Is it normal becoming increasingly paranoid?

The past few months I've gotten more and more paranoid. I've always been afraid of the dark but lately I can't seem to stand it at all. If I hang my hand off the couch/bed I start to think something might grab me. I always look behind me or to the side because I feel like something's there watching me.

I took my dog outside late at night because I couldn't sleep. She started walking towards the back of the apartment complexes where it's dark and there are a bunch of trees and bushes + a swamp and I thought I heard a laugh/scream/screech so I freaked out and ran back home. It sounded like a witch now I think there might be a witch behind my apartment and maybe she's the one who's been watching me but I know that can't be true right!? I hear things when I'm alone or at night such as whistling, mumbling, laughing, and sometimes talking. Not all the time though and it doesn't really bother me that much.

Voting Results
51% Normal
Based on 49 votes (25 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • Tigger14

    I have been feeling the same way so I went to the doctor and he said that once you start getting scared the part of you brain witch produces fear starts working very hard and this can turn little things like a branch falling outside to you thinking that there's a person the trick is to ignore it and down play it than you will find that you will get less an less scared and be able to have a good night sleep. It really worked with me

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  • dongwhan

    you could try shoving a glow stick up your ass and putting glow in the dark bracelets on, wearing one of those new hats with the lights on the rim, buying a pair of those new bedroom slippers with the lights on the toes and rapping yourself in 20,000 twinkle lights plugged into 200 feet of extention cord and finally buy an ipod with some headphones and jam them things in your ears so you cant hear anything but soothing music. goodluck!!

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  • Superior

    Might wanna get your head checked, man. Fear of the dark is pretty common, but I feel like you're sliding toward paranoid schizophrenia.

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    • I guess it doesn't help that my mom's a paranoid schizophrenic... 0.0

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      • Superior

        It's hereditary, yes. Go see a dr.

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  • bumblecreek

    that noise you heard outside was probably a fox. they make a lot of strange noises, and one does oddly sound like a laughing witch. i looked it up, and it's called "gekkering" i've heard it before, multiple times as a matter of fact, since there are a lot of foxes around here.
    witches are a just a legend. they don't exist, so you're fine. and those other noises you're hearing are just in your head more than likely, or possibly the other people that live with you.

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    • Superior

      Witches do exist, although not in the movie/fiction/cartoon form. They are the people who practice a religion called Wicca. It's not devil worship or any wierd shit like that. It's mostly about nature.

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