Is it normal for a guy to play video games as a girl character?

I'm a straight guy, but whenever I play video games that you can choose gender I almost always play as a girl. I know most straight guys think it's gay but I find playing as a male character is often boring and is more entertaining to play as a female. So IIN?

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Comments ( 15 )
  • darkmagneto

    I agree. Strong and talented girls are fun to play as in video games. The guy characters tend to be generic, but the female ones are more cunning for some reason.

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  • perfectly normaL to mix to up, girls play as guys, hope you enjoy it

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  • Internecine

    I play equally as often as either gender. How's it gay? They're my characters; they're not me. Also, what could be less gay than a straight guy liking girl characters?

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  • doxies4life

    I find playing as female shepard from mass effect to be more fun than playing as a guy.

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  • Andyen

    I always play a girl in RPG and games like Blizzard game and such. I'd rather watch the backend of a female for hours instead of a guy. Plus they loook cooler, plus they sound cool. I dunno but a woman warrior in little armor is more my kind of character, then a sweating beefy man in full suited armor :P

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  • Charzard

    Dude i know how you feel i would look at a girls ass than a dudes seriously that is something to think about i mean come on if your a guy would you prefer a guy's ass or a girl's? I choose the girl i play RuneScape and i play as a female there is nothing wrong about a guy wanting to play as a girl

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  • spoon4d

    i play Fallout 3 and New Vegas sometimes as a female character , and the dialogue i can choose prooves that women can make a man do anything :D + plus pc version has some pretty spicy mods

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  • DefinitelyNotNormal89

    I played the whole of Saints Row 2 as a muscular black guy...and I fancied him.

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  • mut8ed1

    If you play female on MMORPGs, you get a lot more guild invites.

    Girl toons are a great way to manipulate lonely geeks.

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  • A lot of guys in the Soul Calibur community use a female character as their main or a sub-main, it's indicative of nothing.

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    • TheLogicalJew

      Exactly! But thats different. I myself am a positively huge Soul Calibur fan, but I don't think the gender of somebody's preferred or main or best (you get what I mean) character actually means much anything in a game like that. All of the characters have different fighting styles and different weapons. If someone is a guy but normally plays as a girl, that generally just indicates that they prefer that characters fighting style and weapon. I am a guy, and I mainly play as Kilk, but I sometimes play as Taki or other female characters. I don't think that indicates anything in the older versions of the game, in the newer versions I think it only indicates that somebody doesn't want to take the time to create their own character. On a side note I am kinda peeved that I can't really use some of the characters I was good with a while back... I have soul calibur II for gamecube and recently bought soul calibur 4, I can't use voldo anymore and have a lot of trouble with Ivy.
      Anyways, in mmorps, I still don't think it indicates much anything. I once read a statistic regarding how most female gamers play as male characters, and I can't blame them. People have a tendancy to pester female characters under the assumption that they are girls in real life.

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  • rayst

    Well when i can create a character i will choose one id like to be. I have tried picking girl characters but didnt like them as much as guys. Most of the times you see a girl character in a multiplayer game, you know its a guy that just wants attention.

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  • DannyKanes

    Sometimes, playing as the female character, has a different story unfold out. Clear example of this is the differences in story between Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine in the first Resident Evil

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  • I-heart-u

    This does sound a little perverted lol

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  • TyLee

    You are a pervert shame on you!

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