Is it normal every interview cancels once or twice at the last second?

Ok I have noticed and this has happened for every interview I have had and I am peeved. That they will tell us to show up and cancel at the last second. I mean is this a test or do they just cancel a lot? I was told this is normal but it kind of bothers when I have to spend this money and I know they will not be there when I go for an interview.

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45% Normal
Based on 20 votes (9 yes)
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Comments ( 19 )
  • Cul-de-sac_Nightmare

    Check your Facebook profile if you have one, and clear out any questionable content.

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    • What has my facebook got to do with any of it? They do not have my facebook?

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      • dappled

        I've interviewed people and when we're torn between two candidates and can't decide, we look at their web presence. I've heard many cases where this is done sooner and is used to decide on interviewees.

        Although, it would seem a bit odd to invite someone to interview and only check their presence after you've already invited them.

        When we set up interviews, I don't think we've ever cancelled one at the last minute. Even if multiple interviewers have been off sick. I've been called in to be an interviewer with literally only five minutes notice to prep. We take interviews seriously because multiple people are booking a day off work to come and visit us. We go to great lengths to be professional as we want to attract professional staff. Cancelling an interview at the last minute sends out a very bad message. I wouldn't work for an institution that did this to me. I have higher standards and expect the same in my employer.

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        • NeuroNeptunian

          Neither would I =/

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        • That is why I was annoyed by this. It seems very unprofessional. I have to take out time and spend money and for them to suddenly say "Come another day"is a pain.

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      • LesserKnownCharacter

        They have your name and location and can look you up on facebook.

        Why are you arguing with people who are giving you valid suggestions and trying to help you?

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        • Since the norm does not apply to me. I do not have my real location or name on my facebook.

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          • LesserKnownCharacter

            Is it so hard to just check? Damn. You want to find out why this is happening and you won't even consider options.

            Did you consider someone maliciously created a facebook page, or other accounts, in your name? I saw a stalking case where a man put his ex-gf's name into all these porn sites and it affected her employment. Google your name, search yourself on fb, clean up your fb account and re-check privacy settings just to be safe. Check your credit. Those are the easiest and most obvious things you can do and it's free and only takes a few minutes.

            Judging by your attitude here towards people who are trying to help, it seems plausible you have enemies or made a bad reputation for yourself, to be honest.

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            • NeuroNeptunian

              I have to agree with you here, obviously this guy has an attitude problem and it doesn't seem too far fetched that someone may have it out for him.

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        • If my facebook had my name and location.

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  • robbieforgotpw

    Are u really gassy? I take a fartwalk per hour at work. No one seems to enjoy my gassy nature though

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Maybe because you smell.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    I agree with all of the posters here.

    Clean up your Facebook page, JUST BECAUSE your identity is not directly expressed on your Facebook page doesn't mean that these companies don't have some guy who knows 100X more about the Cyberworld than you do looking at your page and telling them "whoa, we don't want this guy here".

    Google yourself. It's entirely possible that someone has spread information about you.

    Check your credit history, you might have an outstanding loan or lien that you don't know about. It happens even to people that don't use credit or debit cars much. Identity theft is more common than you think.

    Look into your previous work history. I once lost out on a job because I put that place of employment on my employment history and the hiring manager called the place and happened to get a hold of that manager that had it out for me. That was infuriating.

    Also, make sure that your references don't have a criminal history or anything like that.

    Aside from that, some companies are completely incompetent in the way they hire. It is ENTIRELY possible that they found someone better suited for the position but they didn't have the balls to tell you "you got passed up".

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  • LesserKnownCharacter

    Google yourself. See what comes up.

    Check your credit report.

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  • drugsrbadmkay

    You've probably been blacklisted.

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    • What that mean?

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      • drugsrbadmkay

        If you get cancelled for an interview at the last second, it could be innocent, or it could be they found out something about you that makes them not want to hire you.

        If it is happening all the time, you have to wonder if some (dis)information is being illegally spread about you in the business community. That's called blacklisting and it is against the law in most states.

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        • I have a clean record. I never did drugs, or to jail or anything like that? That would make sense if I had a record but mine is so clean I could sign for FBI at this point.

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          • drugsrbadmkay

            If it was something like that they could legally deny you the job, they wouldn't need to be sly about it.

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