Is it normal for a female to be male chauvinist?

Okay, not really male chauvinist, but if you make me choose I'd go for it a million times before feminism. It's not like a think women belong in the kitchen or something like that. It'd be nice if females were respected like men, sure, BUT I know I'm not willing to give up the privilegies being a woman has so I'm okay with things staying the way they are. IIN?

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47% Normal
Based on 30 votes (14 yes)
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Comments ( 46 )
  • dom180

    I think you should do whatever makes you happy. If you're happy living in your designated gender role that's great. I'm sure not everyone has the same idea of "privileges" as you do, but if you feel privileged as you are then that's great.

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  • Energy

    I think that's very sexist towards men. Men are stupid to want women in the kitchen. Because that makes women the real kings of the house. Imagine, being at home all the time chillaxing. While the men are stuck being slaves and working hard for money. Both genders are equal. And they'll stay equal. Sorry sexist fucks. And I'm talking about sexist women here as well ;)

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    • NeuroNeptunian

      Eh, I don't know. I know housewives that do quite a bit of work that wish they could "chillax". Maybe that wasn't what you were getting at, but I know very few housewives that don't work their asses off.

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  • Anime7

    Some women like the idea of not working and taking care of the household. There was this girl in my school's newspaper who wrote a whole article about it. I'd say its your belief and people have to respect it.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    I think people should do what's best for their family, period.

    I know families in which the man stays at home and the woman works and that works for them. I know families in which the opposite occurs and that works for them and families in which the parents would go insane if they had to spend all day in the house. So they both work, out of willingness or necessity. And that works for them.

    I don't think it's a matter of sexism, it's a matter of doing what's best for your family. I think it sucks that our society has turned against being a stay at home mom as a "terrible gender role" and being a SAHM as "not real work". This has hurt a lot of families in the long run as women who want to quit their jobs and be more involved parents fear the criticism they'll face from their friends and family.

    I think it says a lot more for the materialism of our society, if anything, that how much money someone makes or their job status determines the way they should be treated or their worth as a person rather than whether or not they are happy and doing right by their family.

    This isn't a philosophical position I'm willing to argue. I don't think anyone doing what's best for themselves and by extension as well, their family, deserves to be ridiculed, regardless of their gender.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    I could never do the whole gender role thing. I'm too power-hungry.

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  • prasatko

    I understand your point and it makes perfect sense. Feminist ideologies have done more harm than good not only to men but also to women. The fact that you do not subscribe under feminism and similar kinds of non-sense just shows that you are not stupid or brainwashed.

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  • Mando

    What's with the recent spate of anti-feminist propaganda? Defining feminist as not recognizing women's roles and being anti-male is a bit fucked up. Looks like you haven't come such a "long way baby" after all. That is sad.

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    • disthing

      The feminist stuff that gets lobbed around in the media these days is usually the ridiculous and the absurd, and without the rational and reasonable stuff to dilute that rubbish, a lot of people end up equating all feminism with what those few extreme people purporting to be feminists think.

      So now to many:
      feminism = men-hater / female-supremecist

      ...rather than what it should basically mean:
      feminism = believing in and promoting equal rights for females

      I agree, it's a shame. Probably need Egalitarian studies at school or something (would be an opportunity to learn about rights of various groups in society, worldwide etc. including feminism and what it actually is)

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      • Mando

        I wish they'd just crack a dictionary open so they could work with common definitions and concepts instead of going off half-cocked with the ignorant slurs and fabricated opinion of the TEA party, right wing-fucktards and attention seeking secondary school pubey-boys.

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  • Short4Words

    I use to be a feminist (I'm a guy) but two things stopped me from wanted to be affiliated with them. One I started believing in gender roles. I think a woman can care of her child in a way that a man just can't, and I believe a father is the best role model for his male children, and sometimes even daughters, both genders nurture and help there children grow emotionally and intellectually. But anywho, the second reason was because I felt that the feminist group that is presented in many facets is too fanatical. The whole idea that men just suck and that they don't need them. I couldn't get behind that. Not just because I'm a man, but because we both need each other. I believe we perfect eachother, not completely, but there is a beautiful balance, and one gender should not cut out the other. Also I hate the constant reaffirmation that men are dumb. That's not true. Our culture is dumb, and men are weak because we dumb ourselves down, just like women do in their own ways, but we are not dumb, only collectively as a species, can we be remarkably foolish at times.

    I do believe there are exceptions, I don't like women fighting the war just as much as I don't like men, but I don't feel like it's my right to suggest they can't, I just believe they would be better as caregivers. I think violence has some place in mens hearts, and I would never want to subject a women to it. We should talk sometimes because clearly I have a lot to say on the subject. Sorry for the rambling.

    Have a good one.

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    • Energy

      I disagree. I have a very good female friend who feels sickened by the thought of being a "caretaker". And it saddens me to see her in so much pain. She has love for violence. She's very fun to hang around with. I don't like women who are "care takers". Both genders should be equal. But that's alright. These days women are just like men. And are treated equal. I don't see sexism OUTSIDE of the Internet. Its very easy to be a fat, ugly, troll pig on the Internet and do the whole kitchen jokes. But not in real life. Never seen it.

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      • Short4Words

        I'd have to write an entire essay about gender roles and why they are important. I didn't really represent the case well here.

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        • Energy

          I don't like gender roles.. It makes people miserable . If a chick wants to be the one working let her, and if a dude wants to stay home all day, let him. It's just stupid to assign duties based on "gender".

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          • Short4Words

            I don't see it as duties but more as psychological and physical tendencies. Gender roles are a bit bigger that.

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      • KeddersPrincess

        Is your friend me? Lol :D

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        • Energy

          Haha :)

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  • Imsupernormal

    Get back in the kitchen and make me sandwich.

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    • Not even funny.

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  • SuperBenzid

    Well I consider myself an egalitarian rather than a feminist. I believe people should have the options to live in whatever kind of relationship works for them and the same with job opportunities.

    I think if most woman knew the history of feminism than they would stay away from that word. The most popular feminist work ever was "The Woman's Room" and it contains a line that says all men are rapists. Also you have feminists constantly referring to an invisible patriarchy conspiracy that runs everything and it really sounds similar to the way white supremacists talk about crazy Jewish conspiracies. I think most women that identify as feminists are actually egalitarian and do not hold the extreme views that are characteristic of feminist doctrine.

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    • Mando

      Yeah - she says that after her daughter was raped and faced a series of procedures and laws (that were created by men - do you know how many female lawmakers there were then?) that would figuratively "rape" the daughter again. It was set in the 1950's/60's.

      And the author didn't see it as a definition of feminism but as a statement on the condition of women.

      If you are going to keep quoting this line then put it in context. If you are going to boast of yourself as being "egalitarian" then you could start by trying to be fair.

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      • SuperBenzid

        Saying "All men are rapists" is wrong in any context. If you are going to defend such hate speech then you obviously share in its views. It wouldn't be tolerated by any civilized person to say that about black people, gay people, Jewish people, etc. It shouldn't be tolerated to say about men either.

        It's not my fault feminism's most popular work reads like Mein Kampf.

        So the question becomes: why do you hate men? that you would defend hate speech against them.

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        • dom180

          Marilyn French meant FIGURATIVE rape, not actual, sexual rape. The subtleties clearly went over your head.

          "They rape us with their eyes, their laws, their codes". That is the line directly after the line saying "all men are rapists". At the time, I guess there was a patriarchy and the law and social convention was massively anti-women; to deny that is to show a lack of understanding about the times. I don't agree with Marilyn French in saying "all men are rapists" even in a figurative sense, but I do think the majority were. You're misinterpreting her words.

          Also, to define "the feminist movement" as one single thing is as reductionist as to define "the atheist movement" or "the gay rights movement" as one single thing. All feminists have different beliefs. I'm willing to bet that 99% of people calling themselves feminists who know anything about feminism do NOT believe "all men are rapists".

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          • Mando


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          • SuperBenzid

            I am baffled why this isn't considered hate speech in any context. In no context is it acceptable to call me a rapist. How would you feel if someone said "All women are murderers, they murder men by taking their time, removing their focus and stealing their income. All women are murderers and that is all they are."

            And then you found that men would come together and agree that line is correct as long as its in the right context?

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            • dom180

              The difference is that women can do nothing about being paid less than men for the same job, or being discriminated against by social conventions. Men can *choose* not to have their time or money taken by a woman by not having a wife or girlfriend, or by refusing to buy a wife or girlfriend expensive stuff.

              I would think the analogy between being murdered and allowing your time and money to be taken up voluntarily a hilarious one. I wouldn't be offended at all by that, and it's definitely no more indicative of hate speech than it is comedy.

              I'm a guy, by the way.

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        • Mando

          It was only controversial 40 years ago in a time of rigid gender stereotypes and in the context of an actual rape. Now it is inflated as mein kampf and a declaration of war against men. What hubris and completely twisted nonsense.

          And no the question doesn't become me hating men - that doesn't follow and is just another hyperbolic slur on your part. Stop blowing things all out of proportion.

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          • SuperBenzid

            Well then the question is why do you defend hate speech if you don't hate men?

            If someone came to you and said "All black men are rapists" what would you think of that person? Would calling that hate speech be blowing it out of proportion?

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            • Mando

              No that is not "the question," that is you fabricating. "All caterpillars are rapists." So what? Callously taking a phrase out of its original context (about her daughter's rape) and using that to redefine feminism as man-hating is just hooey.

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  • Nokiot9

    Unfortunately normal. Tons of women are sexist against men and don't think twice about it because Feminism isn't about equality, it's about revenge and shaming men for how they've treated women as a whole Over the past 400 years. this whole "rape culture" movement is evidence of it. And men aren't allowed to get all in a toss about it because men aren't supposed to be emotional creatures like women are. So it's almost socially acceptable for people to do things to men that are wrong to do to women. Like sexual harassment for starters. and physical abuse. It's not a social taboo for a woman to hit a man or sexually harass them because "a man should be able to handle it" ? Are you fucking kidding me?! Equality is a two way street. Not something you just take and give as you please. And that's how feminists and a lot of people in general treat it. Like "yeah. I'm all for equal rights for women! Oh wait... It says here I might get drafted into military service, I'm gonna have to pay for dinner sometimes, and change my own oil in my car, move my own stuff when I move, fix my own sink, and ALL the other "man stuff"?!"

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  • D512

    I enjoy being out in a submissive female role sometimes. I don't mind being slapped on the ass or told to make a sandwich or something like that. My boyfriend doesn't do it in a demeaning way, and we both love and respect each other. I have a good job and a lot of pride, power, and self respect.

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