Is it normal for a cat to meow everytime it's picked up

So my roommates have 2 cats. EVERYTIME 1 of them gets picked up it meows. It doesn't really fight to be put down. I'm concerned that maybe it's in pain or something. Her boyfriend hs been kind of rough with the cats, for example pretending it's a machine gun...

The cat is 2 and has never seen a vet.
I keep telling my roommate she should take the cats to the vet but she says she doesn't have the money, but she seems to have the money for dvds and was talking about getting another ps2 the other day...

I'm concerned for the cats but they get pissy if I try and tell them how to take care of their pets. Honestly I don't think they should have ANY pets, they aren't responsible and I have to say something or just do it myself for the pets to eat or have their crap cleaned up...

Do you think it's possible the cat has something wrong with it or is just vocal personality wise?

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Comments ( 11 )
  • DannyKanes

    Omg, is her boyfriend 10 or retarded?

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  • Sensate

    train the cat to go for the scrotum while he is getting ready to hop into the shower

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  • narwhal

    Oh that was more of a response to JuliusE. xD sorry for confussling you.

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  • narwhal

    Also what do you think animal services is going to do with them? There going to put them in the pound and they'll most likely be dead within the month.

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    • anonymous420

      I never once mentioned animal services in that post. I don't want to call them, I don't want a police-type agency in my house. 0_o

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  • narwhal

    Honestly I don't think there's anything wrong with the cat. My cat does this. I think it's a more of a "bitch why u Pickens me up?" then anything else. And cats for the most part hardly ever need to go to the vet. My cat who 11 has only been to the vet 4 or 5 times and those where mainly for when he got into a nasty fight or his kitten stuff. Also it probably going a bit to far to call animal services when really the only problem with the cat is that the bf is a dick. Tell him that, and get your roomy to dump him. Cause animal haters are just not cool.

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  • My cats meow when I pick them up and I pamper them all the time. So, I think that part is normal. But you're friend's shitty attitude towards her pets are not. Try to protect the poor little critters.

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  • JuliusE

    They can't stand up for themselves. Will you stand up for them or let them to continue to be abused and neglected bc you're scared they might get upset? Don't be a coward, stand up for what's right

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  • JuliusE

    Call animal control/the police. Those cats don't deserve to be neglected and abused

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  • honeybeee

    awwwww cute

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  • The cats should have been to see a vet at least twice as kittens, for their vaccinations and then their top up booster shots.

    The boyfriend should not be acting like the cat is a machine gun, it's a cat, not a toy. It's hard to say what to do in this situation except for make sure to quietly keep an eye on the cats, make sure they are being fed and that they aren't in pain.

    Some ways to know if a cat is unwell is if they refuse to eat, their fur isn't healthy and shiny/soft, their eyes aren't clear/bright. However if things really are concerning and dire, you may have to call police/animal abuse services.

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