously, got to make keeping dogs like that illegal. It would make for more peaceful neighborhoods anyways.

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  • It is cruel.

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  • BlackCatsAreAwesome

    I don't understand what you mean. I love my cat and he can come in or go out anytime he wants. When it's really cold in the winter he still often prefers to stay outside during the night. I've noticed that the cutoff temperature seems to be -6°C. When it's that cold he barely wants to go out to piss or poop. Above that he likes to stay outdoors all night.

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