Is it normal.. that a tv show can cast evil spirits in your home

So lately my bed has been shaking while I'm 100% awake, I know I'm a medium Ive lived in ghostly houses before but I've been living here 5 years and only had one weird experience besides this one.. So for 5 years I've stayed away from watching anything scary cause I feel watching evil brings evil in your home.. And a friend of mine told me to start watching vampire diaries.. Which I hated at first but got hooked and I thought it was all vampires ya know how bad can that be.. Then there was witches casting spells and that's when my bed started to shake... Then I can feel something get into my bed.. Like a center spots I can feel my bed sink like the shit sounds crazy I know.. That's why I'm here.. I'm answerless my bed is brand new.. Pillow top.. I have 2 box springs off the floor.. Don't live by trains.. Or loud neighbors... Old ppl I live on a corner in a house.. Bed shakes steadily in a light pace.. I know its moving cause I watch shows on my phone and the charger cord sways while its in my it normal a TV show cast a demon in my home? I am blunt and too logic to think I'm losing it

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53% Normal
Based on 17 votes (9 yes)
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Comments ( 16 )
  • Klaus

    It happened to me while I was watching the conjuring. Your not crazy

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  • Murun


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  • e51pegasi

    Stop smoking pcp.

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    • panda6791

      Wish I was cause then I can just stop smoking it and it'll stop

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  • wigz

    Your own heartbeat can get your bed moving.

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    • panda6791

      I'm fully relaxed tho and doesn't explain the feeling of my bed sinking in, like someone getting in the bed with me

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  • Chua

    Yes it does bring evil spirits to your house if you watch horror show or movie. I am Asian in Singapore my family is regious.i have dream about ghost and I told to my parent, they bring me to see a Taoist Spirit Medium basically is Chinese medium. The medium say I watch too much of it and will I make myself dream again also warn me not watch again it say will bring it to my house (sorry for bad English)

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  • flashrocker100


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  • KiwiWisdom

    First of all, you're not crazy. There are a number of non witch related possibilities you should look into first though. Sometimes weather can influence houses to shake, not just wind but temperature too. Some houses have foundation issues and the structure is less stable as a result. Sometimes a vehicle will pass, not even a loud one, but have enough girth to rattle your home to its core as it passes. Finally some houses aren't built on steady ground and small shifts below translate to seismic ticks. On the spiritual end, demons prey on beliefs and misconceptions and might take gibberish a mortal strongly believes to be meaningful as an invitation and feed on the fear and uncertainty to manifest. At least, that’s what I would do as a demon. Most shows aren't accurate enough to conjure more than TV ratings and even then, it's just a story transmitted from elsewhere. Starve it out with facts and it should clear up. Happy watching.

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  • panda6791

    But I'm talking about help cause the shits out of hand

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    • Grunewald

      I don't mean to be blunt. I respect that what you're providing as a medium probably isn't snake oil, and what you're describing does sound like an occupational hazard to me. I've read many other stories like this from people involved in contacting spirits. It sounds intolerant and extreme of me but I'll say it: you're working with a world that's stronger than you, and its denizens are slaves of an ill-intentioned master. If they appear friendly, it's a deception. Maybe research other careers and get a priest/pastor to exorcise your house (and you) - I say this not out of scorn but because I know something of the spirit realm myself. The name Jesus Christ, spoken out in faith and with authority, sends evil spirits packing - I have both heard this and witnessed it myself.

      Deliverance by this name by people I know and trust as friends, produced in me spluttering, lashing out, snarling and other horrible spiritual manifestations - and I've seen others on the floor shaking when they had it done. After the deliverance the colour immediately came back to my face, I felt like a huge weight had been lifted, my knees were so wobbly I felt they'd give way and had to rest before I could cycle home. I woke up next morning with a heavy head cold.

      Don't underestimate what you're dealing with.

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  • BlackCatsAreAwesome

    No such thing as ghosts or being a medium etc.
    Schizophrenia is real though.

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    • panda6791

      Lol schizophrenia.. Ouch! Not everyone god made is built the same some people have different gifts.. Some have speed you can't teach.. Some are cock strong with no muscles and some are mediums that have dreams of the future.. That can see things you weren't taught in school.. Ghost are indeed real.. You just don't have the gift to experience a shadow figure running thru the hallways.. Or a dead Lil boys reflection in the TV.. Or a Lil girls voice in a house talking to you while on the shitter lol and I know I'm not schizophrenic cause I'm not the only person. Whose experienced the same thing.. So yes mediums is real .. Yes I've had several dreams of the future and they have come true

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      • BlackCatsAreAwesome


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  • suckonthis9

    Please see my comments under the 'Is it normal that the sun causes breathing issues?' post.

    These mesospheric gravity waves, are being picked up by seismometers and ANSS heliplots all over the world.

    Please check the ANSS heliplots nearest to your location, if you are in the U.S.A.

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    • panda6791

      You can't tag me in it huh.. I'm new to this

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