Is it normal.. i think too much.. about my future?
Dont want to give any detail.
Just think too much.
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Dont want to give any detail.
Just think too much.
Me too and it has caused lots of health problems.
It is really normal. But if you are a religious person try to think the after life. The life that will start when you will die. This life is mortal. At most people live like 90 years. But the after life will be immortal. Try to think it.
Then don't think too much about your future. Get busy in the now. The future will come whether you worry about it all day or not. You can best handle it by keeping healthy and active, and balancing the good and bad, the hard and easy, the yin and yang. We all make the future - and we're not alone in doing that. School, games, jobs, training, learning, doing, faiing, trying again, succeeding, failing, getting up again, smiling, working at something until you can do it , succeeding, making a new friend, losing someone, finding someone..... and so it goes. Enjoy it and do your best for you - because you're worth it.
How's those terrorist attacks in France going for you? Mow this mother fuckers down and smile while your people get RAPED.