Is it normal banned from a subreddit for "misgendering" a doll?

There's a doll on TikTok called Jasper it's a Bratz doll someone dresses up and voices.. anyway the doll is non binary and I was in a post on Reddit about it and commented "I love Jasper the doll she's my spirit animal" and because I said "she" in my comment I was told "*they they're non binary".

So I said "dolls can't be anything they're dolls but she's cool regardless" and my comment was removed and I was banned from the subreddit. Is that normal? Btw the owner of the doll/the voice of it is a she/her female..

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20% Normal
Based on 15 votes (3 yes)
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Comments ( 25 )
  • darefu

    Reddit is full of self serving asses. Especially as mods, few if any ever warn, or tell a person what they did wrong. They ban people permanently for things that aren't even in their rules. It's really just a cancel culture mentality. If they don't agree or like what you said, you're gone.

    I've even taken the time to send reddit a suggestion to make 1 warning mandatory, and to ban permanently any mods that don't warn first, or ban without a clear justification or rule violation.

    But at this point it's like a lot of other sites, it's ran it's time and is a waste to deal with, unless you want to start your own sub and talk to yourself.

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    • LloydAsher

      Which people do, do that. Talking to themselves on subreddits, just to appear to other basement intellectuals that they are having a conversation, no matter how schizophrenic it really is.

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      • darefu

        Lol, I don't doubt that!

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    • daydreamer394

      Sounds like Facebook group admins, or as they like to think of themselves, kings and queens.

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      • darefu

        Probably so, don't know really, I left Facebook years ago.

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  • Somenormie

    Reddit is filled with retards.

    That's why I barely go on that site.

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    • Wow3986

      Let me guess you're ableist?

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  • splashgame3

    Reddit is such a toxic site. Anything that you read on there should be taken with a grain of salt. I’ve come across some of the biggest assholes I’ve ever witnessed on that site. They have horrible logic and see things so backwards that it’s not even funny. It’s almost as if the people with the most outlandish backwards views all get together and come on there and when one person disagrees with them they all hang up on them and that person gets banned.

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    • hauntedbysandwiches

      I couldn't agree with you more

      Reddit is down right now! I never saw that happen before

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  • megadriver

    Stop using reddit and tiktok. Both are full of retards.
    With that said I'd love to meet a SJW moderator of some site, or reddit thing in real life... Bet you any money they would never stand up to me in person and if I wanted I could be an absolute dick to them and they still wouldn't do shit.

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  • NoRestForTheWicked

    Redditors are out of touch with reality.

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    • AsterBean

      Reality is out of touch with reality.

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  • kikilizzo

    Reddit is a shithole these days. Majority of admins are trannies and non binarys who are extremely easily offended. Those are people who has no real life or struggle what so ever, since their biggest issue in life is people accidentally misgendering them or their freaking dolls. Must be nice to be so void of real problems though. If they stepped outside they would learn most people respect pronouns, even though it is mostly because people want to avoid conflict and the other half because they dont care what someone wants to be called, so they have literally nothing to complain about.

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    • daydreamer394

      So true.

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  • taebby22

    I've been banned from Reddit all 3 times I've tried using the site. Just because I didn't label something or my post was a smidgen off topic but not really. I think the majority of mods on there are really lost to reality, they're so full of themselves and dictating every tiny thing. It's not even worth trying to mingle on that site

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Some of the subreddits have pretty dumb rules. I wouldn't get too hung up about it. If that place doesn't want you around, find another place that does.

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    • SkullsNRoses

      I got comments removed for “gendered language” for saying “pig of a man child” and “ungrateful little bitch”. I stand by both assessments.

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  • Anonnet

    Yes, it's normal. Getting banned for misgendering a doll isn't normal, but on Reddit? I can easily believe that.

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  • ObamaIfHeWasBlack

    reddit is such cancer

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  • LloydAsher

    I personally dont collect shit. My fiancee on the other hand collects early 2000s dolls.

    And by dont collect things I mean I kinda want to collect warhammer minis but they are too god damn expensive and I'm just waiting for a good ebay price. I'm in it for the lore but I just want a singular freeblade imperial knight to have on a table.

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  • jethro

    It's a doll. Call it what you want.

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  • LloydAsher

    Idk I just get a vibe from people and an idea of what their hobbies or thing they like.

    I grew up in the midwest, all sorts collect random shit. Woodworker I knew collected squirt (the soda) memorabilia.

    I also am a proud co owner of a dragon dildo for my fiancee.

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  • LloydAsher

    You know, with the times you talk on here. I am not surprised you collect dragon stuff.

    Not an insult btw. We all got shit to collect. You just seem the type, they are cool

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  • Meatballsandwich

    The same could be said about this website. lol

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  • Wow3986

    You were rightfully banned. You were told the doll was non-binary, so you should have referred to them by the correct pronouns. That was an asshole move and clearly rooted in bigotry.

    The fact that you think a doll isn't deserving of respect is a classic example of discrimination. You probably hate black people.

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