Is it feel really good to be a racist
My friend told me that being a rasist is feel awesome. Do u agree ?
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My friend told me that being a rasist is feel awesome. Do u agree ?
I'm not racist, nor is it "really good". Racism is for sad, pathetic and stupid fools who have nothing to aspire towards except bigotry and ignorance.
I think it is important to distinguish between racism and bigotry.
Bigotry is wrong, it is judging people without knowing them (often because of their skin color), and being intolerant of anyone who does not share your beliefs.
Being racist, to me at least, is more about understanding the differences between races and sometimes discriminating as a result (not necessarily a bad thing).
For example blacks are often superior athletically due to physical characteristics. Jews are superior intellectually as are Asians and Indians.
There are biological differences and generally speaking stereotypes exist because they are true. There can be exceptions of course but using this information about the races can be helpful when it comes to lots of everyday decisions.
For example blacks are much more violent and criminal so you should not drive through a black neighborhood on an empty tank of gas. Actually just dont ever drive through a black neighborhood if you want to stay safe
Racist is an incrimination label pinned by Leftist Parties i.e. Democrats and Libtards on people who don't want to associate with other people that are NOT their own kind of a skin type or other cultural influence! People have the RIGHT to associated or Not associate with who they want to! Even some of those groups have a segregation of a kind. Economic Classes can segregated the same skin colour. For example be-careful what Black Women You mention "Hot Comb" to, that may be below them and start using the usual racial slur about Ghetto Blacks the "N" word.
My man Jared Taylor (ultra racial realist) vs Cenk Eugar (on Young Turks)
Reason and logic vs Ultra Liberal
Lets see who wins
Racism is the belief that certain races are superior than others.
Realistically, racism is based on one's own twisted opinion of others and hubris, because most racist feel it's their own race that's far more superior than others.
To put it simply, racism, like your friend, is stupid. We're all human, despite our differences. If you want to be more athletic, work out. If you want to be smart, then study. If you want to be more daring, then take chances. Everything in life isn't just handed to us at birth, we all have to work hard to be who we want to be, except for those who are too lazy to work at all (and laziness can be found in every race).
why is a person who plays the piano called a pianist but a person who drives a race car not called a racist?
the only benefit of being a racist is like pointing or aiming all your anger towards something .. you now have something or someone to blame for all your misfortunes.. of course it feels good because of that but i t doesnt make it good
Hate is like taking poison and hoping the other guy dies.
Sounds like something every intelligent person would aspire to do. A racist is nothing more than a bigot. They both hate.
I'm sitting here staring at...
"Hate is like taking poison and hoping the other guy dies"
I cannot rationalize what the above means. Anyone that thinks that way isn't of sound mind and judgement but i "feel" it makes sense I'll give you that but don't understand.
thegypsysailor will you please help me make light of this quote and expand of it... *makes weird face*
Hate does more damage to the hater than the hated. Hatred decreases one's humanity.
Holding onto anger is like drinking poison, and expecting the other person to die. - Buddha
Resentment is like drinking poison then hoping it will kill your enemies. - Nelson Mandela
Basically, the quotes means to let go of anger, resentment, grudges, or anything that will cause inner emotional turmoil. It's better to forgive, and find peace within yourself.
Racism can come from hate if that person had a lot of bad experiences with people of that particular race, but most of the time racism comes from fear and insecurity.