Is it normal as a woman to be attracted to younger men?
I'm 30 attracted to 25 year olds on average. Is this normal?
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I'm 30 attracted to 25 year olds on average. Is this normal?
Five years is not a huge difference at that stage of life.
Frankly, you apparently feeling that it is strikes me a sign of naïveté. By now, you should have got past the idea that a few years either way matters all that much, and you should understand that just as some people are forty-year-old adolescents, some twenty-year-old people are very mature.
There's an old rule of thumb that says the younger person in a romantic relationship should be at least half the older person's age + 7. So for you at age 30, that would mean you should only date people who are at least 22 years old.
So by this metric, you're good.
5 years younger is so much younger that you can really call them "younger men".
Yep, normal
At 20 or 25, five years seems like a lot and can be!
Once you hit somewhere around 30, 5 or even 10 years as you get older doesn't seem like a really big deal. To me it's not unusual for a 45 or 50 to be dating anyone over 35.
It used to be mainly males with a younger female, however, in recent years it has become more acceptable for both male and female to go younger.
Life is too short, enjoy it!
Why not? You already know they fetishize age, what more could they possibly be hiding...?
Woah I don't fetishize age I'm just attracted to younger men without knowing for sure how old they are until I find out on average they're 25 not 30
What about when you were 25? Did you like younger guys then too or is your preference just kind of staying in one place as you progress through life?
Well it's definitely not weird. Most women _do_ seem to have a slight preference for an older man (not way older) over a younger one if it has to be one way or the other, but keep in mind that I'm just saying "most" and not "almost all". It's common enough for a woman to have a slight preference for younger men as well. I know women like you.