Is it normal a religion tell you to kill?
If it isn't,why this happen everyday?
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If it isn't,why this happen everyday?
1) No.
2) Because it doesn't happen. *People* tell each other to kill in the *name* of religion. Religion is neither inherently good or bad, but like all things that have a large presence in the lives of a lot of people it can be used for good and bad purposes.
Religion is an instrument, like a gun or a knife or a spoon. Religion can't tell people to do anything, it can only be used to achieve the end of people who control it. Blame the people, not religion.
Slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out ... if they attack you (there) then slay them. Such is the reward of disbelievers. 2:191
Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. Exodus 22:18
And this was just a LITTLE taste...
There is one that claims to be peaceful but is far from it. And its trying to conquer the world but the pc wackos (useful idiots) would rather say anyone opposing it is intolerant.
How hypocritical!
The 7th century throwbacks are definitely not tolerant of any other religions.
Considering that all of the Abrahamic religions are based off of books that explicitly tell you to kill people under certain conditions, it's unfortunately quite normal.
It's also one of the most despicable things I know of in this world.
Lots of holy scriptures give acceptable circumstances for killing, Islam being one of the worst.
I have quite a non-PC view on dealing with attackers and aggressive religions, but that doesn't belong here.
It is normal, I think. Most religions tell you to kill, despite nearly all of them having the "golden rule" in some form. They always have to make exceptions even to that rule, unfortunately. Of course, if we did not go to war to defend ourselves, we would wind up being someone's slaves. And it would be just plain stupid not to try to defend yourself if attacked.
Exactly what religion are you following? Could you please present a scripture. Maybe even the events in which this kind of event happened. You are incredibly vague and this seems like a bigger matter. If you really expect us to answer appropriately we need more information. Not all religions are the same either. Are you positive the religion said kill? or did someone following that religion just happen to kill someone?
Only as punishment if someone took a life. But Christians are not making folks convert or die.
Amen Brother! Mother Teresa fed the poorest of the poor in India and most of them weren't Christians.
Not anymore, but they did. and it is not the only sin punishable by death, there's a lot. It tells you to kill witches, if you want an example...
Maybe in the 1500s? Crusades?
The only religion murdering currently is based in the middle east and trying to conquer everything.