Is it normal for 17-year-olds to be having sex all the time?

17 years old here (obviously). I hear people all the time at my school say how they have sex every weekend. It's from the same people, but by the way they're talking, it sounds like it's normal. Should I be trying to find someone to do it with, or are the kids I hear talking about it just whores?

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54% Normal
Based on 928 votes (504 yes)
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Comments ( 58 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    It's normal.
    I was having sex by 15. I was using protection the entire time and have been sexually active for 5 years. I stick to one partner, get tested for STDs annually and I have never been pregnant nor have I had an STD because I took responsible measures while in the process.

    None of this makes me a slut or abnormal. Maybe I was a little young, but that doesn't make me a slut or a how or anything like that.

    Besides, once a week is almost the same as chastity, in my opinion.

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    • TheElegantEscape

      I agree with you. & I've got the same story as you!(: Now here I am married to the person that I lost my virginty at age 15. We now have a beautiful son.

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      • PikaPika

        Aww thats so sweet! Im 15 right now and yeah. Im with the perfect guy, i wish to be with him forever :3

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    • No offense, but you kinda do sound like a whore. Having sex by 15? You're still a kid. You should have been focusing on school. And once a week is chastity? Yeah, you sound like a major whore.

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        Bitch, please.
        Focusing in school? LOL that made my day. I graduated high school as an honor roll student with a 4.0 college GPA majoring in Criminal Justice and 2 year service merit as a special education tutor, 4 years of JROTC with community service merit and I'd have done more extracurricular activities if I didn't have to be home for my siblings because my Mom worked 80+ hours a week.

        My Dad left and my childhood ended in Junior high and I am happy I got to keep it that long. We don't all have the luxury of living sweet, innocent little sheltered lives like our peers. Welcome to the real world, Cherie.

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      • 1000yrVampireKing

        You can think of 100 reasons why you should not have sex. However the most common reason for people promoting it is "It feels good". Just because it feels good does not mean it does not come with costs. So be responsible before you let anything down there. You might regret it in the long run. Be it boy or female. I also do not think children should be doing it either. Though children think it feels good and will continue. So only so much we can say to you.

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      • 1000yrVampireKing

        Do not feel pressured into having sex at such a young age. You really should not be doing it so young. According to all the studies they have shown it says that you are not fully developed till age 18. You can not afford to slip up and have a kid usually before the age of that. If you do even with a condom you are making the rest of us pay for you. Since it makes our go up. So it is perfectly normal to wait. Yeah a lot might be but does not mean you should or are obligated to. Also if you are a girl know that every person who wants to sleep with you does not love you. They could just be using you for sex. Your virginity is your choice to give away. However think about what it means and why you are doing it. All the stuff that can possibly come from it. All the responsibility you get with it. Before you make the choice. I would say to wait till you find someone you really like. That you have been with and you can see yourself staying with. Though none of us on this site can really dictate any of your actions.

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      • perrydaplatypus

        I lost my virginity at 15, with my first love who I'm still with - no regrets. We have sex 3-4 times a week. And what? Who are you to slut-shame or call someone out for their choices. You would chose something different, cool, doesn't make anyone a slut.

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      • MonchichiLuvsu

        "No offense," but you sound like a judgmental prick.
        There's nothing wrong with sex at 15, as long as reasonable precautions are taken and it's between two consensual individuals.
        NeuroNeptunian has clarified that they have been smart about their decisions, who are you to judge them?

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  • TerryVie

    seriously don't listen to haters.
    yes, it's normal to have sex with your partner all the time when you are 17. they are neither slutty nor whore-y nor anything else negative.

    And if they don't have one "partner", but 3 friends with benefits, but they stick with those 3, they are still not sluts, and it's still normal.

    go find someone for yourself and enjoy being young. Live gets only more serious later, pack in all the fun you can during the trip there.

    disthing put it nicely, btw.

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  • Wait untill its someone precious!!

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  • heelsoverhead23

    It's really up to you, but don't do anything because everyone else seems to be doing it. I had sex at 17 but I was in a committed relationship with someone. Don't just do it because you think everyone else is too.

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  • Lilypadhopper

    In most countries, you have to be 18+ to ingage in sexual activities. Dont do it just because everyone else is!

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    • vikinglad1990

      i agree with dont just do it cuz everyone else is . better to wait for someone decent/special .... & alot who claim they are = ARE.NT ! they just like to SAY their doin it ! maybe to fit in with their peers (?)

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    • vikinglad1990

      16 here in u.k. same age of consent if ur lad & girl . lad & lad . no age of consent as such tho for girl & girl cuz old queen victoria did.nt believe some females were actualy attracted to other females !

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  • wasjusthinkin

    WHORES! Everybody caaaalm down with the whoring.... I'm so tired of hearing about Babies havin babies. Everyone! is havin babies now a days. like some new fashion trend. Just keep it in your pants, till you truely know the time is right to let it all out MMmmm k.. The people at your school are whores. Goin to have 10 babies (Each one with a different dad), stds, live in a trailer, and get beat by their drunk husbands or wifes. Just say no......

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  • jamesmitchell29486

    only have sex if u want too not because it is normal thing to do.

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  • ccjigsaw

    Oh my! Everyone calm your harmones xD It's perfectly normal not to be having sex constantly!! Things come with time, don't rush things :P

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  • Avant-Garde

    It could be social pressures that cause them to do it or stupidity. They're almost 18, but if someone gets pregnant, than it would seriously compromise their life. I think its best to wait. I'm in late teens and the only "passionate" thing I've done is kiss someone, but I did that when I was around 5 or 6:/ In this day and age, it seems to be a societal norm no matter how many people protest about it, I don't think it will change things. The best that can be done is to try to teach them about using protection and the risks of accidental pregnancies and STDs.

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    • blaster

      I'm stoked to hear you say "in this day and age" but your only late teens. Bc I say that a lot lately but I'm only 26 now yet I usually feel like an old man using that saying.

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    Well every weekend isnt really all the time :p my bf and I have sexy times several times a week at least.

    Everyone is bitching and moaning about waitin til you're older. I was biologically ready for sex when I was 11. Lost it at 15. Was too young and made a big deal out of it when things didn't work out, grew up and realized virginity is not that important. So many people regret their first time. Maybe we shouldn't put in on such a pedestal, because the first time usually sucks :p IMO, the last person you sleep with matters a hell of a lot more than the first.

    And how can you call someone a whore for having sex once a week with their significant other anyway?? How old are you? XD

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    • blaster

      Yep go with ya on this one. Can hardly remember my first time , matter a fact I'm not sure which one it was. Virginity's bs I reckon , it's probably gonna be shit anyway , move on I reckon.

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  • There's no need too rush... Sex is over rated anyway ! X

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  • CheyChey

    they're whores it had to be said. why not wait to have sex when you're bit older with someone who can give you some form of commitment.

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    • disthing

      I was having sex all the time with my girlfriend when I was 17. Neither of us are whores (whores pay), both of us loved each other, we used protection and it was very very good sex.

      Maybe you shouldn't judge everybody based on their sex life alone?

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      • disthing

        (I meant whores get paid.. oops)

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      • CheyChey

        Whores not in the context of say prostitutes. i don't judge people but i'm just stating my views which i think are right nobody has to agree with them that's cool. sex is a huge thing at 17 your body is ready physically but mentally you're not coz it comes with all these emotions that can overpower you. some 17 years to be honest though have sex at that age but it dosen't harm them in any way people are different to some extent. i'm 20 and will wait for that special guy not necessarily marriage i'm not a prude or sheltered & won't regret it went it eventually happens.

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        • disthing

          You called them whores. You didn't say "They might not be ready for sex so sometimes it's better wait"... You just stated they were whores.

          I'm in full agreement that some people aren't emotionally mature enough to handle a sexual relationship at 17. But your first comment wasn't fair.

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    • GuessWho

      ^ Yes, This.

      Also, they usually don't become slutty until college where I'm from.

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  • Tellurian

    It's normal for _them_ to have sex at that age. Clearly, not for you. You cannot change yourself into them; the consequences could be disastrous. Be yourself. Let it happen naturally. When the time is right for _you_.

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  • MissDethstar

    Having sex once a week at 17 is slutty ? When will people feel better about their sexuality lol.If they are in a relationship its normal..if it's a different guy every week end it's another story lol

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  • Puppetlad

    Yes it's normal yet it can have repercussions. Me and my girlfriend are both 17 and have sex on a regular basis, as long as protection is used and you are mature about it there can't be anything wrong.

    However, being known for having sex on a regular basis, most of the time, acts as a HUGE turn off for guys looking for a relationship. Do not be known as the girl that has sex with guys every weekend. If you do choose to lead a regular sex life, keep it personal, don't brag, make sure it is with someone who you can trust to keep their mouth shut. It is, for gods sake, a personal thing, not anyone's business but your own.

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  • Blather!

    I had sex first when I was 12 in a bush near my school with a 14 year old, he had a condom and it was fine, I then had sex with 4 others in the next 2 years. My most favorite time would be the time when I read this and said, wow, that's not normal for them

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  • lilaithe

    At 15 I had safe sex with a friend just for the sake of losing my virginity. I have not once regretted it because when I got my boyfriend of now 3 years at age 16 (hadn't had sex since losing my virginity) I knew what I was in for and was able to enjoy it with the bonus of love. What's right for you is right for you, don't do something just because other people are doing it.

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  • pokemonblack777

    Actually it's not just whores...I do and I've slept with one person ever and I'm not a whore.

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  • hornyone

    Yes, I lost my virginity at 15 (like a few others) by 17 I had a healthy and active sex life. By the time I got to college I was experienced enough to really enjoy myself.
    I don't think anyone complains that they had too much sex!

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  • dbug97

    Honestly I can't tell you what to do but in my opinion save for marriage it will make a lot more special for the both of you ! :)

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  • AllDayHBK

    They're not having sex with different people each week so I don't think there's anything really wrong there. It's different for everyone and it's definitely not something you NEED. Don't go rushing into it just because other people are doing it. Where I live, back in high school I heard people talk about sex and stuff all the time thinking it's cool, but in all honesty they were all a bunch of pricks. Who goes around bragging about it anyways? Or pretending to brag and talk like they knew anything. I bet half of them never even had sex. Pretty lame.

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  • DamianMontgomeryJR.

    I completely agree with you ryan we need to meet up and have another orgy with those german shepards again :) and stop sneakin into my barn to fuck my animals they make alot of noises ;) unless i can join ;)

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    Don't be ashamed I sneak into barns and fuck donkeys Nd horses on the regular.u should try. Maybe we shuld meet up and fuck em

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  • milkymum

    it is normal but there is alot of pressure on girls to have sex and show you guys our breasts!!!! at school guys always wnat to know about it and want to do it so alot of girls(like me) end up on our backs to please you guys. so its normal

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  • vikinglad1990

    normal is whatever suits U ! everyone is different ! & tbh . ALOT who say their shagging all the time prob ARE.NT ! they just say it cuz they want to FIT IN ! so i say . do what U want to do & whatever that is . is normal for U ! :o)

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  • kitty6593

    I say wait until you're at least 18. Be safe graduate high school first.

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  • 7even

    It's just sex.

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  • Fonzy

    life should just be a mass orgy.

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  • nobodyspecial

    totally normal. I wouldnt worry about what anyone says. If you think you ready to have sex, then go for it, theres no set age that anyone is ready for sex.

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  • Be glad it's nowadays, it was worse a decade ago.

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  • mupurple11

    I don't think they're slutty if they are having sex with the same partners. As long as they are being safe and responsible, they should enjoy each other. Seventeen does seem young, but then I remember I lost my virginity at 16 to my first serious boyfriend.

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  • Dot123

    They're ALL whores! Become a whore! It is just sex just wrap up that willy and start fucking bitches left to right side to side! Touch the taint, lick the taint. Fuck those bitches, they be the best!

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    • vikinglad1990

      i think u need phychiatric help m8 & FAST ! & prob get off the drugs ur on too ! u sound a right weirdo & ur prob NOT shagging all the time . u just WANT to !

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      • Dot123

        We all need help even you! I am Asexual bro. If I wanted to fuck I would call a hooker or someone. But I don't. And trolololooooo!

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        • vikinglad1990

          i wld NOT compare myself to U ! UR SICKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK M8 !

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  • myownopinions

    I'm not sure if it's normal or not, but you personally shouldn't try to "find someone to do it with" just because you know others who do.

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  • justinetld

    Dude they wouldn't be talkin about it and be makin such a big deal if they really were. (unless theyre gay then it probably is more than true haha)

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  • wero4

    It's normal but it might not be so ideal.

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  • blaster

    First up depends if that's what you'd like to do , or would you prefer to wait , find someone special whatever, it's what you want for yourself not what anyone else is doing.
    I was fucking and just about anything else you could think of - my brains out at 17 and long before that but mainly with my gf at the time. We were together 21/2 yrs.

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    You shouldnt fuck when you are a teen. Wait untill you are a godamn adult.

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