Is it normal as a kid i always felt watched/bugged?

As long as I can remember, I always felt watched as a kid. Walking to the bus stop, I watched what I said because I wondered if my parents had bugged my coat. when in my room, I acted like I was being watched by the neighbors, or like there were cameras in the vents. Even as I got older, I'd act differently in bathrooms, like the landlords had cameras in the lights or fans.

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Comments ( 6 )
  • kingofcarrotflowers

    I used to feel like this when I was young, I'd go to a public toilet and eye fire alarms trying to look for a camera, sometimes I'd try and act nonchalant even though I was doing nothing and was alone in my room.
    Then I saw the Jim Carey film in which his life was a tv show and goteven more worried.
    I never thought much of it until I looked back at it when I was older, I didn't have a happy childhood, I was constantly walking on eggshells and I think it was a manifestation of my at the time unknown anxieties.
    It stopped as I got older I started smoking weed and when I was very high I would get the feeling again.
    I've stopped smoking now though so I don't feel it anymore.
    I'm glad you posted this, I wonderedif anyone else got this as a child

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    • Anime7

      It sounds like it must have been difficult to live with that sort of paranoia.

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      • kingofcarrotflowers

        I admit, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't relieved when I stopped feeling that way, it's strange though, it had a silver lining, it made me appreciate my life more when it stopped

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        • Anime7

          That makes sense. I'm glad that you found the silver lining.

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  • TrustMeImLying

    I initially thought you meant watched as in being given attention, and bugged as in annoyed. but it seems not, booo

    it sounds like this was only as a kid, in which case I'm glad it's over

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  • Lonely2

    Its generalized anxiety and can become full blown paranoia

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