Is it normal advertisements are really pissing me off?
There are adverts EVERYWHERE nowadays.
There are five minute adverts on the TV. On the radio. On DVDs. Leaflets inside the DVD case. In books. In magazines. In newspapers. When I walk down the street, adverts everywhere I look. People shoving advert leaflets into my hand. Whenever I go to a club, I get more leaflets shoved in my hand upon entry. People posting adverts through my door. Adverts with all the packages I receive. I have to watch ad advert before watching a youtube video. Watch an advert before I play an online game. Adverts on 99% of sites I visit down the sides.
I want to be left alone in peace without having to look at or sit there waiting for a damn advert. They have gone too far. Is it normal they are really pissing me off?