Is it normal christians whine about respect?

Christians quite often whine about the fact that everyone is supposed to respect their religion. Well, I for one have never understood why I'm supposed to respect something which assigns eternal damnation to me and billions (!) of other non-christians. That doesn't seem very respectful to me either. Yet they have the audacity to ask to respect their vile beliefs. To me it seems like a Nazi asking a Jew to respect them for being antisemitic. is it normal Christians whine about respect?

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55% Normal
Based on 60 votes (33 yes)
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Comments ( 91 )
  • changes123

    Respect in the sense that you don't go out of your way to insult their religion in their face, or go to their churches just to criticize.

    Don't make a joke about their faith, or their book in front of their face. There's nothing wrong with debating with someone intellectually if they're open to it. There are fundamentalists everywhere, and that doesn't decide the majority.

    There are plenty of respectful Christians out there in the world.

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    • BLAh81

      "Respect in the sense that you don't go out of your way to insult their religion in their face, or go to their churches just to criticize."

      Why would it be wrong for someone to go out of their way to criticizse something that deserves criticism?

      "There are plenty of respectful Christians out there in the world."

      Yes, there are. Unfortunately though, nice as they may be, they are also pretty hypocritical, because they aren't really following their own book. At least the fundies are true to their vile religion.

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      • rosa333

        When we follow the book we are criticised, when we don't follow the book we a criticesd, a neverending circle...

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        • BLAh81

          That's right. Perhaps you shouldn't be so foolish as to label yourself Christian.

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      • et12356

        Please, your opinions are not shared by some people. Accept that. It is very hard to change someone else's mind. I doubt that you will change anyone's thoughts on religion. You certainly haven't changed mine, mostly because of your ignorance.

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        • BLAh81

          "Please, your opinions are not shared by some people."

          True. Doesn't make them incorrect though.

          "Accept that."

          I do.

          "It is very hard to change someone else's mind."

          Yes, it is.

          "I doubt that you will change anyone's thoughts on religion."

          Me too.

          "You certainly haven't changed mine, mostly because of your ignorance."

          No, mostly because of the fact you've been brainwashed.

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          • et12356

            And that doesn't make your opinions correct either. There is no proof that there is not god. I'll try to explain this simply. The proof that god exists is the fact that we can conceive of an all powerful, perfect being. If we were in the dark constantly and had never experienced light, then you wouldn't be able to conceive of light. Since we can conceive of an all powerful, perfect being, we've obviously had contact with a one in the past.

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            • BLAh81

              "And that doesn't make your opinions correct either."

              True. Obviously I personally still believe they are, though.

              "There is no proof that there is not god."

              That's ridiculous. There's no proof there are no unicorns, goblins or fairies either. Do you believe in those too? You should believe something when it's actually proven. The burden of proof is on you to prove your God, NOT on me to disprove your God.

              "The proof that god exists is the fact that we can conceive of an all powerful, perfect being. If we were in the dark constantly and had never experienced light, then you wouldn't be able to conceive of light. Since we can conceive of an all powerful, perfect being, we've obviously had contact with a one in the past."

              Thank you for this explanation. I've never before in my life came across it. However, I still reject it, because I can conceive of all sorts of crazy stuff. I don't think that automatically means I've then had contact with it in the past. That's absurd.

              BTW, suppose you can prove the existence of A God, why would it then be your particular God, Jehovah?

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          • et12356

            If you don't seek to change other's minds or prove people wrong (which leads to them changing their minds) then you are simply full of hatred. I will pray for you.

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            • BLAh81

              I indeed don't seek to change other's minds or prove people wrong. However, I also am NOT full of hatred. I simply wanted to know how you Christians can have the balls to whine about respect, whilst believing the persons you demand said respect from are hell-bound heathens. That sounds a little hypocritical.

              "I will pray for you."

              Well, isn't there a divine plan? Isn't everything already fixed by God? If so, what good would praying do?

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  • SuperBenzid

    I think to a degree respect is worthwhile. Not because their beliefs deserve respect but because respect allows you to better argue the case that they are wrong to a more receptive audience.

    The problem is when people demonstrate a lack of respect they often start making arguments from personal incredulity which is always a mistake and never very convincing. They do worship poorly written and contradictory fairy tales written by uneducated savages. However telling them that is rarely effective in my experience, it is a conclusion they have to come to on their own.

    I say to a degree because while I feel it is best when in discussions with Christians to show some respect it isn't worthwhile showing respect when it blinds the truth of the matter at hand. Like in Luke 19:29-34 Jesus does steal a donkey and truth has to trump respect when dealing in specifics.

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    • BLAh81

      "I think to a degree respect is worthwhile. Not because their beliefs deserve respect but because respect allows you to better argue the case that they are wrong to a more receptive audience."

      Maybe so, but it would PURELY be a "strategic" type of respect then, since it's impossible for me to GENUINELY respect people who honestly believe non-Christians deserve to burn forever.

      "The problem is when people demonstrate a lack of respect they often start making arguments from personal incredulity which is always a mistake and never very convincing."


      "They do worship poorly written and contradictory fairy tales written by uneducated savages. However telling them that is rarely effective in my experience, it is a conclusion they have to come to on their own.""

      You could also argue that it may take some vigorous shaking at first to get them to subsequently reach that conclusion on their own.

      "I say to a degree because while I feel it is best when in discussions with Christians to show some respect it isn't worthwhile showing respect when it blinds the truth of the matter at hand. Like in Luke 19:29-34 Jesus does steal a donkey and truth has to trump respect when dealing in specifics. "


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  • AbnormallyAwesome

    There's a difference between respecting believes and respecting people. You don't have to respect any believe you don't agree with. I don't even think thats possible in an honest way.
    However it's importatnt to respect people no matter what they believe if you wan't to have any sort of discussion with them.

    1. "I think you're wrong because this and that makes no sense to me." - Respect and a start to an interessting conversation

    2. "I think you're wrong because you're an idiot." - No respect and nothing more than a waste of time

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    • BLAh81

      Maybe in order to have any sort of discussion with them, respecting them indeed IS imperative.

      However, it would PURELY be a "strategic" type of respect then, since it's impossible for me to GENUINELY respect people who honestly believe non-Christians deserve to burn forever.

      You COULD also argue that it may take some vigorous shaking to get them to abandon their delusions BTW.

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  • q25t

    I don't respect Christianity whatsoever. However, I respect the Christians that follow it unless they do something to lose my respect.

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    • BLAh81

      "I don't respect Christianity whatsoever."

      Neither do I.

      "However, I respect the Christians that follow it unless they do something to lose my respect."

      Well, if they wholeheartedly believe I'm a hellbound heathen, I'm not able to respect them. If they DON'T believe that, I of course can. However, they would also be pretty hypocritical in that case, because the view that non-believers will suffer forever in hell REALLY IS dominant in the Bible.

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      • et12356

        Do you hate the government for making laws?

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        • BLAh81

          Why would I?

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          • et12356

            Well god made laws that send you to hell if you don't accept him. You choose not to obey the government based on your belief that they are not correct, you go to jail. You choose not to obey god based on the belief that he does not exist and is therefore not correct, you go to hell. Tough luck.

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            • BLAh81

              "You choose not to obey god based on the belief that he does not exist and is therefore not correct"

              Although I indeed don't believe a God exists (it's very unlikely at the very least), that's not the reason I choose to disobey YOUR particular God (Yahweh).

              I choose to disobey Yahweh, because I think he's an evil fuck.


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            • BLAh81

              You can't scare me into believing in God. I also think whether you're a good person or not,is a bit more important than what you believe.

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            • et12356

              Do you believe in hell?

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  • ProseAthlete

    It's normal for everyone -- even people with whom you disagree vehemently -- to want respect.

    What do you hope to gain from telling someone he believes in stupid fairy tales and adheres to a faith that tells much of the world that it's going to hell? Do you think a Christian is just going to say, "Oh, wow -- you are SO right! Let me just shake off all my years of cultural and social conditioning and embrace atheism!" Of course they won't. They're not going to change your mind about their faith either, so why not set aside differences in favor of finding common ground? You consider their beliefs vile and they consider your beliefs vile, so talk about pizza toppings or TV shows instead.

    By the way, you do realize that most religions proclaim that non-believers will go to something like a hell, right? It isn't just Christians. Why be anti-Christian if you aren't anti-religion? That seems short-sighted of you.

    Also, it might help to recall that while Christianity was responsible for the Inquisition and the Crusades, it also helped keep literacy alive throughout the Dark Ages and has been the catalyst for some of the world's most magnificent art, architecture and music. Plenty of Christians practice what they preach and give heavily to charity or go on faith-based missions that feed and clothe millions. I'm not at all a fan of fundamentalist Christianity either, but I can acknowledge the faith's good works as well as its evils.

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    • BLAh81

      Wow, you've just missed the whole point ENTIRELY (perhaps because you just didn't WANT to see it).

      I just think it's kinda weird and hypocritical for Christians to demand respect for their beliefs, when those beliefs are OBVIOUSLY not respectful of a lot of people from whom they demand said respect.

      "You consider their beliefs vile and they consider your beliefs vile"

      Yes, but I don't believe Christians deserve (and will) be tortured forever, whilst they DO believe that the other way around. So, who's the nicer person here?

      "By the way, you do realize that most religions proclaim that non-believers will go to something like a hell, right?"

      Yes, sure I know that. I don't agree with those religions either. I think being a good person is just a TEENSY bit more important than what you believe. Too bad the vast majority of religions don't teach that.

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      • noid

        If you are basing your feelings about Christians on their belief that hell lasts forever,, please note that not all Christians believe this.

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        • BLAh81

          You are correct. The Bible is very contradictory on the subject of Hell (as it is on loads of other subjects BTW).

          I guess Christians don't even know what to believe, LOL.

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          • BLAh81

            The view that non-Christians will suffer eternally really IS dominant in the Bible, though.

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        • suckonthis9

          Two divisions, Archaic.

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          • noid

            I like the word archaic. I'm going to start using it in my conversations with others: )

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            • suckonthis9

              Why don't you ask the mother of the young male, who is currently being hunted by the 'polite', why she is using an archaic term, which means, 'wholly war' or 'all war'?
              Is this what you want for the future of Planet Earth? All war?
              While you're at it, you can ask her about the "religious politics", meaning -ists and -isms.

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      • ProseAthlete

        I guess you'd get all wound up if I told you to turn the other cheek, wouldn't you?

        Yes, I got your point. It's obnoxious to expect that others will respect your belief that they are hell-bound heathens. I agree with that part.

        You aren't obligated to respect others' religious faith no matter what it is. However, that isn't what you asked. You asked if it was normal for people who believe a certain way to want respect for their beliefs, and that answer is always going to be yes. Of course it's normal that they "whine" about respect; everyone wants to have his or her core beliefs treated with respect -- even if those beliefs are distasteful.

        Believe me, I don't love the fundamentalist Christians. One of them told me my sister was burning in hell because she didn't accept JC as her personal blah blah blah before she died in an accident. I was 13 at the time. It put me off that poison pretty much for life. Not every Christian is like that evil fuck, though. Like every other group, they range from wonderful people to utter bastards.

        The good ones don't believe you're going to hell; they believe you just haven't found heaven yet and will pray for you to find it. To me, it's daft, but it's well-intentioned. How can I hate all Christians when some are good, kind people?

        Live and let live. Give respect and get respect.

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        • BLAh81

          "I guess you'd get all wound up if I told you to turn the other cheek, wouldn't you?"

          Why would I? Turning the other cheek is bad advice, BTW. Taking away the right of self-defense is idiotic.

          "You asked if it was normal for people who believe a certain way to want respect for their beliefs, and that answer is always going to be yes. Of course it's normal that they "whine" about respect; everyone wants to have his or her core beliefs treated with respect -- even if those beliefs are distasteful."

          I indeed asked if it is normal for people who believe a certain way to want respect for their beliefs. You're also right that the answer to that is always gonna be yes. However, I think people with beliefs they KNOW are distasteful to others, should realize it's unreasonable to be asking those very same people for respect. I mean, hello?

          I'm truly sorry your sister died, and I do not for one second believe she is burning in hell. That was a disgusting statement from that Christian piece of shit. I DO know there are also a lot of nice Christians who DON'T believe that. I don't hate those, because they indeed are good people.

          However, they are also hypocrites, because, although the Bible is very contradictory about hell (as it is on HUNDREDS of other topics), the view that non-believers will suffer forever in hell REALLY IS dominant.

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          • et12356

            Oh, so you believe you shouldn't have respect? Because your beliefs are distasteful to me.

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            • BLAh81

              My beliefs aren't disrespectful in THEMSELVES, they are merely a RESPONSE to your Christian belief.

              I consider your beliefs vile and you consider my beliefs vile, I get that, but I don't believe Christians deserve (and will) be tortured forever, whilst you DO believe that the other way around. So, who's the nicer person here?

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        • suckonthis9

          Irresponsible. Please see my other comments on this post.

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      • BLAh81

        Hmmm, BEING right certainly is something completely different from being ACKNOWLEGED as such.

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      • suckonthis9

        Two divisions in society. Please see my comment below.

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    • SuperBenzid

      "By the way, you do realize that most religions proclaim that non-believers will go to something like a hell, right?"

      I wouldn't agree with that. Some forms of Judaism, Hinduism, Some forms of Islam, Jainism, Shintoism and Buddhism don't necessarily have all non-believers going to hell. Christianity is fairly unique in that the belief all non-believers go to hell is held near universally among sects.

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        The Mormon faith does not propose that non-believers go to hell unless they see God face to face in the afterlife and still deny him.

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        • SuperBenzid

          Very interesting thank you for letting me know.

          I would have included Mormonism with the other religions had I of known. I don't personally consider Mormonism to be Christian.

          You know if it is real and I was going to meet the Mormon God, I would have to ask about Helaman 12:13. Giving people death, terror, famine and disease was the only way to get people to remember him? Surely he could of come up with a better way than that. I mean what about writing his name in the sky or something, I hardly think it fitting for a God to resort to terrorism just to get people to remember him.

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          • NeuroNeptunian

            LDS is a form of Christianity as the religion is Christ based.

            As far as Helaman goes, I can't really comment. It's taught that what God did was a leveling act to remind the people that without God's blessings and aid, they wouldn't have had prosperity to begin with. The citizens became conceited and attributed their good fortune purely to their efforts and fell away from having gratitude for the lord's blessings to utter conceit. His intention wasn't simply to remind them of his presence but rather that he was in control.

            In the Mormon faith, the highest sin is direct treason which occurs when one has seen God/undeniable proof of God with their own eyes yet they still refuse to believe, a sin that 99.9% of humanity is incapable of committing in the living world but once committed after seeing God in the celestial kingdom, is damning. This happens in the afterlife rather than the living world, hence why we don't believe an atheist or non-Mormon would be damned. However, our theology regarding the finer points of heaven is more complicated than that.

            If God were to show himself to them then they would no longer have faith as faith is belief without proof. As you probably know, Faith is the central pillar of most deity based religions.

            The point I made in paragraph one is a valid point regardless of religious preference. From the atheist perspective, no one is truly 100% credited with their achievements. Not when forces of nature beyond their control exist. Not when a car accident could easily ruin your career if it handicaps you. Hence, it's not just your effort but also accommodating circumstances. In the Christian faith, it's not just you, rather, God deserves a share of he credit. In either way, faith or no faith, it is wise to remain humble lest life force you to humility. That's one of the purposes of the story of Helaman.

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            • SuperBenzid

              "LDS is a form of Christianity as the religion is Christ based."

              I mean no offence to you but I have looked at both (though I admit that I am not an expert on Mormonism) and to me they are separate religions. Lets be real how many Christians believe that Jesus resurrected himself in America and was walking around there? To me it doesn't make Mormonism any better or worse than Christianity, it is just different. Though I guess Mormon-Christianity would work, anyway it is not up to me. If a majority of people believe Mormonism to be under the umbrella of Christianity then I guess it is so regardless of what I think.

              "In either way, faith or no faith, it is wise to remain humble lest life force you to humility. "

              "That's one of the purposes of the story of Helaman."
              Sorry I don't see it. Let's look at what God apparently does "he doth visit them with death and with terror, and with famine and with all manner of pestilence".
              So we have genocide, terrorism, starvation and biological warfare. Honestly I can't see how you can teach people positive things with this method. I also can't see how this was God's best shot at teaching humility. If God is perfect then his actions should be perfect right? So you're telling me genocide, terrorism, starvation and biological warfare is the perfect way to teach humility?

              I do thank you for telling me what I have to do to get sent to hell if I ever meet the Mormon God because if that is God then I am going to take my chances with Satan.

              If that is his idea of a good lesson, I shudder to think what his heaven is like.

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        • BLAh81

          Well, the Mormon faith sure DOES propose a lot (and I do mean A LOT) of other REALLY fucked up things. I mean, it isn't even REMOTELY sane.

          BTW, who would be dumb enough to deny God face to face anyway?

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      • BLAh81

        "Christianity is fairly unique in that the belief all non-believers go to hell is held near universally among sects."

        Well, there are quite some Christians who (hypocritically I think) don't believe all non-believers will go to hell.

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    • suckonthis9

      "Faith", means to trust. Who do you trust? Who should you trust?

      Please do not use the Archaic term referring to a fictitious nether world.

      Thank you.

      Five divisions in society. Irresponsible. Please see my comment below.

      Please do not use -ists or -isms.

      Thank you.

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  • LizardSkin

    I don't ask nobody to share my beliefs, I'm a man I can stand on my own feet.

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    • BLAh81

      What do you mean, Eminem?

      Christians DO ask you to share their beliefs BTW. If you don't, hell awaits. How is THAT a free choice?

      "I'm a man I can stand on my own feet."

      Not very nice to disabled guys, is it?

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  • davesumba

    I've never heard of that happening, except maybe with people who simply CALL themselves Christian. If anything, respect their beliefs in the sense that you accept that is how they've decided to be, it makes them happy, and you shouldn't say anything negative or disrespectful about it. Just like a -real- good Christian, should respect other people's decisions not to believe in a religion, and not to hate on them for their choices.

    And it doesn't say he automatically assigns you and billions to eternal damnation, it says that only He can judge people. And my theory, is that a person who calls themselves Christian, but then has a nasty attitude toward non believer's faces, will wind up in hell before a good hearted nice person who doesn't believe in God does.

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    • BLAh81

      "I've never heard of that happening, except maybe with people who simply CALL themselves Christian."

      Oh, "real" Christians whine about respect too. Maybe you should go out more.

      " If anything, respect their beliefs in the sense that you accept that is how they've decided to be, it makes them happy, and you shouldn't say anything negative or disrespectful about it."

      Well, their book (the Bible) teaches PLENTY of disrespectful things about people like me. Why can't I return the service?

      "Just like a -real- good Christian, should respect other people's decisions not to believe in a religion, and not to hate on them for their choices."

      That's NOT what the Bible teaches.

      "And it doesn't say he automatically assigns you and billions to eternal damnation, it says that only He can judge people."

      Ehm, yes, it DOES say that in fact. Don't fool yourself.

      "And my theory, is that a person who calls themselves Christian, but then has a nasty attitude toward non believer's faces, will wind up in hell before a good hearted nice person who doesn't believe in God does."

      A very nice idea, just not a very Biblical one I'm afraid.

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  • loopoo

    Can't be arsed

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  • KaffeInjection

    Meanwhile in the Sewers of Colombia

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  • DandyElfman

    If you don't want to respect Christian that is fine but when you are being disrespected for your beliefs you cant complain. Fair is fair and everyone wants respect. Be you gay, straight, Christian, jew or black. Nothing says you have to believe the religion so why do you act as though its an obligation?

    So when you get people laughing because you are gay, fat, retarded, or handicapped dont cry. Since if you give none you deserve none. Honestly no one has to respect those beliefs either according to you. If they are not hurting anyone with the belief they follow why do you care?

    If you are a women nothing says we can not call you a whore and a man we can call you a pig. Since this seems like perfectly expectable behaviour in your mind set. If you argue well my parents worshipped it not like something you can escape.

    As parents set the rules when we are children and no matter what they are we must follow. Even if we disagree with it. Like if your parents are racist and say you can not talk to “Black” kids you would be very reluctant to in most cases. Not that you agree but it was your parents rules. This happens to all of us. Not like something we can change until we actually leave our parents.

    So please remember this when you are being mocked for your short comings, and your personal beliefs. Since I doubt anyone will be giving any pity when you want to spread such hate among the world.

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    • suckonthis9

      Why are you creating divisions in society, and using archaic terms for people?

      Please see my comment above.

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      • DandyElfman

        Actually no I am not. The OP is since they wish to single out one group of people to laugh at.

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        • charli.m

          Just hit 'report' on every comment the twat uses the words 'archaic' 'do not use ists and isms' or various other orders.

          He's spamming, therefore he needs to be reported.

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          • DandyElfman

            I will be sure to do that charli.

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          • suckonthis9

            They are all cheering just for you!

            Divided States of America. Huh?

            "The terror is over". No it is not. It will recur over and over again. You will be living in a 'police' state, instead of a 'polite' state.

            Report that!

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            • charli.m

              I don't live in the USA.

              I do not pity you, for you have the brain of a jellyfish.

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  • tannah

    Every Religion has the right to be respected and valued.In the west especially we have our history and laws founded upon christian beliefs and values.Even if we are not christians we should repect those that follow it as well as every other person on this earth regardless of religion , skin color , sex or any other factor.

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    • BLAh81

      "Every Religion has the right to be respected and valued"

      Ehm, why exactly? What if the religion teaches truly horrible things? Religion is very different from race, sex, etc. in that a person can't help being a certain race or sex. a person CAN help believing evil nonsense or not, by being educated.

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  • Imsupernormal

    I agree. Those worthless christiantards deserve ZERO respect.

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  • suckonthis9


    You have used, six times, terms which divide people who all believe in the teachings of Abraham, from other people who have other religious beliefs, as well as dividing these people from people who are not religious. The use of these terms might be offensive to some people, whether they are religious, or whether they are not religious.

    Why are you creating divisions in society?

    You have also used an Archaic term pertaining to a fictitious nether world. Please do not use such terminology.

    Thank you.

    Do we need to be continually reminded of an 80 year old defunct -ist party, from people like you?

    To 'respect', means to look back at. Why do you look back at something that you don't agree with?

    Can't you read the news?
    Right now, the police have just killed more people, and are hunting another person, who killed other people.
    Why is this going on? Because people like you, constantly create divisions in society. You are (in part) responsible.

    The young male's (suspect) own sister, had said that there were no 'signs'. There were. She then created another one, stating that she had married a non-[divided person]. The 'signs' are everywhere, and the signs say, "divided people this way".

    The young male (suspect) could have been instead, listening to a music concert, or walking with a beautiful friend by the river, or sharing dinner over polite conversation.

    That's what we need, 'polite', not 'police'.

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  • Fabulous


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