Is it normal... i don't belong here on earth at this time?

I feel like I don't belong here. I can't relate to anything like phones and Instagram and material beauty. I don't drink and party and do drugs. I can pretend to like it. But it's not me. I enjoy art and music and people. I constantly feel like I am not from this time or maybe even this earth because nobody else wants to talk about deep things or ancient history. I seriously relate to history.. I mean billions of years ago. I feel like I was there when they earth was young and I want to go back. I feel like there is people who miss me and I miss them too. I understand how attention seeking this sounds but I cried while typing this because I feel so strongly that I am not from here. It's also really hard to explain. I just care so much about ancient history and I get so excited when I see fossils being found and I love to read and talk about space and time. There is very few people who can speak to me about this because they aren't interested. I feel detached from my own body sometimes. I am the host of my own body.. sometimes I dont regocnise myself in the mirror. I am someone else. I want to go home.

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68% Normal
Based on 41 votes (28 yes)
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Comments ( 30 )
  • Tealights

    Why not tour different museums (art, history, etc) for fun, and speak to the people who either seem to enjoy working there or genuinely having a great time (of course when you have time and money saved up)

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    • Ancientgoddess

      Thank you !

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  • Crow

    "I enjoy art and music and people."

    Then you belong. Not everyone needs to "relate to anything like phones and Instagram and material beauty".

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    • Ancientgoddess

      You only read one part of my question by the looks of things.

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  • Chocobonobble

    I actually find history interesting, it's nice to see different types of world's in different times. I have a huge amount of interests, and barely any social media apps, I don't use my Facebook anymore and I replaced it with instagram to look at pictures of art. I love history on inventions and I'm also studying engineering. I animated since I was 13 and I love to build anything from anything. I love to create to get to the point.
    I feel isolated from a lot of people and I feel like I was born in the wrong place at the wrong time, I'm obsess with pleasing people but it's killing me, I try to fit in but I end up sticking out like a sore thumb. I mostly talk about things than people and non of my role models are alive anymore or real. And I'm too much of a perfectionist. I'm attracted way more to personality than looks.

    But my biggest weakness I'm not good a writing or communicating. So a lot of what I say gets misinterpreted. And leaves me with either a lot of aquatences or 1 good friend who I'll probably loose again in a few years.

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    • Ancientgoddess

      I 100% can relate to this! I also find personalities more important than looks ! Glad I found someone who gets what I meant

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      • Chocobonobble

        If you like I'd like to chat with you more about some random interest or anything you'd like.
        It's hard to find people like us in this world.

        Yes because I always think of the future when I grow old with them and their looks have faded and personality leaves a lingering desire to get to know them more, since they never cease to interest others.

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  • DeadMrSunshine

    Serious reply here...

    Feeling disconnected with reality is usually a symptom of anxiety. In fact, you listed several things that would leave any reasonably intelligent NP to that diagnosis. Go talk to your doctor about it.

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  • iamKitten

    i think we should talk.

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  • MissileExpert

    I feel like I am a bit from the future, and have a strong desire to engineer future military technology in a way that causes spillover to consumer markets to provide better health, wealth, education, and environments for the world.

    The point is that we cannot all be focused on the present ALL the time. Perhaps there is something from ancient times that has been forgotten that you could bring to the present to make the world better in a social way.

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    • Ancientgoddess

      Yessss I like how you think

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  • Ancientgoddess

    There's so many negative opinions y'all I'm surprised.. is what it is though isn't it.

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    • Chocobonobble

      Yeah a lot of people talking before they think.

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  • bubsy

    Sounds like ennui from having accomplished nothing. You need to create things, not just consume them.

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    • Ancientgoddess

      You don't know me, don't tell me I have accomplished nothing unless you know for certain I have accomplished nothing.

      I run a business. I make money. I have learned to love people and become a more spiritual person rather than a destructive person.

      I shouldn't have to justify myself to someone who doesn't know me what so ever but none the less.

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      • Angelandme

        I think there are people that feel the way you feel, go live with them. Bet'yah there's a community of people who don't get phones or drinking or any of that shit you said.
        If you don't find a community then make it.

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        • Ancientgoddess

          I like that answer. Definitely important to find people who I can relate to. Thanks ✌

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      • bubsy

        Looks like I gave you an answer you didn't like. But the key here is that whatever you are investing your time and energy on isn't fulfilling you. Find what does.

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        • Ancientgoddess

          You told me I haven't accomplished anything why would I like something being told about me that is not true. I enjoy my job and family etc. I just have deeper thoughts about deeper things. If you don't get it you never will.

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          • bubsy

            You wrote a lengthy paragraph about yourself in your original post, but you didn't once mention your job or family. If you claim these as accomplishments, why not introduce yourself with them?

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            • Ancientgoddess

              Because my post wasn't about my family or accomplishments it was about feeling like I could have been born in another life before this one and still feeling like I relate to it...

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  • So stupid who this websites sets up extremely deep and important topics to talk about in private, but doesn't let u without paying money. :(

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  • Data'sCat

    ...Um, MOST people do not "do drugs". None of the things you say in the first few sentences or required, necessary, or even excessively common in almost every group of people, in the modern time.

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  • satanicweaboo

    i think what you need to do is find people with common intrests as you. believe it or not a lot of people dont like partying and hate social media. maybe you should join a group or go to classes that teach history or art and you can find tons of people who will have the same intrests as you

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  • silkspector

    Not as daft as it sounds 1of my teachers in school says we are not from this planet we were put here as an experiment.and they watch are progress we have been on this planet 65.000 years in that time we invented the wheel gunpowder bow and arrow.from 1900 plane tanks antibiotics cars lights telephone television. And recently 1960 onwards supersonic flight land on the moon .mobile phone computer how did we achieve so much in 1000 yrs and noticed in 64.000 years past

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  • Jacob_Zuma_783

    "There is very few people who can speak to me about this because they aren't interested."

    Let me fix that for you.

    "There are very few people who will speak to me about this because they have better things to do."

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    • Ancientgoddess

      Both mean the same thing. I'm not an over sensitive person but what if I was? Your comment could easily hurt someone. You've just told a person who already feels isolated and alone that nobody wants to speak to them because they have better things to do. Please think about things before you say them. Your hiding behind a screen saying potentially damanging things. You have no idea who is on the other side of the screen, if they are depressed, suicidal, impressionable, young or old. Don't say unnecessary things to people.

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  • ZaneT

    You have to stop pining for the past in an obsessive manner. Accept who you are, your life and the age you were born into. You were put here on earth at this TIME for a reason. The reality is UNLESS you have some special time machine you are not telling us all about, you cannot go back. By all means, you can enjoy culture and history without letting it consume you. Also, lots of people don't give a toss about facesook, twatter or finstagram and they function just fine in the modern world.

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    • Ancientgoddess

      I enjoy thinking of the past so I won't stop. And I know better than anyone that you can't go back to yesterday. But I ageee with the rest of your answer thank u

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      • KryptoKitty

        Hey i know exactly what you mean, i also feel like i don't belong here but not in a way that i think i belong somewhere in the past... I also LOVE having deep intellectual and philosophical conversations but i hardly ever get to have any because either no one is interested or they are unable to imagine wtf i'm trying to say..... I'd like to talk and learn more about you... Just reply if your interested.

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