Is it normal? because to me is not

i hate myself so much because my stomach hurt and looks like i'm pregnant it feels weird like something is in there, i have been farting alots but not pooping also i have long periods of time so I want to the doctor but she only said your stressed. i overeat then throw up, and not eat for few days. i feel disgusting I don't know want to do anymore and don't know how to bring this up but you're the first person I'm telling this,my problem is Putting my Finger up my Anus to Poop. I must use my fingers and put my anus to get rid of poo. i have been doing this for i can't remember how long maybe two years and now i'm totally freaking out that it will be impossible for me to go properly ever again. (I even try not to do it for a week but no poop at all) for one i wish i never started it controls my life. i have tried stopping but my body just doesnt push the waste down into where is should be anymore it just sits up inside me so i feel like i have to put my fingers up and I don't know how to tell this to my doctor or anyone I don't know how to bring it up I hope I don't get any diseases because I'm doing this please help me any advice will be very helpful and I am ready to change I am sick and tired of this please I will do anything to get rid of this problem."I'm struggling to have normal bowel movements without assistance it's impossible for me to go properly. my body just doesnt push the waste down into where is should be anymore. Any suggestions for things to use to make it easier?"☹😓😭😢😔

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Comments ( 4 )
  • Boojum

    If you're alternately gorging yourself on food, making yourself vomit and then fasting for days, it's hardly surprising that your digestive system is thoroughly messed up. That sort of eating pattern is simply not what our digestive system evolved to handle. I'm not a doctor, but it also sounds to me like you have some sort of eating disorder.

    Googling your rectal stimulation habit led me to a couple of references. One was for people with spinal injuries, where it was described how to stimulate the anus in just the way you do in order to trigger the bowel evacuation reflex. So it sounds like, whatever other physical and psychological issues you may have, your lower bowel is not physiologically abnormal since this works for you.

    There were a couple other articles which suggested to me that this seems to be a habit that a small number of Indians get into.

    I understand that you would find it embarrassing to tell a doctor what you've been doing, but trust me: doctors have heard of people doing things that are much, much weirder. And if you're not willing to talk to a medical expert about this, it's highly unlikely that a bunch of random internet people are going to come up with medically sound suggestions for what you should do.

    Other than the obvious, of course: eat regularly in amounts that aren't so huge that your digestive system becomes overloaded and you become bloated with gas, include lots of fibre in your diet and drink plenty of water.

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    • Waityou9876

      I really appreciate it and I am going to talk to my doctor very soon thank you so much again

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  • raisinbran

    What are you eating? Eat more vegetables and drink more water.

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  • Somenormie

    I think the best thing is to seek help and maybe have someone to talk about it as hard as it may sound they can help you. I was in a similar situation as you were but talking about it with someone you trust can benefit you, with help they can guide you what you need to do. I know this whole point may seem a bit basic to you and perhaps everyone, but trust me help with anyone could give you answers.

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