Is it normal for a guy to be willing to hit a girl?

I'm a guy and I was raised on a small family farm in Louisiana where everyone in the house was a woman except me and my disabled uncle. I saw first-hand that women could do everything a man can do. My cousin was 5 years older than me and we fought a lot. I never thought that it was any worse to hit a female than it was to hit a male. (In fact, I think it's downright sexist. To say women are physically inferior when I know several women who can take a man on in a fight.) In school, though, everyone kept saying, "you can't hit girls, but girls can hit you!" One boy even got in double-trouble by a teacher for hitting a girl, then the teacher told our class that boys can't hit girls ever. I asked her why girls can hit boys and she stumbled a bit. Anyway, I always thought that if a girl and a boy fought, it wasn't any worse than if two boys fought. Please, comment on if you think "Guys should never ever hit Girls/Women" is morally right.

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47% Normal
Based on 58 votes (27 yes)
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Comments ( 73 )
  • Anime7

    I think a lot of people still have the whole you can't hit a girl mentality. People shouldn't fight plain and simple, but if somebody hits you then you should defend yourself regardless if they have a penis or not.

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    • PapzBSlim

      Exactly what you said. If you are man enough to hit a man, you have to be man enough to get hit by a man. Any one see the bus driver vs girl fight on the RTA bus in Ohio? She hits him first and he gives her a "Mortal Kombat" uppercut like Scorpion and she is complaining.

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      • Terence_the_viking

        Yeah that video is awesome.

        You're going to jail now hehehe

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      • Anime7

        Thanks, now I know what to look up on youtube.

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  • iEatZombies_

    You should never hit anyone or anything weaker than you. You should only restrain. That being said, a young girl with a gun is stronger than you are, so it's permittable to beat her senseless until that gun is no longer accessible to her, and then she's weaker than you, so you should then restrain and lock her up tight.

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  • Do people get into fights on a regular basis that they'd worry about this? Am I missing something? Where I came from, you were not allowed to hit anybody it's pretty simple.

    If a girl or a guy is hitting you sure go ahead and get them the fuck off you but no one should do more than defend themselves. I'm not really getting where a guy and a girl would have a reason to physically fight anyways.

    Also, all the men I know are bigger than me. They could and would beat my ass, haha. The only guys I know who are my size or smaller are teenagers.

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  • I enjoy confrontation, it gives me a raging erection. So if someone hits me the chances i'll hit them back are high.

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    • JustinBiebsFan#1

      i lost my virginity to my cousin, its ok tho she never found out because she was asleep.

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      • You've said that before.

        Hahahahahah, you think you're slick but you haven't got shit on Tommy.

        New material time!

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        • JustinBiebsFan#1

          she did have a kid 9 months later, i wonder if the two things are connected

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          • I wonder if it matters at all.

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      • chinese

        yes i remember this i was there with my family that night or day

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    If a woman hits me in the nutsack like feminazis love to do I have every right to smack her as hard as I possibly can. You want equality? Get it dyke!

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  • Double-trouble?

    What's right in any given situation rarely hinges on reciprocated offense, although it is the easiest way to go about things.

    Hold her back and alert the authorities if it was serious enough.

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  • Imposturously_yours

    I don't really care whom I hit.. Although I do find it wrong to hit weaker people. So if a girl is good fighter with training background, it's a fair game.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    If someone attacks you you have every right to fight back regardless of gender.

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  • Moonbow

    Women and men are NOT equal when it comes to strength. Yes, there are some women that could kick the ass of some men, but the average woman (who hasn't been trained in self-defense or who doesn't have a weapon) doesn't stand a chance against the average man. A man who hits a woman is a worthless POS! But go ahead and hit a woman because we don't need sorry excuses for "men" like you around. Let's see how you fare in prison after some guy twice your size makes you his "old lady"!

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    • Mr.T

      Wow, that's... incredibly stupid. If you're trolling, you should have said something that would've gotten me angry. This doesn't, it's just a little bit funny. If this IS how you genuinely feel, then you need to get in a fight with a girl. I've seen chicks kick some serious ass. Hell, my mom chased her brother-in-law off when he pushed my grandpa. I don't know where you're from, but the women here will tear you up in a heartbeat.

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  • NorthernStar

    I can't believe so many of you fell for this troll's bait!

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    • Mr.T

      It's not trolling. That doesn't even make sense. What Moonbow was doing was a poor attempt at a troll.

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  • EAT_IT

    I hit a girl if she stole my sandwich.. Softly.

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  • CheyChey

    If you're a guy and a girl hits you you are not allowed to hit her back you stop her and restrain her. If you're a guy and you're okay with hitting girls, well aren't you quite the scum bag.

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    • Hey. Would love to mention this. But. Erm. Go fuck yourself?
      If you want equality, then you get equality. Why should we not be allowed to use our strength simply because we're stronger? Doesn't that kind of defeat the whole purpose of having strength?
      So basically you believe that you should allow women to hit men without any retaliation?
      "Oh no, please don't hold me so I can't hit you, that will teach me such a huge lesson on why I shouldn't hit people".

      You are sexist. You want to be treated equal without any of the negatives.

      If you are stupid to hit someone stronger than you, then you deal with the consequences of that bigger thing hitting you back.

      Fuck. Women are stupid. You expect the lion not to eat you when you poke at it. That's how stupid anyone with this "Don't hit girls" mentality is.

      I thought male strength was something to protect men, not something that protects the one hurting the man. Quite funny how the one that gets the benefit of men being stronger is women, isn't it?

      If you are stupid to hit something bigger, then you have to deal with it.

      By your rationality, if someone weaker than another man hits a man, that man has no right to hit back?

      Fuck. Women and their princess mentality. "I can do this, but you are not allowed to do anything about it. I'm such a little princess that expects to have all of the choice men have, yet none of the responsibility" Boo fucking hoo.

      You're a fine example of why I am bordering on hating women as a whole.

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      • shade_ilmaendu

        Female who agrees. Preferrably you shouldn't hit anyone, but really? Someone hits me first, you know damn well I'm going to defend myself.

        Though I probably would pull my punches a little if it was someone significantly smaller or weaker than me, and I wouldnt hit a child. I'm not a very violent person and I'm certainly not looking to break anyone. :P

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      • Bel101

        I see you are comparing humans to animals. I think that most of us humans are developed enough as beings to rely on mental skills rather than physical strength. A fully rational human should never use violence in order to solve a conflict. So, a woman hasn't the right to hit a man, and an attacked man can defend himself, which is very different from actually attacking her in turn.

        Pitifully, some people don't dare to resign the use of the strength of their muscles because that's the only thing they have.

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        • shade_ilmaendu

          Comparing humans to animals? Why does everyone always forget that humans are animals?

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          • Bel101

            If you are a human and therefore just another animal, why don't you get rid of your computer, TV, cell phone, car, clothes, burn your books and go to live to the forest?

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            • Ah. Ok. Most animals do not make nests. So why don't birds just get rid of their nests, otherwise they are not animals.

              If you need it explained that simply because our species are different from the others, that makes us non animals, then you stun me with that idiocy.

              Especially given that animals have all sorts of different habitats.

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            • shade_ilmaendu

              Is everything black and white for you? Yes we try to use our intellect to overcome our nature, but we must never forget that we are animals. And I would love to live closer to nature, but because of school I'm kind of stuck in apartments for the time being. :/

              My point is that people have to accept that we are still animals, we have to understand that side of us as well because it is there, and if you repress it in the wrong ways it can jump out when you don't want it to.

              Point still stands, you really shouldn't have to hit people, but if it's in self defense? Maybe it's because of my own history, but it is what it is. I've been a victim before, I won't be again. I'm sure most people, if needed, would defend themselves or their loved ones if given no other choice.

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        • GoraIntoDesiGals

          "Pitifully, some people don't dare to resign the use of the strength of their muscles because that's the only thing they have."

          People have every right to defend themselves with the only thing they have. Or should they just take the verbal beatings when they lack wit?

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      • Moonbow

        You dumb, fucking retard! Would you hit a 5-year-old girl that hit you, or a 90-year-old woman? After all, they're your equals.

        There is more than one way to deal with a woman who hits you and the best way is to get your ass out of there pronto and don't go back!

        If you don't change your way of thinking, you're going to end up in prison around some men that are going to make you whimper like a little girl as they take turns with you and it will serve you right, Asshole!

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        • I love the irony. You call me an idiot while making a completely idiotic statement. So now you are comparing average aged women to children and old people? Do I have to spoon feed women aswell? Afterall, we are comparing them to children.

          No, I would not hit a five year old simply because she is a girl, I wouldn't hit a five year old at all, nor a 90 year old. Can't believe you would compare women to five year olds and people at an age of dependance due to old age. All you done there in your foolish attempt to prove me wrong is make yourself look like a moron.

          Oh, I see. Best thing to do is just let someone hit you. Ok. Next time anyone hits you, even in 'your' home, then you should not retaliate. What? It's your mentality, not mine. So what does this woman learn from...Oh, nothing happening to her after hitting someone? "Oh my God! The man I hit just left the room! I so go taught my lesson why I shouldn't hit others".
          You're a smart one, ain't you.

          Oh, I see. So if 'I' retaliate to a woman hitting me 'I' am the one to be punished? Oh, I see. Don't worry, chum. What I would serve in prison would be far more better that being a brain-dead mangina like yourself (assuming you are a man, if not, surprised - sarcasm).

          Oh? So you are saying if a man hits a woman, he deserves to be raped? Is that what you're saying? So in the same sense, if a woman hit a man, she should be raped, and she would deserve it, right?

          Fuck. I would ask you to get a clue, but you lack any brain cells to accurately comment without contradicting yourself.

          You need a brain to try debate with me, love. You lack one.

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          • iEatZombies_

            Just a heads up: This particular person you're commenting to is literally just trying to start shit. They never have any logic behind what they say and they've only left negative comments on IIN.
            Not worth your time.

            On a side note: I had a dream about IIN last night and you were in it. You went and got yourself a girlfriend. You two were very much happy. It was nice. =)
            And Charli.m ate too much peanut butter.

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            • Lol. You're the third person today that has apparently had a dream about me.

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        • Mr.T

          Begone, troll! You have no power here!

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      • CheyChey

        Go fuck myself? You go fuck yourself. what's with all the hostility trying to be the keyboard warrior? You said "Why should we not be allowed to use our strength simply because we're stronger" are you taking the piss because that statement does not make any sense so to prove this strength you beat up a woman provoked or not it's wrong. I'm sexist? No I'm not you're a macho chauvinistic pig. "Women are stupid"? and men aren't? stupidity has nothing to do with gender. Princess mentality where did this come from not all women have that mentality I know I don't that shit is wack anyways. I think your issue here you are angry at the whole female populace I bet some "princess" fucked you over and you're in that I fucking hate women phase get over it, it's pathetic. Or maybe every woman rejects you so the only thing for you to do is to hate them cognitive dissonance? These ridiculous beliefs you have are so embedded in your brain it's not even funny, A paradigm shift is what you need after you grow some balls

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        • Ah, ofcourse. If anyone holds you to your "equality" then they are simply keyboard warriors. This is why I can't take women seriously.

          If you cannot understand that statement, then I am baffled. You are brain dead.

          Yes, I am a woman hater, and rightfully so. I will not disrespect a woman for no reason, although she will have to prove herself that she is not among the majority of what women are nowadays before I start to like her. This is a result of how women like yourself are just filled with idiocy, that women have to prove themselves to me before I can take them seriously. A hell of a lot of proving.

          Yes, women are stupid. The amount of women I have debated with on here and in other places show that women just can't grasp rationality. Yes, there are some, and I like those ones, but the average woman, in my experience, just can't grasp rationality.

          Not all women have it, most do. You included. "I can hit you, but you are not allowed to do anything about it". Princess mentality. You want to do things at others expense, then think it's wrong if they have anything to say about it. Again. Princess mentality.
          Lol. When you then say "I know I don't". Hilarious. Yes, love, you very much do. No, princess mentality women will never admit to it. I gave a fine example of you having a princess mentality. Sorry, but when debating with me, don't expect to have your cake and eat it, too. Just doesn't work that way.

          Ah, once again. A lovely sense of the princess mentality. "It can't be us females that have given you a rational reason to dislike us, it must be because you were rejected, etc". Again. Princess mentality.

          Listen, princess. When it comes to the rejection ratio, I have rejected far more. I have not even asked a female to be my partner, nor do I ever plan to until I want a child, if even then.
          You're talking to the guy that went out with a female for a skateboard, then broke up with them after it broke. Believe me, hunny, your gender may be wanted by countless men, but not me. Get over yourselves. You have actual reasons to be disliked.

          Funny? They were never supposed to be.

          Ah, if I do not agree that rainbows shine out of your asses, I need to grow some balls, right?

          My God. You're relatively new here. Perhaps a few months? You should know by now that you need more than princess mentality to beat me in a debate, love. Quite frankly, you don't have it in you.

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          • Bel101

            It's quite obvious that you spend so much time at home that you weren't given the chance to get to know real people beyond your computer screen. Generalizing and stereotyping are poor arguments, you god of debates. Women are stupid just because you say so? That's what you think and that's subjective. You are on your right to hate females if you want it so bad, it is your problem if you lose the opportunity of getting to know people just because your closed mind.

            By the way, your mom can't be very happy with a son who thinks she's a fucking stupid airhead.

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            • It's quite obvious, is it? I have moved to so many places, met so many different people because of the life style I lived of moving around. In every area (except this one, been here for half a year and starting college soon), I have made plenty of friends, and I tend to know far more people in one area than others. So when you add that up with all the other people in different areas I have lived, I would only assume I know far more people than you do.
              Don't try to make things personal, it is petty and irrational. It saves me from having to point out that your assumptions are wrong, and assumptions on someones personal life has nowhere in rational debate.
              You would do well to remember that.

              This is not generalization out of nothing. I have observed. Like I said, I move around a lot in my life and observe people and interact with them.

              The majority of women I talk to tend to be idiots. Some impress me, and one of them on here is my favorite user. We do what I base my judgement on women on other areas of life so much. If we are trying to figure out something between two certain things, we take a select few, then we base our research on what those select few do, have, etc compared to the other data collected.
              When we are figuring out something between two types, let's say humans (blacks, whites, asians, female, male, do we study 'every' one in one of those groups, or do we observe the most we can? If the vast majority of our data shows a certain pattern, that is what we conclude. As a species.
              Again, if you need this explained, I am baffled.

              What I love with manginas and women is this whole "you have bad arguments" thing...Ok. I have bad arguments. I will accept this, if you can prove it. Asking manginas and prove that the person they say has bad arguments actually has bad arguments is like kryptonite to them.
              You really need it explained you need to give reason and points instead of just stating something? Could you imagine the world we would live in if we went by that rationality?

              "I seen a flying pig."
              - "Really? I don't need to ask for proof, your statement about it is enough to show me you are right".

              That is all I see when someone 'states' I have bad arguments without actually proving it.

              Women are stupid because I said so? Where did I say that? Where did I say "I just think women are stupid"?
              Is that your tactic? Can't counter anything I actually say, and so have to just make up things and claim I said them? And you say 'I' have bad arguments?
              I said I have observed this, I have witnissed this, and I have experienced their idiocy.

              Being that I used to be a feminist myself, I know from both ends of the road on this subject and not just coming to a conclusion on this from one area of life.

              Like I said. I hate women, but I clearly implied that I am open to a woman showing me she is different. I have had many female friends, if not slightly more female friends. I know there are good women out there, but in general I have seen there aren't much.

              I do not hate my mother. She has done a lot for me and my family since I was a child.

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          • CheyChey

            Do you have any basis for an argument other than this princess mentality thing. My brain is quite alive, don't twist my words, Familiar with the term Never argue with a fool otherwise people will not know the're the fool not me (just to be clear) peter out.

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            • Oh, ofcourse, princess.

              Let me go through my paragraphs.

              1. Not mentioning the princess mentality at all, saying how you call people a keyboard warrior because someone dares speak their opinion on the opposite side of things to you.

              2. I mentioned how you could not understand something so simple.

              3. I mention how I no longer take women seriously at the start, and that they have to prove that they are not like the majority of females before I take them seriously.

              4. I mention how the majority of women I speak to can't grasp rationality. (How you responded to my previous reply just proves it).

              5. Princess mentality involved.

              6. Princess mentality involved.

              7. I call you princess, not mentioning the princess mentality. I explain how you're assumption to try to belittle me is a bad way to go given that I have had many women interested in me.

              8. The 'funny' part.

              9. I imply that you are implying that if sombody dares mention any flaw your gender has, then they need to "grow some balls".

              10. I mention how stupid it was of you to try debate with me due to you lacking rationality.

              Ok. So let me get this straight. Out of ten points/paragraphs, I only mention the princess mentality 'twice', yet "the princess mentality thing is all I have"? Again, you do nothing but prove my point.

              So yes, I have a lot of basis, simply because you choose not to acknowledge them because you can't answer them does not mean they are not there. Sorry, when it comes to debating with me, you don't get to avoid points and be seen as a rational being aswell. Doesn't work that way.

              Twisting your words? I am not twisting your words at all. I mentioned the inintentionally implied parts of your words. There is a difference. I don't expect you to understand that, though. Again, I don't give you that much credit. But please do show me where I 'twisted your words'.

              Ah, ofcourse. So you expect me to take you seriously, and you think you are the one 'winning' (no other way to describe it) this debate, yet all you have here is "You are wrong because I said so. You stupid. You stupid, because I said so".

              Let me get this straight. I make ten points, you can't answer any of them, you then make an excuse that is not at all valid and would only account for two of my points out of ten, still not answering any, then expect people to think you are the rational one here?

              Maybe this comes as a shock to you (no surprise), but in order to win a debate, you have to address your points 'and' the opposing debater's points. You have not been able to defend your own, or show mine wrong, and your response shows that. Where as me? I back up my points and prove yours wrong.
              Now, don't get me wrong, I know how you will respond. "You didn't prove my points wrong", and you will give no reason to suggest the reasons I said your points are wrong, as wrong. Yet you will still expect to be taken seriously.

              "You're stupid. I win because I said so". Get your stupid school-yard antics out of here. You have to be atleast average in rationality to compete with the IIN community, let alone me.

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        • Mr.T

          Once again, people are degrading women by not giving them enough credit. I've seen chicks mess dudes and other girls up before. In one fight, Girl 1 slammed girl 2's head into the hood of a car then started kicking her. It was awesome. Blood everywhere.

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      • Mr.T

        Not all men are stronger than women. A lot of men in my area don't work out because we really don't have any reason to. It's too damn hot. And there's a lot of Italians so quite a few men are the same size as the women. Nobody is giving women enough credit here. I've seen chicks mess guys up before. Blood everywhere. Though, there really aren't that many fights unless the kids from the town over start some shit.

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    • Mr.T

      Why do women get to hit men? If you think they can't throw a punch, you're incredibly sexist, even if you're a woman. If been hit by guys and girls. Girls can hit just as hard.

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  • ThisIsTotallyNotMe

    of course it is sexist to say boys cant hit girls but not to say that girls cant hit boys. but there is a reason for this attitude. it is built into our biology, just like men are less disgusted so they can handle the dirty work so women dont have to risk infection. sexism is natural
    that being said we are smart enough to go beyond our nature and personally i am just as likely to punch a girl as i would a boy. but that still isnt very likely, i have never gotten into a fight.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    I beat up chunli nearly everyday SPINNING BIRD KICK THAT YOU BITCH

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    • What character do you use?

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      • Terence_the_viking

        That oily dude.

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        • Hakan!! The Turkish wrestler

          I use akuma. I play on the iPhone version online too

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          • Terence_the_viking

            Yeah that's the one. I hate the iphone version it feels to wierd on those touch screen controls.

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  • eebean2

    If its playfighting, then sure hit. If its to cause harm, or demoralize her. Dont you dare even think bout it.

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    • Mr.T

      What is she throws the first punch? That's what I'm talking about.

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  • ccjigsaw

    Your teacher should have said "Girls can't hit boys" because that's how it's supposed to be. Noone should be hitting anyone. You're going to end up being one of those louisiana pig farmers that fed a dead woman to the pigs to cover the evidence that maybe women can't always stand up to a man. Just remember the 1st part, noone should be hittin anyone. When they say boys can't hit girls, oh they can! But they shouldn't. Same goes for women to men.

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    • Mr.T

      There was no reason to insult me. I didn't say it was right to go around starting shit with people, but sometimes someone else wants to do just that. The other day I was threatened by a guy who said he would punch my face in because I said hey in passing to his ex-girlfriend (who I was friends with way before they got together). I didn't want to fight so I just walked away, it's just the sexism of the philosophy that boys can never hit girls. I've seen quite a few chicks mess people up. No one ever gives women enough credit with physical ability.

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  • fartonmyface

    It solely depends on the boy and girl that are fighting. If 6'2 170 pound Christina who plays basketball were to fight 5'1 115 pound Richard who just goes home and plays video games all day, then yea I think Richard should be allowed to hit her for self defense.

    But if it were the opposite, such as 5'11 175 pound Cory who bench presses 300lbs getting in a physical fight with his petite gf...well you see where I'm going with this.

    To answer the question, men generally aren't allowed to hit women because they are bigger and stronger for the most part.

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  • If a woman wants to put herself in the position of a man and hit someone, prepare to get hit back. You aren't allowed to abuse someone just because you have a vagina. If a woman ever hits me like a man, I'll knock her fucking teeth out. That pushy "you can't hit me because I have tits" stuff pisses me off. I'll never hit someone without reason, but I'm also not a punching bag. Girls: If you don't want to get hit, DON'T HIT PEOPLE.

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    • I would make you bite a curb while I stomp your head just for being a nazi

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    As a girl, this mentality that you can't hit girls has always pissed me off. I don't know how many times my friends would be sparring and I'd wanna join and they wouldn't let me because they "can't hit me". I wanted to play too dammit D:

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    • dirtybirdy

      I agree with this...damn it.

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      • shade_ilmaendu

        I'll spar with you! Lemme find some sticks :D *engarde*

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        • dirtybirdy

          Ahhh...deadly night shade dares to challenge great crane. Let my whooping be felt...and heard throughout cyberspace :p

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  • KeddersPrincess

    Oh, sapiens! You always turn to violence to solve your problems.

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    • Mr.T

      Oonga boonga. What else we supposed to do? Rationalize? Haha. No make me laugh.

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  • GuessWho

    It's some sort of old-fashioned decency thing.
    If a girl tries to hit you, you should defend yourself without striking her back. (e.g. block, dodge, pin her down, etc.)

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  • Short&2thepoint

    Honestly, I don't believe in hitting girls. Unless the bitch hits me first, and is twice my size. THEN it's on. Generally a girl isn't fast enough to hit me... they're pretty lame where I come from . .-.

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