Is it normal for a ghost like figure to touch you at night?

This post is 100% real. I'm not lying. I also know I titled this weird. Please read this all the way through.

This is sorta difficult to explain but one a random nights when I begin to doze off to sleep, my hearing begins to distort it sorta sounds like the first
5 or 6 seconds of crew love by drake( I can't describe it that well.) About 10 seconds later my hearing completely shuts off and I can only hear that distortin noise.

Next, I'm unable to move. I'm stuck in whatever position im in when the distortion started. Then something invisible to me comes and touches me.After a few minutes of.touching me it dissappears and I can move and the distortion stops Its so creepy,

one time I was in a position where I was laying on my stomach. The ghost (or whatver the hell it is) laid me and put something in my asshole... (I don't know what it was, it sorta hurt..) and it left.

Another time was when I was laying on my back. The ghost or whatever it is came and I managed to close my eyes and it began to touch me again. I stick my tongue out (idk how.I managed to do it) When I do. The distortion increased and my felt light headed. I stick my tongue out 5 or 6 times each time my head gettin lighter and lighter. It eventually gave up and left. When it was morning I had a excruciating headach for the rest of the day

Again, this is real and I'm afraid to go to sleep at night. I feel like it has been watching me. And it may do somehing horrible to me in the next few nights. It may kill me. One nigt, I heard distortion. And couldn't move as usual. And I heard it muffle words. It said the real fast. I did manage to make words like "kill you".

Excuse any grammatical errors...

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Comments ( 25 )
  • anti-hero

    Same thing happened to me, then he gave me a Marlboro.

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  • sanan22

    sleep paralysis that

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    • Thanks, I'm sorta glad that I don't have the demoic episodes where you see satan.

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      • DandyElfman

        This is going to sound bizarre but it sounds like an erotic thought. Being done by a ghost as night as you feel them in bed with you. I am kind of weird so I find this thought really hot. I also think aliens and humans doing it is sexy too. I guess I am not the one to be getting porn ideas from. I have some weird ass ideas of it. Maybe screwing a sex doll that has been possessed by a spirit even. Exorcism movie kind of turned me on before she started vomiting that is.

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        • I think you have a sick mind, but whatever floats your boat I guess.....

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          • DandyElfman

            Oh well.... To be fair you came to IIN. So you should have been expecting this kind of thing. I know I am weird. Not as bad as doing, kids, your sister or the dog.

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  • macaroniheyo

    if this isnt a troll, id say get the fuck out of that house.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Sleep Paralysis or Alien Molestation.

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  • q1w2e3

    I hope u are ok now?

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  • q1w2e3

    What's the update?

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    • Had an episode yesterday, that quran stuff only worked the first night I tried it.

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  • q1w2e3

    It's called jinns in Islam. Google it.

    Before you sleep, read this:

    Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Kul huvallahu ahad. Allahu samad. Lam yalid. Walam yulad. Walam yakun lahu kufuvan ahad.

    Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Kul authu birabbin naas. Maalikin naas. Ilaahin naas. Min sharril waswaasil hannaas. Alladhi yuwaswisu fii sudurin naas. Minal jinnati wan naas.

    And also Surah al Fatihah from

    It will protect you from the jinns. Take care.

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  • curious-kat

    sleep paralysis. u feel like you are awake because you can think clearly and see everything around you, except there's a strange presence you can feel around you. like something is watching you, and you get a heavy feeling in your chest and you become paralyzed for the time being, you cant even make any noise. It's terrifying.

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  • joybubblz

    It happens to me sometimes, but it doesn't actually feel like an evil or oppressive spirit. It feels more like a guardian. It holds my hand if I'm feeling down, and even though sometimes, it bothers me in more unusual or uncomfortable ways, he's not there to harm me. Try to talk to him, and if you can't speak during your paralysis, try talking to him before any of it happens. If that doesn't work, you should probably get a new house.

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  • mpiparanormal

    Google incubus and sucubus. And the key to stopping this. Take away its power! How? Minimizing fear. Fear keeps this type of scenario in motion. If it is something paranormal, it comes to you because it can feed off of your negativity. How does one stop? That's the million dollar question with a simple but not easy answer: courage. Where does this courage come from? Faith. Faith in what? A positive and benevolent higher power (God). The other key is to stop trying to eliminate the fear by use of your own will. That never works. With help, it's about embracing the fear with the help of something bigger. May take some work, but us doable.

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  • Sobored

    I've actually heard about this before. It sounds so ridiculous but the woman who experienced this described the same thing. One thing that she did say was that she didn't feel like it was a spirit (like sometype of negative energy that came from a human after dying) but more like an evil demonic unnatural creature. She also said she thinks it found her because she was really depressed, and in a really dark place and had felt uneasy for awile that somehow it made her vulnerable & attracted it to her. So to try to shake the feeling she took off to some other city to get away and it happened the 1st night she was in her hotel room. Its SO FREAKY. Its been awile since I watched that. It was on T.V. One of those shows about ghost stories. You could probably find it online. She was a song writer that worked for the rapper Eminem, if I remember correctly, I know she was involved with him.
    Are you feeling at all how the woman from this story felt??? I would defintly go stay with someone else, at least so that you're not alone. This is freaking me out just typing this, I believe it could happen.

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  • sharon_zhen

    Its sleep paralysis, it causes you to hallucinate and you cant move at that time, dont worry honey :)

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  • q1w2e3

    That's unfortunate to hear. Try reading that to your hands and after you are done wipe it to your body all over, wherever you can reach, head to toe. Let me know if that works. Otherwise we try something else.

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  • k1d

    Idk about this. I once been thru something similiar to this. Only I was not penetrated. I was layng in my bed and dozing off hard. I was about to go to sleep when and then I felt somebody lay in my bed. I have an old bed so when someone lays in it you hear a croak. I got so scared b/c I was the only one home. I just got up and went straight to the liquor store. Thank god I havent experience that again. Lol

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  • MistakeMaker

    As I was reading this, my TV cut on and off 4 times and I was sitting right next to the remote as it happened. Its 3 am so I'm positive no one else is awake. Hahahahahahah but anyway .. if it have to ASK if its normal, chances are its not normal.

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  • GuessWho

    It could just be your mind playing tricks on you.
    Your brain has control over your entire body - what you see, hear, feel, etc.
    If you're not completely mentally stable, it's entirely possible for your imagination to subconsciously simulate a very real experience.

    Most people lose awareness, before their body shuts off for sleep, but is sounds to me like your body begins shutting off before you lose awareness and your imagination fucks with you during that time.

    This is the most logical explanation.
    That's not to say the alternative isn't possible either.

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  • Imsupernormal

    I have no idea what the fuck you just said.

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  • Darkoil

    People actually have real problems in the world and we have to read this garbage.

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    • zebraprintedroses

      For some people, this is a real problem.

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      • Darkoil

        Yeah people who belong in a loony bin.

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