Is it normal for a man to wear short shorts in public?

Is it normal for a male to wear short shorts in public? I love denim daisy dukes, tight volleyball shorts, stretchy swimwear (which a girlfriend of mine called them my "glorified underwear" and even old style buruma. I wear all of those around my family at home and they are used to it. I have the urge all the time to just tuck my butt into one or any of these and wear them every day. Not just at the beach but in most public places and settings. I want to drop the inhibitions and just strut my legs and my curvy butt in public in any of those bottoms. Most of my girlfriends and even some male friends say I look hot in them but honestly what "need" would be for that at the CVS? It's hard for me to find a place to flaunt it in this modern culture. I have worn them at the beach with minimal criticisms and even some flattering looks from girls but I can't find a place where I would notcftbe called horrible names ("faggot" or whatever) Do I need to relocate to for instance Vegas or a San Fran? It seems like an awkward thing to do in my hometown. Or is it just crazy in general? My girlfriends love me in them but sometimes I think they are just saying it for shallow flattery. I have no idea what setting to wear them at these odays. I would just love to have my legs and my booty on display more often. Where does one begin to open up about it?

Yes but don't overdo it 2
Yes! 4
Only occasionally 0
No 3
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Comments ( 7 )
  • Yaidin

    Don't be that guy that moves town just to wear short shorts.

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  • ospry

    My guy, you could be Dwayne Johnson and the amount of overconfidence in this post would still be outrageous. Get over yourself, your ass isn't the center of the universe and it's probably a 6/10 in reality

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  • KholatKhult

    It is made very clear you do this as a fetish.
    Subjecting strangers to your fetish out in the public is highly inappropriate and immoral. So no, not normal. Learn some decency and how to behave politely, or it will be taught to you

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    The way you say it sounds gay af. How you keep mentioning how it makes your booty look.

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    I think guys look vain and effeminate in them showing off their hairy legs.

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  • Somenormie

    Who doesn't?

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    • Phoenix23

      At least in my world it's the girls that wear them while the men have to be "macho".

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