Is it normal for a believer to have a problem with the concept of hell?

I'm a Christian, so I'm not looking for people to attack my beliefs or what I believe. Everyone's entitled to their views. I believe in God and the love of God, but I have a major problem with the concept of hell. It's absolutely unconscionable, heinous, and sadistic. Just if someone doesn't accept Christ, then they burn in agony forever. If you've ever burned your finger on the stove, imagine that all over your body, forever and ever, without end. How can someone who would send their son to die send someone there just because they have questions about him existing, or him being the only way to God, supposedly?

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Comments ( 21 )
  • Lestat565

    I agree that everyone should be able to have their own opinion. I’m an atheist myself. And I never could understand why people say god is all loving and if you don’t believe it you go to hell. Hell doesn’t make sense if you believe that god is all loving. Either there is a hell in which case god can’t be all loving or god is real and all loving in which case hell cant exist.

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    • StudWithoutU

      Or that "God gave us free will" crap.
      Like, do those people think it was someones free will to be raped or for the Jews to have Hitler happen to them?
      Like, nah man, proof enough for me that God ain't real.

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      • Ellenna

        Belief in bullshit karma is just as bad: I've argued with people who say children who are sexually abused chose to be born into that situation for the purpose of learning a life lesson and I've even had a (non practising) jew tell me it was the karma of the jews (including members of her extended family) to die in the holocaust.

        god certainly ain't real, but neither is karma

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        • StudWithoutU

          I agree with that.

          As for karma, we gotta make our own karma.

          If there's anything this life has shown me is that nothing is given or deserved.
          You gotta take it for yourself.
          No one gives enough fucks about eachother.

          I feel the worst people in this world, the real demons, the real monsters; are the by-standers, the people that are indifferent. The ones that know about abuse or rape and choose to do nothing.

          And if God is real, then he's a by-stander too.
          How dare he let children starve, be infested with parasites, be raped, tortured, killed, etc.
          No. Just no.

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  • StudWithoutU

    Damn. Your pastor sounded like a child abuser. Should've been put behind bars.

    I consider it a form of assault and abuse when kids and people ask questions and instead of getting answers - they get beat. Clearly things need to be questioned.

    I'm sorry that happened, bunch of dicks.

    I've never studied Hindu personally.

    Our church and bible study and the kids bible study only focused on the King James Bible teachings and nothing else.

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  • StudWithoutU

    I'm surprised that you're not a blind follower.
    Like, I think that's good and smart of you.
    It's okay to question and wonder.

    I remember asking my father what proof did we have that God is real, because I see all the proof that he isn't. Then my father, with only yelling "WHAT?!" yanked off his belt, grabbed me by the arm, and spanked me standing up.
    Which just furthered my proof that God wasn't real.

    That's not me insulting you, I'm just saying that blind faith is stupid faith.
    Charles Manson is a good reference, so is Hitler.

    If anything, a true religion should encourage its followers to question the why's and how's.

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  • noid

    Not all Christian denominations believe hell is eternal. Hope that helps OP.

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    • Ellenna

      Really? Which ones don't believe in hell? I've never heard that before

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      • b1c1e1

        I'm a Seventh Day Adventist, we do believe in hell; but we believe from what the Bible says that it's certainly not eternal. Were not perfect "nobody is, and no denomination is" but we do truly follow what the Bible actually says. Check us out sometime :)

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  • IrishPotato

    If God is real, he's a sadistic fuck.

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    • b1c1e1

      Tell me why? This is not God's world anymore, it's Satans. Satan is the sadistic punk that derives enjoyment from inflicting pain upon us; and twists it to make it look like something God has done to us, but it's not God. If you are true to God, and follow the teachings he has given you, because he truly does love you and want to spend eternity with you, you will have nothing to worry about. ~Ignore that run on sentence please lol~ Many see the what people have said about the Bible, and take their word for it; but have never read it themselves. Following God will not only bring you a better, happier, and more fulfilled life; but will also grant you eternal life. It's a good deal man, don't miss it.

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      • Lestat565

        So we should make women marry their rapists? That’s in the Bible what about not wearing clothes made out of different fabrics? That’s a sin too according to the Bible. So what part of gods teachings should we follow. Only the teachings that comfort you I think not

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        • IrishPotato

          Very true.

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      • StudWithoutU

        Sorry sweetheart, you can't pick and choose your sins.
        Do you eat bacon? Ever touched a football or like football?
        Gonna go around whipping all the women into submission?

        I mean really, have you ever READ the bible?
        Cause I was raised on it.

        And trust me, hell to the fucking no was it in my free will to be assaulted.
        And I was as good as can be, the sweetest little girl, but it didn't stop my father from getting on top of me.
        And I was praying and crying to God through it all.
        He didn't help me.
        So get off that high horse.

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        • Lestat565

          You are so right. And sorry about what’s happened to you. No child deserves to suffer.

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          • StudWithoutU

            Thanks. <3

            But yeah.
            It frustrates me to no end that Christians say "free will" but then turn a cheek when bad shit happens.

            Here's something ironic, Satanism.

            The Nine Satanic Statements

            1 Satan represents indulgence instead of abstinence!

            2 Satan represents vital existence instead of spiritual pipe dreams!

            3 Satan represents undefiled wisdom instead of hypocritical self-deceit!

            4 Satan represents kindness to those who deserve it instead of love wasted on ingrates!

            5 Satan represents vengeance instead of turning the other cheek!

            6 Satan represents responsibility to the responsible instead of concern for psychic vampires!

            7 Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all-fours, who, because of his “divine spiritual and intellectual development,” has become the most vicious animal of all!

            8 Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification!

            9 Satan has been the best friend the Church has ever had, as He has kept it in business all these years!

            I enjoyed reading that actually.

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  • TheBlindInquisitor

    You sound reasonable.

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    • StudWithoutU

      Which is a change of pace.

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  • He's a God. His ways aren't your ways, neither are his thoughts your thoughts (Biblical).

    You're also thinking about the same being that is allowing every bad thing that we know of right now.

    There's a verse that says, "Is there evil in a city, and Jehovah hath not done it?"

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  • Yeah that heaven and hell story is old as shit, almost every religion had that. It's people's imagination to scare you from commiting sins. I'm not attacking your belief here, I tell you facts.

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    • Are you an atheist?

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