Is it normal annoying reactions to troll posts

I find it annoying when people call "troll" on posts (op). I just think it's best to either play along (if you think it's fake), assume it's real and respond or just don't respond at all.

Writing "troll", "yawn", "nice try" etc. just ruins the fun (or adds confusion to a serious post). Either lighten up and try (just try!) and enjoy it, or go write on another post. Some people enjoy joke posts and don't need to be told it's a troll. Come on, it's usually pretty freakin obvious.

is it normal I get annoyed by troll accusation comments that add nothing to the thread?

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60% Normal
Based on 55 votes (33 yes)
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Comments ( 24 )
  • dom180

    A troll post that's easy to spot just isn't very funny, though, and a boring, not clever, obviously fake troll attempt deserves to be called out and yawned at. Mediocre trolling is what is annoying to me.

    I don't see why wasting my time by giving a serious answer is "fun" for anyone. It might be fun for the troll OP to read our serious replies because it makes us look stupid, but why should we makes ourselves look stupid just to provide you with free entertainment?

    Perhaps the trolls that get these replies should learn to troll better. What these responses are telling you is that you're not actually very good at trolling, and if a lot of people tell you you're not very good at something you should work on improving instead of just telling them to shut up :P You're not entitled to positive responses, you have to earn them.

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    • Ok, I get what you're saying. And I see how perhaps it is a bit cruel getting people to write serious responses to something fake.

      I'm talking about posts that appear borderline/probably fake but are still funny, the most recent one I saw was pillow fights with Mrs Cadbury - 'funny' is subjective but I thought it was a good troll (am I alone in that?) A few people called troll. But it just seemed like nobody had a sense of humour about it.

      I just don't see the point in writing "troll" for the sake of it. A post like that is lighthearted and harmless.
      If it was more serious and people were getting sucked in etc. then sure, let them know they are wasting their time.

      So I think good trolls are a joke that some people get and some won't get straight away, but realising that it's fake doesn't make it any less funny, so why act like "ughhh not another troll" as if its such a bad thing?
      Believe it or not, I don't even write troll posts so I'm not coming from the perspective of someone who's annoyed at reactions to my trolls.

      I just think people should lighten up a bit and not freak out when they read something fake.

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      • dom180

        Ahh, I see.

        I like those posts too, and I agree that there's no point in being negative about them.

        I don't know. Perhaps I just don't see it as a very big deal. Peeps gonna write what they're gonna write, and their openness to expressing an opinion is a good thing. Negativity is bad, but it's always gonna exist so we just have to deal with it. I think you have a perfectly valid point, and I can't argue against it.

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        • It really isn't such a big deal - I overreacted a tad in writing this post :0 Just a small peeve, and it only happens sometimes. Thanks for your input.

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      • Hopefully you're not alone on that. And thank you; I do try.

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        • No, thank You!. Maybe I'm overreacting a little bit, sometimes they don't get such a bad reception. I like posts like that :)

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  • Thanks for bringing this up. As a troll myself (a "good troll") I really don't appreciate the attention I often receive for certain posts of mine. I mean, if you can't take a joke, that's hardly my problem; there's no need to be so cynical.

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  • imadragon

    While I understand that nobody wants someone to call their post fake, not everyone appreciates trolls.

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  • robbieforgotpw

    I usually shart my pants full laughing at the trolls

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    • semenandgarspunkel

      i have to take a shit but it wont come out.. it feels spicy

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      • robbieforgotpw

        I can't help u. I've been stuck on the can all day with my own mudslides

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  • RoseIsabella

    Depends on the troll.

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    • charli.m


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      • I shall throw your "this" out the window.

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  • Mister_Nobody

    I will usually play along as much as possible. The trolls make this site more entertaining, and I figure if nobody feeds them they'll starve.

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  • westoptic

    Some troll posts are just plain stupid, and unfunny. I'm not going to clap like a retarded seal for someone who's posting stupid shit that's not even original or funny. Trolls don't deserve recognition or praise if they suck at what they do.

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    • You don't have to do anything; that's the whole point.
      By responding, you are giving them the recognition that they don't deserve.

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  • familyguy63

    Bitter little troll hunters aren't we today!! I'm new, is "troll" like the fishing term,or like under bridge troll? I'm really asking not being a smartass.

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  • DumBelle

    Uhm, trolls AND their posts are annoying. It's pointless because a 'troll' is so incredibly pointless.. Always an annoying person in general; typically someone with no social life and a depraved person, just begging for attention and needs the internet to fulfill such needs for attention and some form of acknowledgment. Anyone 'annoyed' by people ignoring/not feeding the trolls enough, are probably one themselves and just mad that they are ignored, even in the online world. I'm happy they're called out and ignored for being so weird. Ultimately they'll learn to find better things to do with their time, than fail online. Half the troll posts are seriously perverse, the other half are just incredibly lame attempts at being funny, hence "Troll", "Yawn", "You fail at the internet".. All being the better waste of a comment than 'ha..ha, I sharted yur just so funniez'..
    Plus this site is ACTUALLY an awesome concept and is conducive and helpful for a lot of people who are confused and just want answers to oddities, questions they can't normally ask if IS normal.
    People enjoy helping. Some are more easily annoyed, but it doesn't make them cynical just because they're annoyed by morons.

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    • I think there's some funny ones - yes, they are rare.

      Yeah, like I said I'm not a troll. And I'm not annoyed at people ignoring them (I think that's the best thing to do for stupid trolls). I just wonder why some people don't appreciate the humour in the funny (fake) stories.

      I think this site is more than just a serious place for asking IIN questions - it is that obviously, that's the main thing. But it can be a source of entertainment and I don't think funny fake posts should be frowned upon so much. I get the impression that at the first hint that a post might be fake people cut it down whether it's funny/interesting or not.

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  • loopoo

    Some people just cannot troll though, I play along with good trolls, but if someone's attempt has fallen flat I will tell them, or ignore.

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  • dickwashington

    we should have a section for trolls and troll related things

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    • Mister_Nobody

      That would ruin the fun though. Trolls aren't really much of a problem here, so there's no need for any drastic measures.

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  • Riddler

    So you mean you want us to feed the trolls?

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