Is it illegal to message someone on facebook if you

If you don't know them but you're angry at something they did because they hurt your best friend? Is it illegal to say "how dare you treat her/him like that and do this etc" in one message then never type anything else?

So I only sent one message. Is that bad?

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Comments ( 21 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    yes it is

    go down to the police station and turn yourself in before they kick your door down

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  • Holzman_67

    It’s not illegal but it’s crossing a line i suspect you picked up on that which borne this post

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    It's not illegal, but it's just going to make you look childish.

    I remember I once turned a person down for a date and she sent me long blocks of texts on why she thought i was wrong. I got tired of all the texts and blocked her. The next day her friend messages me on Facebook with this long ass paragraph filled with " how dare yous" and "you're awful" and a whole lotta junk. I took screenshots of both of them and posted it on Facebook so everyone can see how stupid they both are. A couple of people got a good laugh out of it. I wasn't normally a childish Facebook drama kind of person, but they were the exception. That person could probably be doing the same thing with your messages, btw. XD

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    • SkullsNRoses

      Public humiliation- that’s fantastic! As the saying goes,“What you reap is what you sow”. Sorry as I am for the drama you suffer I do love your tales of the deranged women you attract.

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      • Cuntsiclestick

        Thank you.

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  • kikilizzo

    It will probably just come off as very childish and random.
    Reminds me of when I blocked a guy on facebook once that I was internet friends with (because he kept spamming me so I got sick of him), and then his friend whom I didnt know DM:d me basically asking me "how dare you?". I just found it bizarre. It made me feel that the guy was either obsessive sending his friend on me because he was too scared to confront me openly, or that his friend was extremely attached to him so much so that he had to confront me whom he didn't know in the slightest and while therefore not even having the full picture of the situation.

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  • Somenormie

    I'm pretty sure they'll be confused as hell as to what's going on.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Its not illegal but its none of your business. Dont get in other peoples shit.

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    • It's my business it involves my best friend

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Its your best friends business

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        • Nope my friend almost died

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  • litelander8

    It’s typical until you’re about 17. Regardless, it’s childish as fuck.

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    • Let me explain. The person I messaged is his step brother, I never met.

      Basically let's call my friend Mike. Mike was injured in a dirt bike accident and his brother was there when it happened but ditched him and went on a roadtrip with friends. Mike was left on the ground with shattered kneecaps, broken leg, broken fingers and broken ribs. He couldn't find his phone and was stuck there hours thinking he was going to die. And on his go pro is footage of his brother and him when it happened and his brother up and walked away for no reason.

      My friend already has PTSD so this was really bad for him in every way. Finally someone found him and called help for him. His brother never visited him in hospital just simply kept traveling on his roadtrip posting photos of his roadtrip on social media.

      I never met his brother and I never messaged anyone before like that and got mad like that. I just said how dare you and a few other things along the same lines.

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  • Unknown_player

    I don't think its illegal there isnt many laws around messaging a person things like social media can't step in for privacy reasons and police can't unless if there is actual threat of life or injury

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  • raisinbran

    Shut up.

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  • Meowypowers

    Illegal? God I hope not. Gross as hell though. I think this is why people would like Elon over Mark though.

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  • Iambillythemenacetosociety

    It's not illegal, but why would you even involve yourself?

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  • my_life_my_way

    Not illegal if it’s not a threat

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  • bbrown95

    No, it's not illegal as long as you didn't threaten them.

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    • No I never threatened him I just said

      "I know you don't know me and I'm actually glad we never met but what you did to Mike was uncalled for and sick. You left your brother to die and you never visited him in the hospital or asked if he was okay the entire week. Instead you left him on the dirt bike trail with a broken leg, shattered kneecaps, broken fingers and broken ribs to die to go on a road trip with friends? Are you insane? What the hell were you thinking? You really need to think about what you did and realize how horrible it was. You're sick."

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  • KholatKhult

    What a rush !

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