Is it normal for a girl to do nothing

Do men tend to have hobbies more than women? I am in a relationship and my girl it seems to be always on top of me. I have a bunch of hobbies: I fly fish, I ride my motorcycle, I shoot my gun, I roll with my Bro's BJJ.

My Woman doesn't really have any hobbies of her own that don't involve me. Is this normal?

Shouldn't she do something she likes that doesn't involve fawning all over me all the time?

Voting Results
37% Normal
Based on 19 votes (7 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • Sanara

    I'm a girl and that doesn't sound normal or healthy to me. Sounds kinda like an unhealthy obsession with the relationship. There are lots of things she could pick as a hobby and I think most women have a hobby of some kind

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    • Yeah that makes a ton of sense and like others have said.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Yeah, she should be finding other things to do. People who have no life of their own eventually become toxic and hard to deal with.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    It’s not a gender thing, some people just lose their sense of self as they get older. Have you tried including her in your hobbies or encouraging her to peruse things she used to enjoy?

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    • I have, and she has no interest in any of them.

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      • SkullsNRoses

        How about encouraging her to revisit her old hobbies? As others have said it’s not healthy to have no real interests.

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  • It’s not normal and very unhealthy. My wife has lots of hobbies and gets depressed when she’s too busy with work to pursue them.

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