Is it normal for a 14 year old to have sex?
Hi I think my son is having sex at 14 and I'm not sure if it's normal nowadays.
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Hi I think my son is having sex at 14 and I'm not sure if it's normal nowadays.
Sadly it is normal. But it doesn't make it right. With any luck you've raised him to be smart and safe if he is dumb enough to have sex so young. is normal to have sex from 13 and upwards.
This discussion feels very americanized. In Sweden you get educated about sex when you are 11 and also when you're 14. It's no big deal. To prevent people from having sex until they're 15 is really going against the human nature.
Make sure he's educated about safe sex and the importance of condoms and it wont be a problem!
Thank you. I am an American, and all this puritanical hush-hush about sex is part of the problem we are having with teen age pregnancy and sexual perversity, which has been going on for decades. If we would just grow up and actually educate our children about sex and its consequences, a lot of our problems will go away.
NO NO NO it's not normal! I'm 22 and I had sex when I was 15 and I regret it because I just brought on so much pressure and stress that was not necessary. Honeslty my parents never talked about it with me just expected me not to, so I feel that you should really be a part of your kids lives and BE A PARENT! they will say they hate you, that your ruining their life but NO your helping them!!
why is this so horriable? what's the problem with young people having sex? it's normal. just buy him condoms please. a 14 year old dad is not normal.
It's fine let him do what he wants. Let him explore the reproductive system
So sad. It is normal. As we get older, the more messed up the world gets. But you must talk to him about protection
Yes, it is totally normal and ok! Let him have fun! Foruteen is actually a good age to be having sex. Don't worry about it and don't hassle him about it. Tell him about being careful and all the necessary stuff, but don't tell him it's bad or "abnormal," because that's just the wrong message. He's going to do it anyway. If anything, you should be more worried if he WASN'T trying to fuck! Let him have a good time!
This happens alot around now. You should give him the sex talk just to scare him. I saw a girl at the age of 12, losing her virginity BY CHOISE!
Ignore all the tossers saying you're not a good enough parent - as long as he knows all methods of protection, and in your eyes is mature enough to treat girls well, then by all means let him have some fun at times. Children are put under too much stress nowadays, and I feel that we are the cause of the age of sex becoming younger. It doesn't necessarily have to be a bad thing, though. Just make sure he is having sex for the "right" reasons, whatever you perceive those to be.
Kids today develope very early Talk to him about sex and tell him how you feel just don't push him away or scare him away.
Hahahaha u people r all so paranoid! Maybe u could try uhhh talking to ur kid lol. And i bet if u hear people in ur kids middle school class they are just trying to be cool lol
That kid is obviously far more normal than everyone here considering hes off having sex while we're all here talking about him. Of course its normal sex is the most important thing in todays society itd be abnormal if he wasnt trying to have sex. This post shows a lot of peoples different attitudes towards sex
Sure, I think it's completely normal. However, I would try to find out exactly who it is that he is doing the deed with. If it's some creepy older man who is taking advantage of him then contact the proper authorities and get rid of that bastard. On the other hand, if it's a boy or girl around his age then that's normal...he's just curious and wanting to experiment and get off.
Sure it's normal! I think the question should be is it healthy and it concerns me that you question it's normalcy rather than it's long term, life changing effects.
to "hottyhotness" all parents can do is talk to thier kids about safe sex. they can't physically STOP them. what are you talking about. your nuts
Unfortunetly that's when I had sex the first time. If you think he is doing it there isn't much you can do to prevent him from it, but teaching him safe sex is absolutely important!!
Hi. I'm a sex expert and I tell it like it is, no political correctness, no holds-barred. lord knows this country needs it. I have to rephrase your question in my answer: It is normal for a 14 year old to WANT to have sex--that is, to get horny--especially if it's a boy. That being said, in this culture, having sex at such an age is associated with many risks. This is largely due to lack of education, as we stupidly shield our children from such topics instead of educating them. A good education about sex will usually result in youth choosing to wait until the time is right. Otherwise, if they do engage in sex, they will be more likely to use proper precautions to aviod STIs and pregnancy. Finally, I think that a parent who comes on a board to ask such a thing bc you "think" he's having sex, says a lot about your parenting skills and intelligence. It amazes me who has kids these days. Get with it, & take proper responsibility for your son before he catches a disease or gets someone pregnant! Communicate with him and be involved in his life! Properly educate yourself on the subject, so you can educate him!
Most of your comments--just fine. But that intro: "no political correctness" (...) "god knows this country need some straight-talk"? (Those are paraphrases.) --that "I'm not gonna be PC, I'm gonna tell it like it IS" crap is SOOO cliched nowadays-- EVERYbody says the same thing ("I'm not gonna pussyfoot around the problem, being all PC--I tell it straight")--they say the SAME damned thing, and, ironically, are trying to sound like INDEPENDANT THINKERS--yes, you and 98% of the world are all one-of-a-kind, in exactly the same way.
I'm SO damned tired of the word "PC." Christ!
Yes it's normal I lost mine at 14 and if he's anything like me he was outrageously careful. But talk to him and make sure if he is it's with someone he loves not just a crush he'll listen I listen to my mom
I was 14 when I first had sex with a guy I loved. He was 17, but we knew eachother for awhile and I was much more mature than the other girls at school. I still am very mature. He is the only man that I'd be with until I fall in love again. I dont play around and I dont want sex. I want love, which means sex is just a bonus to it. Im not looking for a boyfriend or anything. Im very mature and only date people if i truly love them. Sorry lady, but sex at 14 was something that I will never regret. It wasn't bad at all and I knew what I was doing.
Really? Girls use sex to get love and guys use love to have sex. Most people these days have no clue what love is. Divorce rates are high because they "feel out of love." More and more children are being born without parents, who will probably follow in their parent's footsteps. And people wonder why society is crumbling. But hey, at least we don't throw unwanted children in the trash like the Romans and the Greeks did.
I lost mine at 14. Just make sure he is using protection and that if he does want to have sex so young, that it's with someone he loves. And since you don't know for sure I would definately not acuse him of anything.. Just be cool about it
It's very normal for kids nowadays. Ask him how he has beem having sex and he will most likely answer 4 or 5 years. I wouldn't worry about it too much.
Yes it to young to have sex but at that age teenage boy get turned on so quick so making them loose it to early
Its "Normal" and its sorta like the mass populations minimum starting age.
Most people now have sex at 17 but that spans commonly through the ages 14-21.
its not normal no .
but i was thirteen and i am a girl but so was my partner and we where and still are deeply in love .
ask him wether he loves her and her age (if you don't know it) and trust what he says, cause children don't lie unless they feel threatened .
I lost my virginity at 14. All my friends, and everyone I knew was doing it at 14.. It's normal, let the kid get some..
The first time I sucked a guy off I was 14, and I had a b/f that was 2 years older, after awhile we actually had sex and I talked to other people my age and it seemed to be fairly normal... that's why they start with sex ed. so early, because they know that it's gonna happen and they want them to be safe..
first off, 14 year olds cannot be truely in love to what people are saying. its puppy love. second, if you think he is , talkto him about sex and protection without directly accusing him.
i lost mine a few months ago, im 17, and yea its a little older but a lot of y friends lost it in middle school. its kinda sad but thats how things are now. just protect your son and hes going to do it anyway if you tell him not to. its a rebellion thing that most kids have against their parennts. good luck and just make sure he isnt giving or getting STDs or getting a girl pregnant. he is not old enough or able enough to take care of a child and you dont want him or this girl to ruin their childhoods.
sadly yea some kids have sex when their only 14 and even 13 or maybe 12... but trust the kid my parents are always way overprotective and i actually listened to them less cauase of tht
honestly sumtimes i think ppl should have sex when they are mature enuff to have kids. im not saying to only have sex when u want a kid. dats fucking ridiculous. im just saying he may be doing this a little young cuz teenage boys pressure and brag about things like this every single day. i know this cuz im a guy and ive been there
Depends on his stereotype. If he's kind of a nerd he's probably gotten it on with another nerd. If he's a jock then maybe/maybe not. If he's kind of a delinquent, definitely normal. But if he just seems like an average 14 year old, then that's weird.
i had sex the first time i wuz 14. i kinda wish i didnt cuz if somone found it but glad i did at the same time. i didnt do it again til i wuz almost 16.
the only good thing bout the 1st time wuz none found out n it wuz soooo fun. i still tlk to him n he cares bout me so its cool.
but i dont think most kids should do it at 14
It's normal sadly, but morally wrong to some still, but u can't just tell him not to either, cuz if u do that, then he's gonna do it behind your back. teaching safe sex is the best option.
honestly, youre lucky he made it to 14 before he started having sex. there are kids in my sisters school who are having it in like 7th grade. just make sure hes being safe, because a kid is not what he needs right now, or an std.
It is pretty normal these days but u need to talk to him and make sure he is being safe
considering the fact that it was happening all around me when i was forteen, its pretty normal...
talk to him about it. don't yell at him or make him feel bad about it. he isn't ready to be a parent and neither is the girl be might be having sex with. tell him about the things that could hurt him like std's. knowledge is power. std's are scarier than pregnancy itself ((so our teacher says)). tell him to try to hold off, or to make sure he is being safe!
That's pretty young... And it's bad because the younger you are the less likely you are to know how to protect yourself and partner. Just make sure he knows what he could be getting himself into and how to prevent it.
It is unfortunately normal. I lost my virginity and almost 16 and I regret losing it to who I did. I also think that I wouldn't have lost it then if my mother would have talked to me about sex; if anyone would have. My grandma's form of talking was handing me an encyclopedia and making me learn what happens blah blah blah and my moms talk basically boiled down to "Don't have sex. You WILL get AIDS and you WILL die." Naturally, I was curious. Talk to your son and just be honest about what you would like him to do and that if he is having sex to PLEASE use a condom. But know that in the end, you can't control what he does. You can only be the voice of reason in his head. Or the voice of stupidity whatever you may choose.
well you could ask him but its mainly the girl thats worse off any way!!
sadly its becoming more normal nowadays and by the way that dumb ass at the top is wrong a 14 year old can easily get a girl pregnant hopefully if he is having sex hes using protection though, but either way you should try to talk to him about it and tell him that you disaprove of it.
In some countries society is really fucked up that's all I have to say here it's uncomon for a 17 year old boy to have sex and even more uncommon for a girl
14 years old? It's not normal, your son isn't even supposed to have sex until he is of legal age. Then again..the world keeps changing and society is getting twisted.
I'm not saying don't enjoy your life but dam finish school at least get a dam education have a career and when you have the means to support yourself and truly be independent, then live it up!! (with protection of course)
I'd say it was normal for a hormorne enraged teenager to be getting up to that sort of thing. It would be a bit worring if he wasn't trying to get any.
Yea, in the world we love in girls in high school r having babies so it's best to except the fact he is having sex and teach him how to have safe sex otherwise he will be the boyfriend to 1 of those girls.
I was a freshman when I lost my virginity, it is normal unfortunately. It was an uncomfortable conversation with my mom, and I knew everything she was saying. Your boy will be safe, just go over the love thing vs. A crush because you don't want him known as a man-whore
It normal but he prbly isnt mature enough 2 have a kid at 14 so he isnt mature enough 2 have sex. Try preventing him!
No it's not normal
But unfortunatly it's common nowadays
19+ should be ok but most Lose it at 12-15 these days
It's horrible and disrespectful
my friend knocked up a chick and hes only fourteen they decided to keep the baby, that could ruin your life and cause you to miss out on being a teenager
Hello, I'm not a sex expert but, I play one on TV. The good thing is, your son's shlong probably cannot penetrate deep into the cooter, and when he feels that tickling orgasmic sensation hopefully he gets scared and pulls out and call it a day. (:
Unfortunately it is becoming more common. Hopefully you have good enough relationship with your 14 yr old that you can talk about it. If your not comfortable maybe find someone they would talk to that YOU trust will give them good information. Scary as it is, if they are doing it, you need to keep the communication open. Hang in there! Good luck!