Is it normal as an adult to be scared from taking a cab?

Is it normal that i am a 30 year old woman who is at times afraid to take a cab or a Taxi , especially to places i don't know or if the place is far away ? . i have scenarios of the guy whose driving the Cab kidnapping me or raping me or even killing me , like he will take a different lane on the street then what i told him and wont listen to me when i tell him where i want to go ?

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79% Normal
Based on 70 votes (55 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • redoctober

    Why take a cab....when you can hop in my Van O.O

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  • Justsomejerk

    It is a rational fear.

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  • CraneyCrow

    Attacks by cab drivers are almost unheard of. Most taxi crime is attacks ON cab drivers by people who rob, and sometimes kill, them. You're safer from stranger attack/rape in a taxicab than you are walking down the street or even in your own home. But if you're that scared, why don't you buy a handgun and carry it in your purse?

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  • ASealedHeart

    I think your fear is understandable, but don't let it interfere with your life. Take a cap if you need to; sometimes it's safer than waiting for the bus.

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  • Megan97

    Indeed so, i believe it is, because myself i have these fears (relates to anxiety and paranoia) and i never have to take a taxi because i am 15 and my mother drives me but i do think these images/scenarios are conjured from films, news stories etc. and it is very understandable! I think you could perhaps take a taxi with another person (friend) and you may feel safer, try during the day to feel more comfortable :) make sure you have your mobile on you aswell!

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  • awwwtiger

    stop acting like a kid. grow up, man.

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  • NorthernStar

    So you consider yourself so sexually irrestible that even a cab driver couldn't control himself to drive you a short distance without being overcome by desire and ravishing you?

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  • dappled

    I'd feel the same if I was a woman. You're in a position of vulnerability where someone else is in charge of the vehicle and where it goes. Worse, in this country, the doors automatically lock (so you can't run off without paying) plus there is a plexiglass screen between the driver and passenger.

    However, taxis are heavily regulated here and have identifying codes which are visible to the passenger (for the safety of the passenger). There is so much red tape to being a taxi driver but that has the happy effect of making them very identifiable. It'd be like a rapist telling you his full name before the attack.

    It does happen, though, and I have heard of a couple of taxi drivers attacking passengers (in particular those who were drunk or had taken drugs). I'd at least avoid making yourself any more vulnerable than you have to be.

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  • you have the advantage being in the back seat tho, the element of surprise belongs to you if you are in a tricky situation

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  • Avant-Garde

    Your fear is understandable. I suggest using cabs with someone you know, like a friend. That why if a problem arises you can better defend yourselves.

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  • Energy

    Normal. But like ASealedHeart said don't let it control your life. If you absolutely NEED to take a cab....face your fears.

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