Is it normal africans get mad when you say africa is poor when it is?

People actually from Africa seem to get pissed off when you say Africa is poor. If Africa is not poor why do we have a bunch of Americans and Christians saying we need to give them money? I heard the "You know someone in Africa would love that food". So if Africa is so well off why do they want our money? It is not like it is one single persons fault a country is not doing well. Are people being cheated and is Africa really rich even more so then America?

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Comments ( 45 )
  • Naughtyboy666

    First of all know your facts.. There are 57 countries on the African continent. Now iv been to the USA and its scary how many of them don't understand that you can have 57 countries on one continent. Its the way that you have 3 countries on your continent North America which are :canada, USA and mexico..

    Now the same way that Mexico is allot poorer than the USA, in Africa we have poor countries as well as rich countries!

    I live in South Africa which is its own country, i live in a very rich part of the country in an expensive house and drive BMW's.

    It does not matter where about in the world you live, there are and will always be rich and poor.

    Having been to the USA i have seen how you get clever and stupid people. However i don't allow that to give me the impression that America has the dumbest people on earth and cause me to generalize, even though the majority of the world has that impression. Instead i prefer to find out some of the facts and make an informed decision..

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    • anti-hero

      There are more than 3 countries in North America. A lot more like Cuba, Jamaica, etc. And if you count Central America there is ever more than that. Everything from Costa Rica up.

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    There's a lot of wealth buried in African soil under the form of commodities (oil, copper, nickel, diamonds, etc) and it's African corrupt leaders fucking African common people over. But as always it's the west being blamed for buying these commodities in the first place... No matter what we do some leftist hippies will say we're wrong.

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  • Paradiddle

    You actually speak to Africans on a regular basis? Lets just say I lived there myself, which I don't, but lets say I did. What good would it do for someone to mention to my face about the wealth of my area? Its not like anyone who says "Africa is poor" either cares about it much or has the ability to do something about it even if they wanted to.

    Its easy for an outsider to just say its a poor place and carry on their taken-for-granted life but the person living it might not want to hear it. Perhaps its a problem with how things are run in the higher ups or some other problem that we don't deal with to really understand why. Still, mentioning it doesn't solve anything, I'd get mad too.

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    • People are doing things about it. They go on television asking for money to be sent to Africa. Whenever someone brings any of this up around people from the country they get upset. I think that would be considered helping. They even drop crates of food for the poor starving people of Africa. While Africans tell people how stupid they are for thinking they needed help. So what exactly is the point of all these people asking for money on behalf of the sick, dying, African people?

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      • changes123

        That's the same question I have been trying to figure out. Not saying that anyone would be ungrateful, but instead of just donating food, they should invest in the economy and agriculture if they want to see long term improvement.

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  • gummy_jr

    I once did a presentation on child labor in a college class. I showed a chart where child labor was most likely to occur (mind I tell you that Africa was on that list, there was also an African guy in my class) I said NOTHING bad about Africa. My dialogue for that slide was "here's a chart showing where child labor happens in the world." Unfortunately Africa was second on the list.

    When I was done with my presentation, he comes up and does presentation on Africa... About 5 minutes in he basically attacks me and says " is a beautiful place, and there is NO child labor there." I'm just sitting there pissed because he basically called me out for a chart that I didn't make, I just found it on google images. Another thing that made me mad was the fact that this guy is from africa, but the good part, and I'm sure he knew that there was, but didn't want to admit it. I'm from America and I'll gladly tell you anything bad about this country, I'm not going to tell you that this is the best place in the world. That's basically what he was doing. I'm not saying Africa is horrible, it does have the beautiful plains and all but there's still treacherous things happening there.

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  • CheyChey

    Your story fucking sucks bro

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  • Moonbow

    Africans, i.e., Black Africans, aren't the brightest bulbs on the Christmas tree, so what do you expect?

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    • CheyChey

      Says who? You would know this because... ?? You are a cunt.

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      • My02cents

        NO !! Because Moonbow is RIGHT !!!

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  • squeallikeasacofpigs

    Africa is a shithole, if you're born there, you're basically already fucked.

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  • ariana_mia

    Lmfao dude, I read that intelligent and awesomely accurate comment to see that the fucking username is Naughtyboy666 . Way to go bro. Way to fucking go.

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  • imadragon

    Not all of Africa's countries are poor.. So yes I understand them.

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  • soul-man

    The truth hurts I guess.

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  • college

    I suppose it depends on whether the statement is said at an appropriate time, otherwise I can understand how it can be taken as an insult. Africa does have rich people living in it, but it is by no means wealthier than America.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Since the vast majority of Africans do not speak English, how do you know what they say.
    You are a bit presumptuous aren't you?

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  • Yeah and Americans get mad when you say they're dumb even though they are. But most of them are too dumb to actually know that they are infact, dumb.

    So they have an excuse.

    You African filth have no excuse though, stop getting mad when you're insulted.

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    • Nephew7

      If americans are dumb then africans take the retard cake.

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      • changes123

        Did you just call Africans dumb?

        Mic check 1-2-1-2

        Children who are raised in the poorer sections of Africa are adults by the age of 5. They think, act, and speak like adults. They're so clever it's scary because they are contributing minds to the well being of the family. You can see this anywhere in the world where children live in a disadvantaged neighborhoods.

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        • Nephew7

          Yup that's why their country is a shithole, it's run by 5 year olds, you made this so much easier for me, peace.

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          • changes123

            Meanwhile in Minnesota, a 4 year old gets elected as a mayor.

            And team U.S.A gets the gold!!!

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      • They may be retarded, but Americans are world famous for it.

        So they've got alot of catching up to do.

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        • Nephew7

          Africa speaks for itself, A.I.D's problem reaching records and their avg. live expectancy is 35.

          America only leads world innovation, no big deal.

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          • "world innovation"

            What's that specifically?

            America is 16 trillion dollars in debt.

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            • Nephew7

              Spent on education and innovation, but ill rest my case with this

              America spends 41% of global military spending, who the fuck is gonna take the money back??

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    • kelili

      Wow, I wasn't expecting that from you.

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      • What?

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    • US is not going to other countries asking for a education since they have no ability to learn themselves. We get all these reports on the news from Christians and concerned Americans saying how poor Africa is. How much money Africa needs. How we should give this money to Africa. Yet when this is brought up in a conversation Africans get upset. So why exactly is the US giving them so much money? Why are people always talking about aids in Africa and how everyone needs to help these poor people?

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      • I haven't read what you've written, but I assume it's something about Africa or America.

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      • penguin1

        Accepting charity means swallowing your pride. Maybe people are embarrassed.

        Or maybe the people you're talking to aren't from Africa. They could've been born in the US.

        You should probably not talk about things like how rich or poor a country is. Just avoid the subject altogether and everyone will be ok.

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        • No they are native.

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