Is it norm. that i'm 19, &have no interest in making friends/partying?

I'm in college and I'm a 19 year old girl. Something I've always noticed about myself is that i really have no interest in making or keeping friends. I will use any excuse to not hang out with people. It's not that I'm awkward, I just hate the fact that you have to put effort into maintaining relationships with people that won't matter in 10 years. I'd rather spend time with my parents than with a friend my age. I also have no interest In going to party's/ sports games because that's time I could spend doing other things like sleeping. Is this normal to be so unsocial as a girl my age? Please comment below!

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79% Normal
Based on 48 votes (38 yes)
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Comments ( 2 )
  • User-name

    20 years old and in a similar boat, though I do have some friends. You do you and don't feel bad.

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  • azog

    You are more of family person, good for you. Just remember that friends is as important as family.

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