Is it jealousy, or just in my head?

First, let me start off by saying I am not an attention seeker, and I'm really just confused about just how "normal" my situation is.

When I first started working at Subway I never noticed things until my friend Linda (co-worker) and me started becoming very close. She began telling me my boss (the store manager) was jealous of me b/c the owner sometimes make comments like "when I get married again I'm going to marry someone short and cute like Alicia (me)" and I think it's b/c she's just old. I don't even have to put on makeup and guys flirt with me at work all the time in front of her. She even got upset when she found out I was getting a raise, and didn't believe it. Not that i'm trying to brag or anything, but I tend to get noticed by everyone wherever I go, some good, mostly bad attention though, and franky it's very frustrating. I guess it's because I am so different, I don't really know.

So then we have someone else who is obviously jealous of me, because she asks people at work "Why does sam (owner) like me so much? she onviously wants my assistant management position. Another thing is after I dyed my hair a deep dark brown she copied me, and made me look like an ass, because the manager said 'oh did you guys have a twin day at the hair salon?"

I also have had other employees who I've worked with who have made comments that make me think they are jealous. Is this normal? Should I think it's funny? Should it bother me? It honestly makes me think I will never have any true friends. I feel like people will make me afraid to be sucessful in life b/c of how they treat me. For instance, in school I was always put down by teachers and classmates and it made me focus on nothing, which made me drift further and further away from my talents. College is helping me, because my teachers actually like me. People just piss me off, I feel like there is not one real person alive, they all are just a bunch of fakes who I'll never feel like I can be my laid-back and relaxed self around.

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Comments ( 21 )
  • psychobabble

    She probably is a little jealous of you. Most women compare themselves to other women and jealousy becomes an issue at times because of it. You should just be flattered.

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  • caseyfrrst22007

    well ur probably not imagining things lol ive worked at subway , sonic and as a cashier at a grocery store lol and girls behind my back and sometimes my (friends) say to eachother ... look at her she thinks shes all that.... juss igore them they prolly really are jealous and u are prolly cute thats y ur co worker is annoyed if u were ugly then she would prolly be nice to u i have people tell me all the time that i have haters well all i can say is people hate for no reason juss let them you be who u are and in the long run u will be happy

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  • Zedhunter

    Ignore the imbeciles. Both in the non-digital world, and the ones who commented.
    Be yourself, set your goals, live life.
    You'll find friends along the way, don't worry.

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  • mikedonn71

    When you get fat and old like she is, you'll be jealous of all the young skanks too. Use it, before you lose it. When you do, you'll be an anxious crypt keeper too. Keep being a ho.

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  • Hey_Now

    That IS sad. But anyways, they ARE jealous. People nowadays tend to be so competitive. But please don't feel dejected. These hopeless corrivals will meet karma someday. ;)

    They need to get laid.

    But as for you, just continue to be the fun & lovable person you are. :)

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    • mikedonn71

      She's an old sow. Just laugh at her, and keep being a flirt.

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  • GeraldMossman

    I like the idea of slapping them in the face and wiggling your butt away. Also the whole Dont be jealous bitch! thats the best thing Ive heard in a looooong time. fuck yeh

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  • I think it is sad how competitive & mean people can be. You are right to keep your eye on bigger goals & I'm sure you will meet decent people on the way.

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  • Deadly_Syn

    This is fake, right? If so, this is what I'd say:

    " actually expect me to believe this?
    Your OBVIOUSLY lying. You work at SUBWAY for Christ's sake! If you were really that hot, you would be something better than the "assistant manager" at subway! You probably work at McDonald's, and got noticed by this really ugly teenager who works at the local meth lab, and you thought you could ask us what to do, because you've never actually had a boyfriend before!"

    And if it's not fake, theirs a simple course of action to take. (Remember to tape it for me!)
    Step 1: Walk up to her
    Step 2: Say "Don't be a jealous bitch!"
    Step 3: Slap her.
    Step 4: Walk away while wiggling your ass at the boss.

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    • Uhhhh yea this story is real and I don't really have a problem with her anymore and I'm not going to be rude to people unless they push me too far.

      FYI you don't have to be ugly if you work at a fast food restaurant. Eva Longoria used to work at WENDY's!!!!!

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  • poopie

    i think its because girls like you are usually the one fucking their man behind their back

    to tell you honestly

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    • Actually I haven't had sex in almost 3 years. Sometimes I do think people especially men think I look like a whore, even though I don't really dress like one.

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      • shadow1004

        who knows... maybe you do LOL :P

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    • and if i were YOUR head-shrinker, i'd also be writing something in my little notepad...hmmmm....

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  • LOL. It's ok I didn't really expect to get any real answers anyway. The only response I got with any logic was from Barnum, so thanks for that.

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    • "People just piss me off... they all are just a bunch of fakes who I'll never feel like I can be my laid-back and relaxed self around."

      If i were your head-shrinker, I'd be writing something on that little pad of mine just after you said this :D

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  • man what a freaking cesspool this post turned out to be.

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  • Don't let them get in the way of your job. You also go to school, like ya said, so don't worry about it. You got promoted, so you must be doing something right at your job :)

    All I'm saying is, keep doing what you're doing there and don't worry bout anyone else.

    College should help ya find friends who you won't be afraid to just be yourself and relax. I take it there's a lot of people on campus eh?

    Well, just don't let their jealousy get to ya, and you should be fine! :)

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  • FUCK YOU!!!! HOMER!!!

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    • shadow1004

      rofl u too make looking at a comedy be boring its much better to se u both arguing like 2 imature kids... i am 17 and i am more mature than u... damn i wish i could get u to cheat on ur maricon husband...

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      • I don't have a husband, but you are not legal so the answer is a big, fat "NO!" =)

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