Is it hard get military army waiver

I need a military waiver since according to military anyone who chews their fingernails is not fit to serve. Even though I know several ex-military who do that, and people in who currently chew them a lot as well. Anyways I got a DQ and now need a waiver for it which will take up to 6 weeks to get. Is it hard to get a waiver?

Yes 6
No 7
Sometimes 8
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Comments ( 28 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    I've served myself and uhm... why the hell did you feel the need to tell them that? Did you tell this to your recruiter or the people at MEPS? Because if you told MEPS then your recruiter probably thinks you're a dumbass.

    Your recruiter is the one who handles the waivers and no, they are not hard to get provided you meet every other qualification and the 1SGT/SFC or whoever is the highest ranking NCO at that particular recruiting depot doesn't think that you are unfit to serve. This will largely depend on his personal opinion and judgement of you, provided you meet the other qualifications.

    Go to your recruiter, tell him that you mentioned you bite your nails and that you need a waiver. If he isn't totally irritated with you by now, he will handle the waiver and either get back to you in 6 weeks or you call him. Then you go back to MEPS and don't say anymore stupid shit. If he IS irritated with you and won't work with you, find another recruiting depot, dress professionally, business casual, walk in and explain what happened. They will probably be willing to do the paperwork and get you back through MEPS.

    By the way, I have gotten a waiver for criminal charges. Waivers are pretty commonly given to people who qualify but have a questionable trait. It's the recruiter's way of telling the military "I know what it looks like but I checked it out and they are still fit to serve.".

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    • I didnt tell them anything, that is what the doctor said. You are assuming I mentioned it. I never stated I did. Are you sure its the recruiter who decides? I said literally nothing, so its not possible to say less stupid stuff. I just never said anything. The doctor says it has to go up to the waiver people to approve or deny it, not the recruiters. The Doctor said I did.

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        Go talk to your recruiter. Seriously. I'm in the service, I have been waivered for criminal charges, everything goes through your recruiter unless they say otherwise.

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        • The recruiter and the doctor says they have to send it up to the waiver committee. They said I have to wait a month to see if the waiver is approved. How does the waiver process work?

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          • NeuroNeptunian

            They review it along with the testimony of the doctor and the recruiter and if they deem it to not be an issue then you should be good. It's not a disqualifying factor so I don't see a reason why they would even care.

            Worst cases would be they would make you do a psyche eval.

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            • UPDATE:
              I got disqualified and have to wait for 6 months to send the waiver back up.

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            • I already did the psyche Eval and she wrote up for a medical waiver. The doctor said "Biting finger nails is an automatic disqualifier and I need a military waiver".

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  • Murun

    Have you been chewing other people's fingernails? I can see how that would get you chucked out of the army.

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  • redmen123

    I'm guessing this is not in the U.S. My brother is a U.S. Marine, 17 years in, 6 combat tours. He chews his fingernails compulsively to nubs and is still active duty on his way to 20 years.

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    • No, this is US MILITARY. Also yes tons of people in, out and vets chew their fingernails. Which makes it odd this is a disqualifier.

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    what army did you join that won't let you join your finger nails?

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    • The Us Army.

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        wtf? when did they start this shit, my dad served for more than 30 years and never saw something like that.

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        • They have a lot of new stuff I think came with the struggling economy.

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  • misslonglegs

    My dad served 12yrs in British army after first tour of northern Ireland he started biting his nails he was kicked out on medical grounds

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  • jethro

    What country do you live in? Nail biting is not a disqualifying activity in any service that I am aware of. Unless, of course, the examining physician thinks you are a neurotic nut case and the nail biting is just a secondary result of your psychosis. If the military thinks that you are a whack-job, I would seriously doubt that you would ever get a waiver. The military chain of command have to consider your talents sufficiently desirable to allow a waiver. Like if you were some super computer whiz kid. They are allowing a lot of things pass for super smart IT types. So unless you are a young Bill Gates, you better not hold hopes for a military career.

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    • It is in all of the services. Meps uses the same doctors for everyone. They said it's an automatic disqualification. They turned down 3 people already for the nailbiting thing alone. I have a completely clean record, I never got in trouble, I perfect goody goody.

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      • jethro

        I looked up disqualifying traits for the military and nail biting was not on the list. Nail biting might be an indicator of a mental disorder like OCD, but nail biting by itself isn't a disqualifying factor. If there isn't anything else pointing to you being a nut case, you would have been passed. Show me a credible reference where it says that biting your nails is a disqualification and I will apologize. "Because they said so" is not an acceptable credible reference.

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        • FUCKING MEPS. MEPS MAKES THE DECISION YOU FUCKING IDIOT. If you think they are lying not much I can do is there? Since when you go to MEPs you are at the mercy of the doctors.

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          • jethro

            Ahhhh, there is the real reason for your disqualification. You are a freeking nutcase. I bet you went psycho on them too. Well don't hold your breath of ever getting a waiver. You cant fix stupid or Loonytoon, now can you? By the way you are not at the mercy of the doctors. They have very definitive descriptions of what will or not disqualify you. And being psychotic is on the list.

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            • You clearly don't understand how anything works or you would know you are at the mercy of meps. You don't get to choose if you are let in or not.

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            • No, they listed nothing aside from the fact I chew my finger nails. I passed everything else. I dont do drugs, I dont have a criminal record, I am the goody goody who could do no wrong. I still dont drink even though its legal because my age.

              The issue was "Chewing fingernails" which is an automatic disqualification. If you want to say its discrimination who do you think you have to go to in order to fight it? Meps makes the rules, you dont. Military service is considered a privilege not a right. I dont think whining is going to fix anything.

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