Is it normal for a guy to have a large thigh gap

I've only heard of women having/wanting thigh gaps. I feel like I have a woman's body. It's gross.

I just checked and if I press my knees together (when my legs are bent; I can't touch my knees if they're straightened) the gap is about 1.5 inch.

is this normal? or is there something wrong with my legs or hip?

Voting Results
69% Normal
Based on 13 votes (9 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • SkullsNRoses

    Dude. If you’re having to bend your knees in and squat down to find flaws in your body the problem isn’t your body but your attitude.

    No-one cares if you have a thigh gap. There’s certainly nothing “disgusting” about it. The fact that you have fixated on this frankly obscure perceived “flaw” suggests that you are hypercritical of yourself, something that will only rob you of joy in the long run.

    It will take time to break the cycle of being your own harshest critic but to start I would advise you stop squatting down infront of the mirror and (weird as it may feel) force yourself to list three things you actually like about your appearance.

    No-one’s going to swoop into your life one day and tell you that you’re worthy, you have to build that confidence yourself.

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    • Boojum


      Wise words.

      Fretting about one's appearance is normal for teens. As we go through that phase, most are concerned about fitting in and conforming to whatever's currently considered the definition of attractiveness. An important part of growing up is recognising that the vast majority of people really don't care much about what we look like - often because they're too preoccupied with worrying about what _they_ look like. Anyone who does pass judgement and comments on our appearance is only flagging themselves up as the sort of superficial person we shouldn't spend time with or give any respect to.

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  • sun-tanning

    I don't understand what you mean. You put your knees together and bend them and your thighs don't touch? That sounds unlikely even for women.

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  • chrysocolla

    If you look like a female you're all set in life. You're already more attractive than 90% of men.

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    • sun-tanning

      That's funny. I once knew a hot girl who said my butt looked just like hers. I took that as a compliment cause her butt was yummy.

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  • Aethylfritha

    It could be

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  • dappled

    Don't worry about it. It's ridiculous and not sometbing any sane person should consider.

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