Is it normal cliques and new users

So I'm writing this because I believe some people are feeling excluded on here, like as if there's some big invisible "in" crowd that they're not a part of. I've been a member on here for two years and I'll admit that I've had similar thoughts. But I don't really feel like they exist anymore, and if they do then I doubt it's to the extent where you could call it a clique. It feels more like some people just feel comfortable talking to others, but at that point it isn't really a clique...just people talking.

Anyways, back to the original point of this. I don't want people to feel like they're being left out of something. If you have something on your mind or some angst let's try to clear it up in this post. Whether that includes that you feel like some body is bullying you. Perhaps you feel like maybe the persona you carry on here is false. Maybe you want to be more well known on here. Say "hi" and introduce yourself if you like. Share your philosophy. Whatever thought stresses you out I hope you can relax a little in this thread and share what troubles you.

I guess I'll start by saying this "I'm Anime7 and sometimes I worry that people on here see me as extremely pathetic, like somebody who's constantly sad or needs a hug. Now don't get me wrong hugs are nice and always appreciated. But I actually do have some confidence, recently a lot actually. Anyways, I just wanted to share that"

What about you?

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Comments ( 89 )
  • charli.m

    I've actually always viewed you as pretty confident about a lot of things...and I have noticed that you seem to have increased confidence in yourself, which makes me so happy. I see you as a really positive, calm presence on this site. I wish I could be more like that.

    I view myself as increasingly cynical and disinterested, snippy and apathetic. I used to care a lot more. I suppose it could change but to be honest, I'm not sure I give a flying fuck anymore.

    That being said, though, I still dearly care for many people here. It saddens me that I have less time or inclination to get to know new users (made even more irritating by the fact that now I actually have more confidence to start conversations with people...). It's the other shit I'm weary of, mostly. Well...that and some new people who feel it's more fun to be intentionally horrid for their own amusement. I'm sick of seeing people I care about being driven from here because of people like this. I'm sick of potential new people being driven from here before they have a chance to make a positive contribution because of people like this.

    I think I'm viewed on here as someone in a clique. Which annoys me. I'd happily talk to anyone who doesn't behave like a prick. The way I react to people interacting with me is...surprise surprise...reciprocating the way they have engaged with me.

    I ranted :/ sorry. It's late and I'm in a bad mood.

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    • Anime7

      I like it when you rant though.

      It's weird that to hear you say that you're growing more cynical, disinterested, and apathetic because you've always come across like you cared. I mean you always give great advice. And you always know how to pal around with plenty of the other users. Honestly you're just hilarious, which is like something that makes this site great. You've been here for awhile now and honestly you're one of the people here who makes the community what it is, amazing.

      I'm right there with you on not liking people getting bullied on this site. Although to be honest, there are only a handful of new users that I've really been noticing. Some of them have stopped showing up. Some of them are still here and I like their presence. While I know that bullying is still a problem on here, I haven't seen anything recently. Which I guess hopefully means that nobody is being bullied.

      As for the whole clique thing, I know what you mean. But that's what one of the things I tried to semi-stress in the post. There really aren't cliques it's just people talking to one another. Anybody could do that. Talk to someone they want to. Especially to you charli.m you come off as nice and approachable.

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      • You seem like you put a lot of thought into all of your answers here which I like.

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    • LornaMae

      Awww, pucker up, fishface! Lol!

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  • Tommythecat.

    Extremely pathetic, no. I see you as fairly sensitive and thoughtful.

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    • Avant-Garde

      As do I.

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  • kingofcarrotflowers

    I can somewhat understand why people feel this way, it's of course nothing to do with the behaviour of users on this site but from my experience a confidence thing.
    Before I took a break from IIN I constantly found myself wanting to talk to and reply to comments of users but found myself withdrawing a little bit and just answering questions asked in the post without really interacting too much.
    It's only really since I rejoined that I've almost forced myself to continue or start conversations or pm's or kik etc
    For some really, really stupid reason I occasionally revert back to the shy guy who types a message, then deletes it.
    As for the behaviour of IIN users I see no reason why people would feel excluded many newer users were mentioned in the favorite user page and as for charli.m I'd have to agree with anime I've always thought you were approachable, I feel many users are, it's a good community :)

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    • kingofcarrotflowers

      When I read this before I was thinking up answers and missed the bit about what worries users.

      Haha, it's funny, I yet again wrote a massive text, this time about my insecurities about myself and IIN and I deleted it before I posted.

      This is a bigger problem than I let on in the prievious comment, I feel I have so many things to say to so many people and so many things to talk about but, anything meaningful or something I actually feel I need to say, well, I can never say it. Drives me fucking crazy

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      • Anime7

        Just say it man, whatever it is that's on your mind. I'm here for you man, like if there's ever anything you want to talk about. I don't want you to feel insecure about whatever thoughts you may have. I don't want you to be scared of being judged, I promise I won't do that. You have my trust and ear, I hope you know that. I really hope that I'm stressing how much I actually care about you as a person.

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    • Anime7

      I think you're right it probably is a confidence thing. I mean that makes a lot of sense since I'm sure plenty of people have probably typed something then instantly deleted it for fear of judgement. It has to be normal. I just wanted people to know that users are approachable. Oh and likewise, I've always thought you were a cool guy, a funny guy, and a plethora of other nice things.

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      • kingofcarrotflowers

        Thanks man :)

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  • Here's a little about me. Sorry in advance for sounding like a winy bitch.

    I feel like I don't belong anywhere, ya know? There is something about myself that prevents me from being welcomed into ANY in-group. I don't even know what that something is; it's like my aura is barbed, or like I am completely off the radar. I am a B-2 stealth bomber among a fleet of jumbo jets.

    I naturally fall in with the outsiders and am getting to the "fuck it" point. As in, fuck everyone, what is the point of their little in and out groups. I will be the Sierra group. Even here there is something about me that is simply not "in" or well liked even within a site of not normal people.

    At least on IIN I get my own comment box titled with my username.

    As for you. You are one of the best people on here in my opinion. I haven't had any direct contact with you, but you seem like a wonderful person an I am envious of you.

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    • Anime7

      You did not come off whiny at all. Honestly I think we've all been there before, not feeling like you belong anywhere. It happens to all of us. That's one of the things that this site shows you though, that a lot of people feel the same as you. We all have some of the same urges and feel like outsiders at time. At least you can take a bit of solidarity in that, knowing that you are not alone.

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      • See? You always seem to know what to say to make people feel a lot better:)

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  • CozmoWank

    As I've stated in an earlier post-

    I'm a Nigerian Prince who is in need of your help. Please give me your bank account number so I can transfer my vast fortunes into your American account. You will be handsomely rewarded and given a position in my cabinet when I reclaim my reign. TRUST ME. I would never lie. I'll also throw in a book of Nigerian stamps, an AMC Gremlin, 3 goats, and a bottle of Old Spice aftershave...

    ...and I like CocoaPuffs and porn.

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  • dom180

    I don't know how other people perceive me, and that bothers me a bit but not deeply. It's more like curiosity than botherment, I suppose :P

    After a bit of thinking, I don't actually know if people here see me as part of a clique. If you can call anything on IIN a clique (which you can't, really, because there's nothing exclusive about the friendships here at all) I'm solidly not a part of it no matter how many comments I make or how long I've been here. I don't go in the Chat, I don't have Gold and I don't often communicate privately with other users, and those are pretty core indicators. Perhaps I used to be more obviously part of a network of IIN friends which you could misinterpret as a clique, but times change and who you want to be as part of a community you care about shifts. I don't have the social energy at the moment to put myself at the centre of attention by making well-thought out threads (even though I'm proud at the response I used to get from threads I put a lot of effort into) or long public conversations.

    I think sometimes, when newer users see "clique" users banding together against a troublemaker, they may find it difficult to know who is right and who is wrong in those situations because of the way some people play the victim when they're in the wrong. They might not necessarily have the context to see why the "cool" members behave aggressively, because it's only the "cool" members who get targeted by those trolls. As a result they stay out of arguments, but might be left with the feeling that there is a "clique" which isn't friendly to "outsiders".

    A lot of the people here I count as friends to me, with varying levels of closeness ranging from the fond acquaintance to the really good friend. There are other people who are hilarious and brighten my day with their vividness. There are people who I disagree with who allow me to critically engage with my own opinions.

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  • i_will_not_eat_hats_again

    I liked you from the start but as time has gone on, I've liked you more and more. I do understand the kind of person you are and I can't really say anything bad about it because it's the kind of person I'd want to be too.

    However, you are talking to the excluded. They will always exist and sometimes there is no good reason for it. If enough hate is directed at people because of what they are, you can't magic it away.

    Maybe in the future, people will gain more intelligence. :)

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  • robbieforgotpw

    I took two fartwalks today

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    • kingofcarrotflowers

      I guess the extra momentum helps

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      • robbieforgotpw

        I do emit a methane exhaust...a turbo boost of sorts

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  • ThisIsImpossible

    These posts smell like a DIY Craftshow host's vagina on a sunny afternoon.

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    • Avant-Garde

      I apologize for nothing!

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      • You have such a fantastic sense of humour posting that link. hahahaha XD

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      • dirtybirdy

        Ha! Wow. This is why you're so fuckin awesome.

        I don't think she's a natural blonde...

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        • Avant-Garde

          My dye job senses are stingingly.

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        • Avant-Garde

          Why, thank you m'birdy! *bows and tips hat*

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        • Watch the video jar squatter it will change your life...,.

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          • Avant-Garde

            Do you have a link?

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      • ThisIsImpossible

        Lol, I wish I could convince my grandma to do that.

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        • Avant-Garde

          Would tacos suffice?

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          • dirtybirdy

            Fish tacos?

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            • Avant-Garde

              Of course, but the taco shells will have to be a little moldy with fuzz growing on them.

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      • I have seen this once before. That Australian girl with the bad attitude sent me this. Charlie.m. you have seen nothing until you see the video called jar squatter...............

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        • dirtybirdy

          Hey! Dontchoo talk smack about charli!!!

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          • Avant-Garde

            Get ready for the funkiest fidget of your life time!

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        • Avant-Garde

          Baa addicted?

          Can jar squatter really be that bad? I do have the penchant for finding strange stuff.

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          • It is really bad actually. Make sure no kids are nearby.

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            • Avant-Garde

              There are none.

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  • Shiroyasha


    I think I have seen you grow a lot in this site. I remember when you first started posting comments here and I am pretty sure I recognized a few of the stories you posted. Yet, I never saw you as a "needy" person; I think that even when it seemed like you were going through bad moments, you always appeared to be quite self-sufficient. Yet again, seeing how you have turned into such a caring and wise person is really encouraging; as I want to become more positive as well.

    Regarding the "clique" thing. I think that some people just expected to belong to a community by signing up into this site. Which is actually something normal in other sites. But well, this site isn't really the best to form a community, and I think that is actually something positive. I also assume that some are kind of jealous that some users have formed a circle; and some others are just too shy to try to enter this circle.

    I never saw anyone here unapproachable, but I just never cared enough to become friends with everyone. I take really long breaks from this site sometimes, and the fact that the anonymity here is so strong, has made me reluctant to try to befriend other users. But yet again, I think that if you post good stories and good comments, people are nice to you in general; and it is not really necessary to be BFFs with everyone to get good feedback.

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  • dickwashington

    it seems like some people got away from the whole advice thing and just try to be funny

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    • Anime7

      Yeah but then there are people who try to give advice so it sort of balances out. Humor is always nice to see on here, so long as it's not derisive. You got the funny comments mixed with the helpful ones. Plus it would be boring if people didn't show more of their personality on here from time to time.

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  • helpful + funny + sensitive + kind = cute

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    • Anime7

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      • dirtybirdy

        Oh wow I just bust out laughing like a fool! That's so cute!

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      • presumptuous..i was talking about myself ggrrr

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        • Anime7

          I guess you should add narcissistic to that list then ;)

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        • kingofcarrotflowers


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          • :D

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  • jmac5977

    I apologize if this is a repost, but I posted this once and something happened to it...

    I'm a fairly new user, but I've been away for a few weeks. I've wanted to come back here, but I've had too much work to do.

    Anime7, you were one of the first people (maybe the first user) to welcome me a couple of months ago. Some others welcomed me. If it wasn't for that hospitality, I wouldn't be here tonight. When I first came to this site, I read some very negative posts. I saw the users band together against one raving idiot, and I felt then that I would have a seat at the table. Never mind where I'm sitting, as long as I'm at the table and I have a voice.

    For whatever reason, when I'm reading the posts here, I imagine what kind of co-worker you all would be. Would you be the outspoken go-getter who walks really fast and seems to stay in a bad mood, or would you be the quiet but productive worker who keeps the peace and always seems to be calm? Would you be likely to steal ideas and pretend they were your ideas or would you have so many ideas that you wouldn't mind sharing them? There's no way to really know, but there's nothing wrong with wondering. Anime7, even when I don't comment on posts, I still read your advice because you give good advice and I think you would be someone I would like to work with. Don't ever think that you're lame because I value your opinion and many other users' opinions.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Hello, Anime7. I used to feel as though there were cliques on this site, a few years back, now not so much. Admittedly, I was a little bit jealous, but now I'm not. I think part of it might have been that I was keeping a little to my own space. I think that I have been dong this a little more as of late, but I'm going to try to get out on here a bit more.

    This site has sadly "lost" many of our classic users so, this site, at least to me, feels as though it has some missing components to it.

    I think that it is about time that my profile were updated. :)

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    • I don't even remember how I discovered this website.

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      • Avant-Garde

        I still remember what it was that landed me here. I either asked if it was normal for straight women to fall in love with gay men or if it were normal for straight women to like gay guys.

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    • robbieforgotpw

      I am still here sharting up the joint

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      • Avant-Garde

        Don't forget to add garnish. It adds class and aromatic virtue.

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  • Fall_leaves

    No qualms towards the people on this site. I feel it's a safe place to openly talk about things and most of the users like yourself are welcoming.

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  • DangerousPotatoGuy

    hey, I don't see any new users anywhere :(

    I agree with all you said Anime 7 and I think your posts are well thought out and very helpful. I think everyone has had their fair share of feeling like there's an invisible IIN crowd when they first came here and it's something that wears away with time. I did at first but it really didn't stop me from speaking my mind.

    idk, I go out of my way to make sure that I'm open to anyone especially in the chatroom, when I'm commenting I usually keep it classy nothing too serious (it's a potato thing).

    Edit : Also I'm trying to build a time machine and I'm almost there. If anyone here knows the final steps please find a way to contact me

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    • dirtybirdy

      You need a DeLorean, plutonium stolen from Libyans, and a flux capacitor.

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      • kingofcarrotflowers

        Once this baby hits 88mph you're going to see some serious shit

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        • dirtybirdy

          Whoa. This is heavy.

          Why are things so heavy in the future? Is there a problem with the earth's gravitational pull?

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          • kingofcarrotflowers

            You think that's heavy?
            Last night Darth Vader came down from planet Vulcan and told me that if I didn't take Lorraine out, that he'd melt my brain

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      • jeebley

        I hope I'm not the only one who shouts "Libyans!" every time they see a light blue combie!

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        • dirtybirdy

          I just shout it randomly :)

          And a very enthusiastic 1.21 gigawatts!

          Edit: how could I forget! Probably cus it was like fifteen years ago...anyway... on one of my first cars I wrote "plutonium only" next to the gas tank. Ahhh memories.

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          • jeebley

            Haha People love it!!!

            I like saying "Lets see if these bastards can do 90" - when I'm speeding up in a car...

            This is pretty funny :

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          • jeebley

            Hahaaa...Awesome! Of course that would have been in the days before Mr Fusion and hover-conversions, I suppose.

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        • kingofcarrotflowers

          Haha,you're not

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          • jeebley

            lol It's so nice to see other bttf aficionados!

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      • DangerousPotatoGuy

        Yes! brilliant just brilliant, you're one extremely smart birdie

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        • dirtybirdy

          I really shouldn't be sharing these secrets but the flux capacitor is absolutely essential. Without it, time travel is just not possible.

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    • Anime7

      You already sound like you're a nice guy. And that's always appreciated here.

      Also dirtybirdy is right, try investing in a DeLorean, even if you can't get it to time travel you'll at least look cool going 88mph in that car.

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  • I only came once today and I did not wash my hands with soap.

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    • Doesn't that get sticky?

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      • I like the slight bleach odor

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  • Lissisbliss

    Wait, are the new people supposed to say hi or something?? Well I suppose.. Hi! I'm Liss, and a friend told me about this site and it kind of perked my interest. So I looked it up and now I'm hooked. And I'm female (I believe it says in my profile). This is such a great community and I am glad to be a part of it :D Hopefully I make some friends. Well there you have it ;)

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    • Avant-Garde

      Welcome to the site.

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      • Lissisbliss

        Thank you ;)

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    • Anime7

      It's not written anywhere that you to introduce yourself, hence why I made the post. I want you, and other users, to feel comfortable in our cozy little community. I think I've already said hi to you before, but in case I haven't "Hey! Enjoy your time and kickback :)"

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      • Lissisbliss

        Thanks! :)

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    • kingofcarrotflowers

      Welcome to IIN :) I'd seen comments of yours before but didn't realise you were new :)

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      • Lissisbliss

        Thank you! I'm commenting as much I can to try mostly to earn the privilege of Member chat.

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        • kingofcarrotflowers

          Yeah, I plan to start using that, don't know why I don't to be honest

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    • robbieforgotpw

      Welcome. I'm the turbo manurer here.

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      • Lissisbliss


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  • kingofcarrotflowers

    See, posts like this are why I think you're a cool guy

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  • LornaMae

    Awww, now I wanna hug you!

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