Is it normal for a dad to show his daughter how his penis/foreskin works?

I have this one memory of being little and bathing with my dad and him showing me his penis head and how the foreskin pulls back etc. like showing me how it works I think? I'm not sure what to make of it. I have pretty much never seen him naked apart from this and I feel weird whenever I think about it. So internet, tell me, is it normal?

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25% Normal
Based on 20 votes (5 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • my_life_my_way

    He shouldn’t have been naked in the bath with you at any point, let alone showing you his dick. That’s some pedophilia shit.

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  • Boojum

    I'm pretty damn broadminded about sexual stuff, but as the father of a daughter, I put this firmly in the box labelled, "Totally Fucking NOT Right".

    Parents should talk honestly and openly to their kids about sex, but that should never include show 'n' tell.

    I have no idea why he did this. Maybe your father had a few drinks before bathtime? If you were very young, maybe he was still trying to figure out the rules for the fatherhood thing? (Most parents really haven't a clue at the start, and they just stumble along trying to figure out what they should be doing as they go.) Maybe he has a memory of this father explaining this to him when he was a kid. I think that would be (maybe) sorta borderline acceptable with a boy, but it's definitely not with a daughter.

    And maybe he just thinks his dick is really cool and he wanted to share that with you. A lot of young boys find their dick utterly fascinating, and some guys never really grow out of that.

    I don't find it odd that this memory has stuck in your mind. He showed you something that was very different to your own body, and it was something that happened only once, which in itself might give it added significance. And, while lots of people would like to believe that small children are oblivious to sex, that they never really notice the sexual differences between males and females, and their interest in sex only appears as if by magic at the time of puberty, this just isn't so. Small children are curious by nature, and they're particularly curious about things that adults try to keep hidden from them.

    If, apart from that one, isolated incident, your father has always respected the generally accepted normal boundaries concerning parents, their kids and sexual stuff, then I don't think this is something that you should be too concerned about.

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  • Somenormie

    How the fuck is this normal? He shouldn't have even done this!

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    I'd say it was perfectly innocent.

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  • Schizotravestie

    Je crois que ce n'est pas normal. Je pense que les enfants n’ont pas besoin de détails. Et je pense que pour expliquer aux enfants il faut un dessin, pas un sexe d'adulte.

    Si il n'y a eu que ça je pense que ce n'est pas grave.

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