Is it normal for a 14 yr old girl to be sexually active
So today my 14 yr old daughter come up to me and said she was having sex.... Is it normal for that age now a days?
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So today my 14 yr old daughter come up to me and said she was having sex.... Is it normal for that age now a days?
LOL! Wow what kind of daughter walks up to her mom and is all like, "Yo Madre I'm having sex. Kthxbai!"
I am 18 now going to college so i've Been there, done that. I wasn't a slut in high school at all. I dated but I never had sex. Most boys in high school are girl crazy and yes, sex crazy. Sometimes they tell the girls if you love me you'll have sex with me, and the girls fall for it. In high school some girls think the way to get a boy is to have sex with them. You need to tell her what she is doing is wrong, and that she needs to stop for her own protection. If she has a fit, explain to her that sex is a dangerous game. She could end up pregnant or even worse. Usually if the boy doesn't really love them, they will dump them as soon as they get their wish. Good luck to you and your daughter.
No offense but your daughter Is a whore. Just imagine her at school -_____- Not Normal
It's perfectly normal these days. You have nothing to worry about as long as she's educated, safe and emotionally ready. She's just curious and she's made the decision the go exploring, metaphorically speaking. I lost mine at 14 so I know.
Teenagers get horny. It's very normal for kids that young to have sex. As long as they're doing it safely and responsibly, they'll be ok.
I don't mean to sound like a major ass wipe or anything but I dont think its normal.even if they are protected.and if they're horny then they can jack off or use a fuckin dildo.having sex at a young age will probably have a huge affect on their future life.if a girl starts having sex at thirteen years old most likely she will regret it or be fuckin prostitute or stripper and I'm pretty sure no mother wants their child to be like that.
Sorry,but its my opinion.
No that's not right at all I would not listen to these other people! If you really love her you need to try and stop her from doing this! There are so many things condoms CANNOT protect you from! My dad is disease doctor! There are people that have stds and don't even know it and some won't even realize it until its too late that's why no one worries about it! Condoms DO NOT protect you from stds and not just that they break which can lead to pregnacy! If you do decide however to let her be sexually active I cannot do anything to stop you but please for her safety and the ones she will be having sex with safety she needs to be checked out by a gynecologist every five months at least! This is very serious and not to be taken lightly and it's much worse when your younger ! I'm sorry this is so long by if I can help just one person it's worth it
Er, well my 'daughter' is 14 and she has sex with her boyfriend regularly. She is on the pill and has been in a stable relationship for almost 7 months now.
And FYI she does not spend her time 'slutting around', she spends her time reading or studying or with her boyfriend or family. She is an A* student and has her future planned out down to which university she will attend. So yeah, it doesnt make her a whore or stupid or anything, provided its not multiple guys.
ok um........first off my name is this cass cant find a better one LOL um i am not a girl or mom i am a boy 14 yr old and................i think it is not normal but i wish it was with me no affence um.....i WANT SEX XD
If you want your 14 year old daughter to have racked up 50 partners by the age of 30 then so be it. Regardless of what these tards are saying above (no offense guys), even with the use of a condom, she's still putting her idiotic self at risk for several nasty STDs. If you want your 14 year old daughter to retain her childhood for as long as possible, I suggest for you to dissuade her from having sex. Even if you believe she won't listen, don't ever agree to her behavior. If you agree to her behavior and she ends up pregnant, you'll have no one but yourself to blame. If you tell her not to and she does anyway, subsequently getting pregnant as a result, then you can blame her.
Im thirteen, and it's just hormones! Mine are crazy but I made a promise to wait until 16-18. Trust me it might be really hard to think when ur all hormonal and stuff but u CAN control it!
for nowadays, i'd say nearly normal. i admit that it's sad though. but if she seems ready fot it in your eyes it i don't think there's something to worry about.
yes, it is normal, as long as its safe it will be fine, you have nothing to worry about, but if she does get pregnant, you may need to take her out of school.
i'm a man, and i've been sexually active since i was fifteen. nobody ever gave me a hard time about it. i admitted it to my folks, and they just told me to be careful and use protection.
sexual activity is just part of the human life cycle. some people start earlier than others. of course, i'm not saying that it's right to start when one is still in their single-digits, that's too early. and for any age, it's proper for a person of either gender to be rightfully educated, or at least told the basics.
Unfortunately when it comes to today's youth this is considered normal, you could spend your time worrying about this or you could always find out who the guy is and chop of his chappy... Well Mabye that's a bit far, or is it? I see these as your options.
Statistically, the average age children in the United States become sexually active is twelve years old. That means that there are younger and older ages, but the average is twelve.
Now, I personally am jealous because I didn't have that happen when I was twelve... LOL
its totally normal now days, I gave my first blowjob in a movie theatre when I was 12 and started having sex on a frequent basis at around 13, once it happens its going to keep going on bc once your pussy gets a taste of sex its got to have it again
Yes, sadly many her age are into having sex these days. thinking sex is the way to begin a friedship/relationship how wrong they are. because the sex act is a very tiny part of true trusting and respecting your boy/girl friend: Talkng it through and timing it together to happen is true respect: Now being bare together in that trust is okay maybe too tempting to refrain from sex but the higher percent value this as being trusting and caring for each other in a special way: sharing their intimacy for each other with out starting with the sexual act as teens
It would be one thing if the legal age of your country/Province was 14, but this doesn't seem to be the case. She's too damn young and more than likely, not mature enough to handle the price of sex.
I was having before I was 10yrs with a adult man(my uncle) and I used to enjoy it too. I am now 49yrs and still feel for him badly.
I do agree i too would have had sex four years earlier . If I wasn't deserted in a girls school.
She is not a bad parent not everyone can control what their kids do. She is way to young people should at least wait till their 15 or 16 thought.
It may not be the norm, but. trust me, it's happening now days. They are going to do it whether you like it or not. At least she was honest with you. Build on that.
Yes it is normal in this day and age because children of 11 and 12 are having sex, somewhere maybe at this moment in time, dependent on where you are in the world the limit for having 'legal' sex is different, in the uk it's 16 elsewhere is different, some countries don't have a limit, the youngest girl said to give birth, obviously not her own baby was 5 years old in the western countries! As long as it's safe, but I would restrict her from doing such things until a later age preferably 'legal' age! I say 'legal' because governments don't know shit, I feel there should be 1 age for every country!
For where i come from thats way to young but for Americans I also think its to young I think 15 would be way better and its kinda normal at 16 bas 14 is way to damn young for anybody anywhere
It is great that your daughter can talk to you about these matters. First of all, she needs to know she can rely on your support (whether you agree with her actions or not).
Whether it is normal... I guess that depends on your community. Statistics say that, in the city where I live, a lot of kids are having sex at that age. A lot more than one would be comfortable with. My feeling is that, in my community, the overwhelming majority of the kids who are sexually active are not ready for it emotionally, and are doing it due to either peer pressure, unspecified needs or simply curiosity. And it is likely opportunistically done, rather than as a lifestyle choice.
But that is not the main issue here. The question is whether that person can handle it, responsibly. Now, STDs and pregnancy are only the beginning. I recall, at the age of thirteen (when I was hell-bent on getting laid, but hugely unsuccessful!), I encountered a boy of my age (I'm male) who in every respect had the bearing of a man. This contrasted greatly against myself. Compared to him, I was a baby, hanging on my mom's apron strings. For all I know, he could have been a father by then (he was no longer in school, and was working full-time). I'm sure that for him sex was normal. But even for someone at school... some people (very few) just seem have that maturity and optimum social arrangement that allows for them to take on activities and responsibilities beyond their peers' abilities (take young entrepreneurs as a good example of this; or actors/musicians).
There are many teens who have sex due to issues in their own lives. Perhaps it's a way to feel validated, or perhaps parents have not done their duty to provide guidance on sexuality. Perhaps there are no good role models; sometimes the role models themselves don't have a clue. One can go on and on. It can get quite complicated.
My advice for teens contemplating it is hold off if you can. Avoid situations that will lead to it, if you have decided not go for it. But it's hard to impose a "right" or "wrong" on the matter. Do it only if you feel you are ready for it and its consequences.
As long as these teenagers are using protection so we don't waste more babies coming into this world
I had sex when I was 14. And im normal girl and A student, good at sports. Im four years in a realtionship now with a same guy.
I dont see why wouldnt it be normal.
Its normal for a 14 year old to be sexual. Its not normal for her to be discussing it with her mother. A truly wonderful opportunity for you to engage with her and support her sexual health.
In Shakespeare's time people got married at that age or even younger so I'd say yeah it's pretty normal and not just in our time but that doesn't mean she's mentally ready for having sex because 14 is still obviously young. I think it depends on the individual really. If she can talk to you about it in a mature way then i don't think you should worry - just make sure she's safe!
Yes . Im sexually active and in 15 . As long as its not with every guys shes witg then yea its normal
i think that half of these answers are pathetic and some actually make a vaild point.i had a sex drive since i was thirteen,and when i was thirteen i was doing special workshops on sexual activity,the risks,the dangers and so on and so forth,and i think that in modern day society,sex at the age of fourteen is acceptable with boundries,at 14 i was at second and third base as i was in a relationship,and its not so bad if shes in a relationship,as long as they take the right precautions and use the right protection then you shouldnt worry,when you need to worry is when its a different game each time,that is slutty, but a girl making love to her boyfriend is by no means unusual:')
Wanna hear this from a 15 years old's point of view? Thanks!
I turned 15 some months ago, i had my first time at christmas, i was 14 and a half. It was with my boyfriend, we're still together, it was also his first time. I was on the pill and i still am, it's a long distance relationship, so we had been talking about it 2 months before we actually met, and we knew eachother very well. I was really comfortable with him (still am..) and it was 100% right. My mother even came to me and talked about it before we met @ christmas. So yes, this is normal if shes just mature and responsible enough. If shes not, the parent will know that i hope, then no. But it's not the same for everyone...
Why the fuck will ur daughter come up to u and just say tht she had sex, thts fucking weird! Such dum pussies coming up in our society!(No Offense)
There's no right or wrong. Those are religious dogmas. When you feel that tingling sensation just go for it.
It's normal...It isn't a good thing at that young of a age. When I was 14 All I thought about was sex but I also realized I need to hold back for a few years. All the STDs you can get these days are easily caught even with a lot of protection. You need to try and keep her from slutting around or either she'll be known as one of the easy girls or, The one nobody will want to touch because of how many STDs she has. But it's your choice
Hormones may be active
She may be Sexually ready and raging
But to have sex at that age and immature impressionable mind is downright screwed up to an extent i wont even describe, do you even know if she was taken advantage of by a turd in school? or she actually is with someone she was destined to be with, think she will appreciate your parenthood at a later date?
enough said
In reality yes as soon as you ger your period is nature saying your ready but by law and brainwashed retards that want to play god and know better, The poll will speak for it self see why the world is like this >_>
I'm horny all of the time I'm not gona do my gf it's not normal at my age we can't cause we're both underaged I've seen her naked but never so much as thought to have sex with her ps took 5 years to see here naked and were 12
Why have sex when you can makout all day it relly helps and you stay a virjin which is a big deal if your not a virjin people at school will call you a whore and besides if you don't know your gf or bf relly good you are a whore cause you had sex with a stranger
Well aslong as she is using contreception and is having safe sex I guess its alright but then it is a bit young as she really should of waited for the right person to come along !!
It's normal for the urges but not to be having sex at that young of an age. I'm not sayin I'm perfect but I started at 16. In a way i regret it but now a days it's considered "normal". I see it as being too early for such a young person.
Were I live when I hit 14 EVERYONE was having sex. They had to close the school bathrooms because of it. I didnt lose my virginity till I was 16, and even then I was late to the no V-Card party. You kinda cant get her to not have any more sex until you see fit but you can make sure she's safe. Educate her about safe sex.
its fine (any age ovr 12 is ok if ur take precautions). its a lil "risky" but id say make 100% sure its safe sex. I mean the pill AND condoms (ultra thin or her pleaser, w/e dont let her say "condoms are lame" and have a plan B (morning after pill) ready just incase) - make sure her gyno and pyschician knows too.
Its alot of privacy issues, but she will thank you when she is older of if this BF/GF isnt the one and she isnt preggo or has an STD - when ur gona do it this young, its a rigt in the US but due to so much unsafe sex, u gota be carefull sadly/
Hmm, I fucked 14 year olds when I was in highschool.. so i won't be a hypocrite and call her names.
Although, now that I'm old and wise (<-lol, anyway) -I don't think it's the best decision for her.
yes it is normal beacause i lost my virginity when i was 14. it gives your daughter all the educated stuff she needs.
I'm going to assume that this is fake, because any mother with a brain in her head would think that this isn't normal.
Of coarse it is, don't let society tell you different, her hormones are lighting up so it's completely natural against her will
Umm sorry but your daughter is pretty much a whore. You have to make her stop before she gets pregnant. Even though teens such as myself are thinking they can do whatever they want, it's awful to be knowing your daughter could be getting pregnant at any moment.
I would suggest you limit your sex to self-pleasuring until you are 18 or so. Still ocassional intecourse with someone you know and trust can be wonderful! Just make sure he wears a condom. Pregnancy is worse than STDs at your age.
Ummm yeah I guess cause mostly all th girls are having sex at this age and at lease she told u witch I wouldn't have told my mom cause she would have hit me with anything she can find lmao xD
That is not normal. Mi mama would've started beatin' me with her chancletas if I told her that, and I am nineteen!
I think it is normal as long as you make sure they are safe and you talk to them about your mistakes and take them serious about it. Make sure they UNDERSTAND their consenquences if they decide to do so. Don't flip out on them and make them mad because if you do they will just run out and go fuck someone without thinking what can go wrong.
Put it this way, if she can't wipe her ass correctly she shouldn't be having sex. Enough said. You still wash her drawers and she probably still sleeps with unicorns on her bedsheets. All she's doing is ruining her childhood. Whatever happened to playing outside and watching cartoons? SMH.
Well It's a lot better than your 10 year old daughter coming up to you with that news, and at least she is being open with you. Your daughter isn't a whore/slut like some of these immature idiots are saying. There's a lot of pressure these days unfortunately, and teens are having sex earlier and earlier. Being safe while doing it is the most important thing to be taught in this case.
Unfortunately, I had an active sex drive since I was 13... I think its normal to develop the hunger at that age, but its not correct to explore it at the age because we still don't know the body, the consequences, the dangers... However, I think its more normal than we think... Sad, but it appears that way.
Pretty normal these das. Doesn't mean it's right. You need to talk to her.
Aslong as you use protection, and don't act imature about it there is nothing wrong. That being said, keep it to yourself. Don't let it be known, for even though it is normal if done correctly, you'l have a hard time landing a boyfriend if your known as that 14 year old that has sex on a regular basis.
I think it is normal. I had sex at the age of 15 and so did a lot of my other friends... Now that I think about it.... That's way too young and kind of sick lol oh well
lol you bore a slut, congrats, you must be a single mom and a whore yourself, the apple don't fall far from the tree, learn to be a better parent. K thanks have a nice day.
She was asking a question, not for a rude response. And sense when does calling someone a whore make you mature? I don't think it's good to be having sex that early, but calling someone a whore, and judging them as a parent is wayyy out of line. K thanks, have a nice day.