Is it fair to say i was almost killed by police?

The police raided my home a few years ago, and the cop, when I opened the front door, had a gun pointed two feet from my heart. What if I wasn't quick enough to show him my hands?
I know all you police lovers on here, but what how can one heal when they were nearly killed by police?

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Comments ( 19 )

    I almost won the lottery one time, i bought a ticket and almost got all the numbers correct, it was so very close.. How can one heal knowing i could be a millionaire right now?

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  • LloydAsher

    Would I be a dick to say "just get over it"?

    That was one time, sure you almost got killed by police but it doesnt happen for the grand majority of your life.

    Sure it was traumatic at the time but you clearly had the good judgement to raise your hands. Not like alot of traffic stops I see and people quickly reaching for their phone being jumpy and sketchy.

    Cops are people too, I can guarantee to you that cop was as much scared to die as you are and THATS their job. To walk up to a door where a guy could be holding a shotgun just out of view.

    Everyone be cool. Look on the bright side. If the cop fucks up, good chance you (or your family in case you die) will get a mighty meaty settlement.

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    • harkosv

      It doesn't make you a dick to say "just get over it", but I think you're oversimplifying by saying that. That was arguably a life-or-death situation in that one wrong move maybe could have resulted in getting shot. People develop PTSD in life-or-death situations, so whether or not OP was in real danger at the time is irrelevant if, in the moment, they genuinely believed they might die

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      • LloydAsher

        Oh I'm sure the OP thought they were gonna die. I would of pooped myself in that circumstance. Just saying when someone massively was bleeding out in the parking lot my day wasnt ruined hell I forgot it even happened 3 hours later.

        Shit happens.

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        • Somenormie

          Or they're just exaggerating.

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  • jethro

    If you don't do criminal things or associate with criminals you don't get treated like a criminal.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Nearly killed is you were shot but survived.

    Someone pointing a gun at you is just someone pointing a gun at you.

    Hope this clarifies things.

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    • LloydAsher

      If it was pointed at my torso I would be somewhat fine. If it was pointed at my head I would be freaking the fuck out. Either way a shot to the brain will fuck you up one way or another.

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      • Tommythecaty

        Might sound slightly cryptic but if I pointed a gun at your torso instead of your head you should actually be far, far more worried.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    My friend who sold weed got his door kicked in and the redneck wannabe swat team shot his dog immediately before the dog could even bark and know whats going on. Was a no knock warrant. They didnt find anything and even impounded his car for it. Luckily I wasnt there that day. But I got a list of stories of police being dicks

    But with that being said I see the need for police

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    • LloydAsher

      As much as a libertarian I am. Police ARE still needed. I'm way too pessimistic about people.

      Every single nation needs a public guard system. Without it your laws arent enforced and thus it's just anarchy. No system.

      In my bare bones system of goverment the police and firemen are still employed since those are bare bone functions of a goverment.

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  • Youareafuckingidiot.

    it was most likely a taser gun, so no. unless YOU were the threat to begin with. in which case there is nothing to 'heal' but the weight of your conscience.

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  • Holzman_67

    Healing comes in many forms but I’d say the best way is to use a near death experience to enjoy life more, it’s so fragile never know when you’re time is up, and that makes it precious worthy of celebration.

    Whatever you do, give it 100%. If you’ve got a job you don’t entirely like, and you’re only giving it like, 60% effort, give it 100% until you can find another. If you’re with family, give them 100% of you, be 100% present with them. If you have a relationship, 100%, and so on.

    I believe then you will transcend trauma. This is a ghost signal not a stop sign for you, keep moving forward and use it to elevate you. Hell, you could become glad it ever occurred!

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    This isn't nearly killed wtf

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  • Orphan

    The trick is to grab the gun out of his hands, grab a hold of his hair, force the gun in his mouth and shoot. Right, maybe another cop is gonna shoot u but dont ever go down without a fight.
    Some of these cops are dumb enough to shoot even when u got your hands up

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    • LloydAsher

      Hands up dont shoot is a verifiable lie.

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  • Ummitsstillme

    So you are complaining about police restraint? Why was your home raided?

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  • RoseIsabella

    Why were the police raiding your home?

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    • Somenormie

      Unless they did something suspicious.

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