Is it normal for a guy not to buy a christmas present for anyone

So my Bf didn't buy a Christmas present for anyone not even his daughter. I (as usual) spent a load on him and he had a great Christmas. I even got presents for his family and signed both our names to it. Is it normal for a guy to do this and feel no remorse about it?

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36% Normal
Based on 56 votes (20 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • Well, why should he do it, when you do it for him.

    Seriously, if you want to show him the error of his ways, stop enabling him by buying him gifts and doing some of the gift-buying for him. It is THAT simple.

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  • Well, I once heard that 'it's better to give than to receive' was what Christmas is all about. (Or was that about gay sex? Nah, I'm pretty sure it was about Christmas.) Anyhow, nobody really cares about the true meaning of Christmas anymore anyways.

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  • Kids spell "Love" M O N E Y and T I M E so it's not normal that he isn't sacrificing either for his daughter.

    As to the rest I'd say it's normal. I'm broke 365 days a year so for me buying presents for others is an impossibility.

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  • Mando

    She's not forcing beliefs/emotionally blackmailing you - idiot. How did you manage to make this about yourself? It is about them - and they celebrate Christmas you dumb bigot. OP - your boyfriend is not only cheap & inconsiderate but also a greedy & selfish hypocrite when it comes to enjoying being on the receiving end of gifts. Amazing that he sees nothing wrong with this. Next year, if you are still together, don't buy anything. Let the childish stingy-assed loser face the consequences. Don't be his enabler PS - I can't imagine what you see in or get out of a relationship with a guy like that.

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  • Cakeytara

    What an asshole, never give him a gift again!!!

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  • thebuddah

    Mando you can't judge a guy because he didn't get anyone a gift. Is that the only thing Xmas is about? WTF

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  • randypete

    you are just tight

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  • n0rms2

    nothing you can do now. you can't even get mad about it if you didn't mention it before. so next Christmas you are going to have a conversation with him about if he's getting you a gift before you splurge on him. Tell him the gifts should be similar value but if he wants to make up for this year inform him that he is allowed. Also, don't get gifts for the relatives unless you know they got something for you.

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